
Tainted Salvation

In the Kingdom of Galsbourg, Rainier Hansen ruled as an absolute Tyrant. Having known nothing but loneliness and power, he's used to getting what he wants. He felt that his days all blurred into one infinite hollow of duties and boredom until he randomly traveled worlds and stumbled upon a certain carefree female detective, Gwen Hamilton. Soon, she turned out to be his obsession. He had always got his wishes, and that year, he decided he'd present himself a queen. Warning: Mature content

LadyAzalea · Urban
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Somewhere I Belong 2

Author's Note: PG-13 for violence


They put on her makeup, styled her hair to a low chignon, and put a crown on her head. They then put a set of jewels on her, sprayed her with perfume, and declared she was ready.

"Excellent. Let's go" Rainier said, grabbing her hand and leading her out of the room.

"Don't think of running away. Whoever helps you escape will be sentenced to death."

Needless to say, she pulled her hand back. In turn, he pulled harder.

"Where are you taking me???"

"My throne room."

They went out of the bedroom, and as they walked through a spacious hallway, Gwen realized that it was indeed a... palace.

They're not at the Presidential Palace, right?

She's too busy staring around that she tripped on her own high heels and gown.

But he caught her before she could fall.

For a second, they stared at each other, his hand on her back, and they were a breath apart.

He could see the fury flashing in her eyes before she actually shoved him away.

There had to be a dozen guards around them, not to mention the courtiers behind them. Somehow Gwen swallowed her screams and let them pass, as Rainier pulled her back to her feet.

"Just follow me, then."

Soon, they emerged outside a grand door, only to face another palace. An older one, in ancient, grand architecture, breathing history with every second passed.

A large group of guards marched in their direction, all in the same black suit, doing their rounds.

And seeing that everyone was distracted, Gwen slipped between the guards and bolted.

She took off her high heels and then ran.

She ran as fast as she could, but of course, was caught after two minutes.

Rainier was still standing in front of the old palace, looking mad but also amused.

"It's not the right time for a jog, Dear" he commented, his voice dripping in cold sarcasm. "We have photos to take."

"Please stop this game! Let me go home!!!"

She was practically yelling at him, and all the courtiers gaped at her. Even the highly disciplined guards turned to her.

Would she be beheaded right that instant?

"I shouldn't return the gun to you earlier" the King exclaimed to his Captain of the guards, Jake, who handed him the gun again.

"Be a good girl, My Lady, go inside my throne room, take proper pictures with me, and no one has to get hurt."


"Come here."

"Give me back my life!!!"

"This is your life now. The sooner you accept it, the better."

Gwen wanted to scream her lungs out. She's wearing a stupid gown and a crown, and there's a guy who's holding a gun in front of her, who had kidnapped her and brought her to a strange complex of palaces, and he liked to think he was a King.

She was too tired of everything, so she turned around, in the direction of the bedroom she just left. She heard the gun being cocked and half-hoped that it was for her. If he killed her, it's not her fault. She wouldn't feel guilty to her father.

When she heard the gunshot and felt no pain, she turned around.

Rainier just shot the shoulder of the guard nearest to her.

He made a painful sound and fell to the ground.

Blood poured from his shoulder, and he pressed it.

Gwen felt her whole body become cold, then she ran to Rainier and hit him with her bare hands.


Rainier held her hands steadily as if her hits meant nothing.

"Because you wouldn't listen. Now, are you going to listen?"

When he pulled her hand again, she didn't resist, although she kept turning her head to see the guard that was shot being carried somewhere. Hopefully to a hospital.

"He'll live," he said nonchalantly.

"You just hurt an innocent person!!!"

"Then you should have listened to me."

"You're the one who--"

She stopped midway because she saw that it was indeed a throne room, with a throne from polished oakwood on top of the wide dais, portraits of people wearing the King's robe with a military suit and medals all over, two dozen of chairs behind long tables, and a red carpet in the middle of the room.

"What is this place???"

"I've told you, my throne room."

He led her to the throne. It's big enough for two people to sit, so she was made to sit there.

It was getting frightfully believable, this whole role-playing game. Everyone seemed to obey his will, bowing and treating him with mad respect that she couldn't believe he deserved.

Sally wiped Gwen's feet and helped her put her high heels back on. Tae Eul was freaking out actually, she would never let anyone help her put on her shoes, but her brain was too wired to complain about that.

The makeup artist retouched her makeup and tidied her hair, which became a little messy after her escape stunt earlier.

She then realized there was a photographer in front of them, with his crew.

Who are they going to take photos of, she wondered?

"We're ready when you're ready, Your Majesties."

"Yes, you can start now."

The camera flashed and took their pictures many times.

"What is this for???"

"I'll tell you when it's done."


"Be quiet."

"Sir, please stand up and stand next to the throne. Madam, please sit near His Majesty."

Rainier got up and stood beside the throne. He had to pull her elbow so she sat where she was supposed to be.

He put a hand on her shoulder, and she flinched, before pushing it aside.

He just simply did it again, and the photographer took the picture.

They looked fantastic together.

He was wearing his formal uniform and all his medal of honors, with his formal sash. She also wore a formal sash, although she didn't understand the meaning.

"Would you like to see the pictures first, Sir?"


He saw the pictures on the photographer's camera and nodded. "These are great."

"Would you like to take more pictures?"

"Just the Queen. Sitting on the throne and standing up."

"Yes, Sir."

She still didn't understand any of this, yet she remembered the way he randomly shot a guard earlier. She felt that if she didn't listen this time, he'd shoot the photographer.

So she listened when the photographer asked her to sit in the middle of the throne, then stand up near the flag of something she didn't recognize. Rainier then checked the pictures again and approved them.

"Send this to the Royal Public Affairs immediately."

"Right away, Sir."

When the photographer and his crew tidied up and prepared to leave, Gwen left the dais and asked once more, "What are the pictures for?"

"To announce our wedding."

She was surprised she hadn't died on the spot.

"Wedding? What wedding? I never married you!!!"

"Yes, you did."


"Last night."


"It was because I said so."


"We're married. You're my queen."

"I never signed anything!!!"

"There's no need. I'm the law here."


Two dozen of his guards witnessed Gwen cursing him, excluding the courtiers. It was the first time in his life someone had ever insulted him right in front of him, and he didn't even seem disturbed by it.

"Stop screaming, it will not change anything."

He walked to her, and she walked back, just to put some distance between them. He came closer until her back hit a small marble table.

On it was displayed a pair of jade vases. Between them was a glass case, with a sword inside it. Sudden, utter desperation hit her, so she took a vase, broke the glass case, grabbed the sword, and unsheathed it.

When she held the sword with her two hands, the guards ran forward and pointed their guns at her.

Meanwhile, Rainier laughed.

"My, my. You are indeed interesting."

Gwen didn't know how to wield a sword. She learnt Taekwondo, not Kendo. But she knew that the sharp edge would hurt anyone.

"Whoever hurts the Queen will die today, along with all his family members."

The guards put their guns back in their vests.

"She's mine," he announced, unsheathing his own sword.

Gwen didn't realize it before. Rainier was carrying his sword since he was wearing his formal uniform.

"Let's play," he smiled, as Gwen held the sword high and took off her high heels, then ran to attack him, wishing she could hurt him, make him bleed, and cause him some pain, even for only a fraction of what she was feeling.

He's too much of an expert in swordsmanship to be bothered by her attack. He would have been able to defend himself against her with his eyes closed. After all, he had trained since he was merely five years old.

Closing his eyes would have been a massive waste, though. She's all fire and anger, exploding right in front of him.

He had seen countless women. Slept with so many of them. Yet no one had such a fire within themselves, such life and spirit.

She's practically chasing him around his own throne room with a sword, wielding it wildly, set to hurt him. He and everyone in the room knew she would lose in the end. It didn't dampen her spirit, though. It didn't stop her from trying her best, her gown swishing around her, her chignon loosening.

When was the last time I felt this alive, he thought, as if each second was his last?

It dawned upon him, right when she moved forward and made a big slash with her sword.

He felt the most alive for the first time in a long time, probably since he killed Dominique, last night. Last night, with her, he had felt most alive.

Instead of meeting her sword with his, he caught her hands after throwing his own sword to the ground. It was easy. Much too easy. He had trained with swordsmen that could move as if they were one with the wind.

They stared at each other for a while. She was breathing hard due to her effort in attacking him, and he looked at her like he wanted to eat her whole, furious eyes and her shocked soul included, in one quick feast.

And that's exactly what he decided to do.


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