
Systems: Strongest

The year is 2300. The world starts changing as gates started appearing all around the world. These gates gave occurrences of super powered abilities in humans. As the population grows and more and more generations of super powers come, people of higher authority started a system called, 'The gates rankings'. These people who joined the system earn money by going into the gates or portals and defeating the monsters that lurk inside. Hiroto Saito became an adventurer of the system, but is extremely weak. His small frail body can't handle the pressure of adventuring, having to depend on joining guilds to help him make money by other expense. People call him, "weak" and "useless" for his dependency, however, one thing Hiroto has that nobody in the world has is knowledge of the gates and the future outcomes. After dying once already, Hiroto restarted, but died once again. Thinking he will pass on peacefully, he's wrong. He gains the chance to grow stronger, more stronger than the worlds strongest adventurer. He takes that chance, not knowing the obstacles of becoming more stronger by the minute. How will he deal with the gates? And how will he save humanity from the future that is bound to come?

AnaBananah · Fantaisie
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21 Chs


"Please fasten your seatbelts, put your bigger devices inside your bags such as computers as we will be landing shortly."

The announcer said, waking me up.

"Huh?" I said, reluctantly opening my eyes, looking outside of the airplane's window, as I see the moon shining bright in front of me lighting the night sky.

Hello readers, it's been a while, hasn't it? If you didn't know by now, my mother signed me up for a school which specializes in creating great adventurers from scratch, apparently.

I was reluctant, but I agreed anyway, since my mother already paid in advance.

Considering how the school is set inside Japan, I'm inside an airplane, flying from New York to Japan.

I don't know what to expect from this experience, as I just turned 18, but if my mother says it's good, I'll expect tons from it.

'Ahem, System, how long until we land?'

<<Approximately 15 minutes, however 10 minutes for every passenger to take their carry on luggage off the plane, increasing the time to when you leave the plane 25 minutes, meaning you will be out and about at 9:45pm or 21:45.>>

'Alright, thanks.'

I was quite young when I left Japan, but I still remember how to speak it, which is great.

'Now, let's get to the main part,' I say inside my thoughts, quite seriously.

'My mother said she paid in advance for the school, discussing that it was quite prestigious, but she told me the amount of money it cost to get in and important other requirements.'

I close my eyes to think.

'Around 13,000$ for getting in, 5,000$ every month for dormitory and I'll be staying there for a year?'.'

I open my eyes.

'Which is 73,000$ total'

Now I'm confused, why would I need a dorm if I'm just going to school once out of the whole week?

'The cost is quite terrifying too. Why that much money?'

All these questions remained in my head, stuck. However, I found out the reason as I got off the plane and got my luggage.

I look around baggage claim, looking left and right, as for now, the school never mentioned I was getting to the dormitory.

I guess one of the passengers who was sitting near me saw me struggling and came up to me, tugging at my shirt.


(Hello mister. Can I help you with something?)

I looked at the person who was talking, it was a female, who looked to be the same age as me.

Her hair was long and silky and the color of it was a bright silver, brighter than the moon.

She had a slender body, with lean muscles and nice sized breasts. Her face was very charming.

I was wondering why she came from New York if she was only able to speak Japanese. I would assume she lived in Japan her whole life, she sounded very fluent, very native.

However, my assumptions were wrong.

She stopped holding onto my shirt and looked me into the eyes as me and her were the same height.

She spoke again, but this time, in English.

"Ah. Can you only speak English instead?"

I snap out of my daze.

"A-ah! I apologize. I am fluent in both, I can speak Japanese and English."

"Oh, yes. I am sorry, I came up to you because you seem to be looking for something, do you need some help?"

"Yes, please." I say it directly.

I take out my phone, showing her the school I'm going to and the dorms I'm going to.

She opens her eyes widely.

Only after a few seconds, she looks up at me in some kind of shocked, happy, weirded out kind of expression.

"I'm glad you're going towards this place! Because I'm also going to this school!"

I follow after her with a surprised expression.

"Seriously!?" I say excitedly.

"Yes! Don't worry, you just need to follow me!"

She starts walking off, she looks back, signaling me to follow her.

I rush over to her side.

As we walk for around 10 minutes, we talked about school our classes and we introduced ourselves on the way.

"My name is Hiroto Saito. Hiroto is my first name."

"Nice to meet you, Saito. My name is Shizuku Haywood. Shizuku is my first name"

"Yes. It is also nice to meet you, Haywood. Thanks for helping me, I was nervous that I might not be able to get into the school if I didn't follow some kind of directions."

"It's true. You need to be someone from the school to get inside the school. Which is why we are on the way to meet the people assigned to pick us up."

"Oh really? That's new, thanks." I say with a thumbs up.

"No problem. And also feel free to call me by my first name, Shizuku. I am quite fond of you, so it is alright"

"Oh, really? What an honor to be of interest from you, my majesty" I joke around.

However, Shizuku looks at me strangely. As if it was quite un-normal for someone to not be honored to use her name,

"You really don't know my family?" She muttered.

"Huh? I couldn't hear that quite right" I asked her.

She looked back from me and looked forward to the direction of our destination.

"No, it's nothing"

"… Alright. Uhmm, I have a question. For this school, why is it expensive to live in 1 dorm for a month if we only go to school once every week?"

"What do you mean? School is 5 day a week, like normal." She asked in a confused manner.

"Huh? But my mother said it was only once every week." I say, confused also.

She grins. "Then your mother must have been lying to you."

"Wah?… Ughh, that sounds like her." I say, palming my face.

She smirks and laughs. "Hahaha, have you been somewhat of a bad boy?"

I look down. "I guess"

"Oof, that's not good. Better pull it together." She says grinning.

I rolled my eyes, but gave off a smile.

We made it to the place where we are supposed to be picked up.

I saw someone carrying a sign saying, "サイト ヒロト"

"Saito Hiroto"

Shizuku runs off to the person holding her sign, before getting, she says,

"See ya' at school, Hiroto!" Waving.

"Yeah!" I yell back, getting into my car.

I drove off first as I had less luggage than her.

I get in my car, my caretakers are still putting my luggage inside the trunk and I watch the car of a new friend I made, Hiroto Saito, drive off to the same school I'm going to.

'What a weird guy…'


The trunk closes and my bodyguard, Clare, gets into the driver seat

She adjusts the mirror as she sees my face, as I have a dreamy, cheerful expression on my face despite how late it is in the night.

"Who was that boy, my lady?" Clare asks.

I smile bigger.

"Just a friend" I say joyfully.

Clare puts on a more serious face.

"Or maybe he's taking advantage of you, after all, you are a Haywood"

"No, he had no idea" I say satisfied.

'That is what makes Hiroto special, after all.'

I grin from ear to ear, knowing tomorrow is the first day off school.

I'm actually an American-Japanese. So I just wanted to show off and added some characters and add some of the language in. However, if I added mistakes, please tell me!


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