
Tainted Crown

Humans. Complex creatures that were entirely unprepared for what would become known as The Darwin Calamity. On the same day as the first gate to a Darwin Tower mysteriously appeared, every human aged 16 and over received the Evolution System. Superpowers became the norm, and only the towers contained the means for further evolution. Seth Rice has been struggling with his power for years. But something is about to change. Villains are boldly roaming the streets as civil unrest grows. The world becomes more dangerous as someone makes their moves behind the scenes. What will Seth do when he receives a strange note pointing to a mysterious, unregistered tower? Prepare yourself for a darker society in what should be a Golden Age of Superheroes. Can humanity survive rapid evolution?

Antihero · Urbain
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4 Chs

Failure and Acceptance (Part 2)

It took Robert several minutes to calm the distressed teens down. Especially the girl on the ground cradling Ethan's corpse to her chest. He shook his head as he prepared himself to ask the question that had to be asked.

"It's all his fault!" A boy with greasy dark hair shouted as he pointed at Seth. "You said he's a healer! But he's actually a manipulator! We all saw it! He wasted energy toying with Becky while she was unconscious! That guy was too busy enjoying his control over someone else. That's why Ethan is dead!"

Robert revealed a disgusted expression as he looked at the angry teen. However, the damage had already been done. What he had been afraid of came to pass because of the thoughtless words of a teenager.

"Why did you bring a filthy manipulator!"

"I'm lodging a complaint!"

"Someone like him should be kept in a cage!"

"I thought it was illegal for his kind to level up!"

Seth hung his head as the barrage of insults pounded down on him. His fists trembled as he reminded himself they had good reasons to fear his ability. When the system first appeared, too many people who could control others used their powers in horrendous ways.

It became impossible to tell if someone was acting on their own or being forced to do something. So it had become natural to fear anyone who could take control of others in any way.

"That's enough!" Robert growled as the coldness of his tone forced the tees to be quiet. His gaze wandered from face to face as he let out a long sigh. He ran a hand through his hair as he took a long breath. "You're right. Mr Rice has an ability that can be classed as a manipulation type."

His cold glare stopped the teens before they could start up again as they felt validated by his statement. "However, the manipulation element of his ability has been deemed a by-product of the physical manifestation of his healing power. So no, I did not lie to you. Mr Rice is indeed a healer."

"If you must know, his ability can also be used as an offensive or defensive power. Technically speaking, his is an Omni Class power."

Seth heard the surprised gasps and saw the shock on their faces as they eyed him warily. He tried so desperately to prevent this secret from being found out. However, he couldn't just sit back earlier and let the girl die.

"But, if he has an Omni class ability..." Rachael said before swallowing. In the end, she couldn't bring herself to say anymore.

"That's right." Robert nodded. He knew what she wanted to say. "Besides. You all saw that he used the manipulation part of his ability to protect the life of someone who could no longer protect herself."

Several heads hung in shame, while others still threw Seth looks of disgust. Robert could only shake his head at that. Those who understood Seth's potential for the future were the ones who looked ashamed. However, those still looking at him in disgust had deep prejudices against manipulator types or were simply jealous.

"I'm sorry that we lost Ethan, but death is part of the parcel with the towers." Robert smiled softly. "You'll see plenty more if you stick with raiding them."

Robert paused for a bit to let his words sink in. "Now, I know this is hard, but I have to ask you all a question. Do we continue? Or do you want to quit and give up on the tower's rewards?"

Seth sighed as he noticed the teens considering the question. It seemed that Robert had successfully defused the situation. However, Seth knew there would still be an investigation into the matter. The Office of Darwin Affairs didn't take manipulation cases lightly.

"I think we should continue," Rachael said in a low voice. "I mean, if we don't, then Ethan died for nothing."

The others seemed to chew on her words for a moment. However, there were a few that gave voice to wanting to quit. Seth could understand their decision. The fame, wealth, and celebrity status of those who levelled up was insane.

It made this lifestyle appear glamorous to these youths. However, now they were facing reality. They understood now how dangerous this path was. Not everyone was cut out for it.

"Ok, everyone who wants to leave, go right ahead. We cleared the first floor, so you'll be fine." Robert sighed as they slowly shifted off, including the girl who carried Ethan's corpse. "Now, the rest of us will continue on. Let me make this clear. Nobody is responsible for your lives except yourself."

"I'm here as a safeguard, but as you saw, there can be situations where I can't protect everyone." Robert allowed himself to smile to lighten the mood. "However, this is a white tower. Which means the boss is on the next level. Usually, the boss has a mixture of the abilities found on the other floors. So it'll be able to turn invisible and accelerate quickly."

Seth watched the teens' expressions turn grim at Robert's statement. Contrary to their expectations, Robert chuckled.

"There's no need to be so tense. The boss will be alone in a white tower. It has no chance of getting past me." Robert paused as he studied those who remained. "The greatest danger to you is exploring this floor. Keep your eyes peeled for any more flocks of swifties."

Seth nodded from next to him. 'What Robert isn't telling them is that was a large flock he just dealt with. Every swifty likely gathered for a single assault. He doesn't want them to get complacent.' Seth's legs trembled as he attempted to follow Robert, who had set off in search of the stairs to the upper floor.

The teens remained tense as over an hour passed without any signs of more enemies. Seth found the search of the meadow to be a pleasant experience with the warm air and gentle breeze. Or he would have if Ethan's death didn't loom over his mood.

Eventually, their group discovered the platform and performed the exchange for the stairs to appear. There was a subtle tension in the air. The next floor would allow the teens to witness a boss in action for the first time. All their arrogance from before entering the tower's gate was long gone.

"Ok, I'll be going up first," Robert said as his face became a mask of determination.

Seth couldn't help but admire Robert's attitude. Even though he was far more powerful than the boss, he would treat the fight seriously. Arrogance wasn't in the young man's dictionary as he slowly ascended the staircase.

"Ok, let's go," Seth said after they waited for several seconds.

However, the teens seemed reluctant to move. When he shot them a questioning gaze, it was Rachael who provided an answer.

"Shouldn't we give him a bit longer? It's only been a few seconds."

"If you want to wait, feel free." Seth shrugged. "But you'll probably miss the end of the fight if you do. This'll likely be your only chance to gain the experience of a boss fight without putting your lives on the line."

Seth didn't wait for a response as he quickly took the steps two at a time. Before Rachael or the others could say anything more, he was already stepping onto the third floor.

The familiar feeling of vertigo swiftly passed as loud squawks and the sound of bones breaking filled the air. A stiff wind swept over Seth's body, almost causing him to fall over. 'Damn, I hate heights!'

The third floor turned out to be a giant nest perched atop a giant tree! Seth gulped as he saw the clouds far below from over the edge. He really hoped that nothing would happen to throw him over the side as he strained his eyes.

Just as the others arrived, Seth managed to track down two blurred figures colliding and separating. 'Figures. The boss's body stat, combined with its acceleration skill, makes it too difficult to follow. This isn't a fight they can learn anything from. If the boss had been slower, Robert could've taken it easier so we could watch.'

Seth sighed as he sat down and shook his head. There was nothing to do but wait for Robert to take the boss down.

Rachael and the others remained on their feet, their jaws dropping from the sounds and difficulty following the battle. Seth couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at their wonder. Luckily, they didn't need to wait too long as the body of a car-sized bird crashed onto the nest.

A few teens yelped when they could finally see the size of the boss. 'I guess they figured it would be small like the ones we fought to get here.' It was a fair assumption, but the towers seemed to be designed to test humans. They constantly forced those who raided them to adapt and go beyond.

"Ok, group up," Robert said as he appeared next to them. "Don't worry, we don't need to dig around for a gem inside that thing. In a few moments, another staircase will appear that leads to the rewards room."

The teens mumbled among themselves. Seth knew they had found the boss fight to be anticlimactic compared to the stress of the previous fight. However, in Seth's opinion, those were the best fights. It didn't take the teens long to get over what they considered to be a disappointing show, even though they had watched it in wonder.

Soon, they were all discussing what they would buy from the system's store with their share.