
System's Origin

Our SI gets fished out from River of Reincarnation by Supreme Being Merlin and given some boons for his journey. ______ It's another story from me. Which means I am going to re-heat the previous plots I used and I am going to add some pepper on it before serving. This thing has a useless system, multiverse, harems, god awful romance to the point people will pay me to stop writing and no action scenes what so ever. So just warning beforehand. Planned worlds: Assassin's Creed: Too short. Crysis. The Prototype. Cultivation Chat Group: Just going to get Karmic Virtue High School of the Dead. Witcher. My Hero Academia. RWBY DxD Naruto Fate Stay Night. I am planning to add more stuff later...

TurkishJesus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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83 Chs

Chapter #1

Hello there my readers, why are you here? This ain't even a good book. I mean there has to be something better than reading this... I am not even sure if I can finish this story to be honest which is why I am kind of reluctant to publish it.

Also the first volume is kind of trash since I wanted things from those worlds but didn't want to stay in them or get waifus from them... So yeah.


An abnormal soul was drifting across the river of reincarnation, his abnormality was that he held a blueish golden crystal at his core, seemingly storing something inside.

This allowed the soul to keep his memories and some other unknown traits like talents and genetic gifts and much more, not that he would know.

Unfortunately, the Law of Reincarnation is not merciful towards such cases and would not hesitate to crush such abnormalities.

Normally the crystal would have been enough to protect the soul long enough for it to reincarnate but the crystal itself is not fully operational.

So, the soul was thrown to a random life destined to end prematurely. This would get rid of the anomaly with minimal energy expenditure.


A baby was born in the Dawn Hospital and became the talk of the day because he kept glaring at the hospital staff like they stole his candy.

While others found it rather cute, the baby in question was not feeling the same.

'Fuck! I was just having the best sleep of my life but it turns out I was dead.' The newborn thought.

He was another office plankton with dead dreams and even a deader social life, completely average.

The only thing that was not average was his looks but that was because his looks were below average.

Since the novelty of reincarnation had worn off the moment he got slapped like a bitch after birth, the baby was thinking about what to do with his new life.

'Being able to see clearly is definitely not normal, but the hospital doesn't look any different than my previous life. My new mother's smartphone is actually a model I recognize.' The baby observed.

Gathering all the evidence he could gather, the fresh minted reincarnator had concluded that he reincarnated into a world that is similar to his previous one if not the same.

His ability to see and hear clearly might be a side effect of his reincarnation, still he can't be sure.

He naturally couldn't be sure about his conclusion but even if there was something different from his previous world. Why would it matter to him?

His dreams died while he worked himself to the bone, not even reincarnation can re-ignite the will to live in him.

He can only keep surviving like he had done for the last ten years of his life since he couldn't end it himself.

It is truly ridiculous, he doesn't want to live yet he doesn't want to die either, maybe that was the reason his life had not gotten any better.

'Everything aside, what is my name in this life?'

It was strange for him since he expected to be named right away like in the novels, also his mother had not even glanced at him ever since he woke up.

He had to cry in order to drink some milk but after that he was put back in his crib while his mother went back to her phone.

She didn't even properly look at him. He has yet to see a father figure, he figured that his mother was trying to reach his father.

'Am I going to lose my father in this life? Well, single parent would give me more breathing room...' A screech cut his thoughts short.

"What do you mean you're not taking responsibility!?" It was the mother's voice.

'Aw shit, family drama is just what I needed...'

"I don't give a damn about the restraining order, I am the mother of your child. You can't get rid of me."

'Okay... This is getting weird.'

"Fine. Fuck you too!" The woman threw the phone to the wall and got off the bed.

Uncaring of her pain, she started to walk towards the crib.

"Nine months wasted carrying this trash, fuck!" She yelled as she moved.

Her expression of despair mixed with determination sent shivers down the baby's spine.

'I can feel something terrible is about to happen.'

Unfortunately being a newborn also meant no mobility. All he had was better sensory perception compared to a regular baby.

"Well, since Plan: Child Support has failed. Plan: Prison is better than being homeless must succeed." Saying all of these in one breath, the crazy woman took a breath to calm herself.

She started to caress the baby's head and kept speaking. "Such a pity, you look like your father. You would have certainly become a lady-killer like him. Maybe in the next life."

Meanwhile, the baby in question couldn't even tremble from the shock he is going through.

'Out of all the things I had wished. Why did my death wish come true!?' He was still resentful as his new mother cracked his neck, killing him instantly.


The soul had returned to the river of reincarnation, his crystal had some cracks on it but shone brighter than the last time he was here.

Seeing the soul coming out not only relatively fine but also brighter, the river stilled for a second to look into what happened.

The soul actually had a death wish and the Law of Reincarnation made it happen. This resulted in the soul getting stronger since it had less regrets.

The river surged with fury, furious at itself for making such a small mistake and knocked the soul out of the Human Path to Animal Path.

Surely dying a horrible death as an animal would break him... Eventually.


The reincarnator woke up in darkness, scared and confused.

'Did I reincarnate as a fetus? Am I going to get aborted this time?' His reasoning was not crazy considering his track record.

'Man, I kinda feel claustrophobic and I have this nagging feeling telling me to peck the darkness... Wait, peck?' That thought chilled his mind yet, he still started pecking.

More he hit his head towards the darkness, the worse he felt because he started to feel his new body and especially his beak and how he broke his egg.

'Did I become a chicken?' He pecked with more speed, he wanted to get out as fast as possible.

Once he got out, his unnatural eyesight allowed him to recognize his surroundings.

The place he was in filled with many chicks that just came out of their eggs and walking around aimlessly.

'This is definitely a factory, an egg factory most likely considering the logo on the wall...' He thought.

His train of thought stopped as he remembered a Facebook post about what happens to male chicks in such factories.

'Right! There's no way what I saw on Facebook is true. I mean who would believe that...' The soul was in for a rude awakening.


The soul appeared on the river of Reincarnation once more, this time his crystal was covered in cracks and his light dim.

He looked like even a random gust of wind could smash him into dust.

The river flowed joyfully seeing his condition and guided him towards his last destination.

At that moment the soul got stuck on something that looked like fish bait.

River stopped after seeing this as the owner of the fishing rod pulled the soul out of the river.

"Ohohoho! Gabriel, I caught another one." Hearing that infuriating voice, the river boiled yet did nothing.

After all, nothing good comes out of fighting with your creator.


The soul woke up once more, ready to face another horrible death while hoping it won't be worse than the grinder.

Yet, all he saw was a field of flowers and a floating tower, the scenery looked like it came out of a fantasy book taking his breath away.

Looking around he noticed two people arguing. A blonde woman with twelve white wings and massive breasts and a man with long purplish white hair that dressed like a wizard.

The woman was pulling the man's ear as she reprimanded him about messing with the balance of life and death.

A jolt ran through his mind, he could finally remember the identities of the two.

One could not blame him, his memory storage was cracked, even if you consider that he didn't lose anything his memory would be shaky at best.

Considering he doesn't even remember his name at the moment, his losses might be grave.

Ignoring the things he could not recover, the soul focused on Merlin and Gabriel.

They stopped their argument the moment he recognized them and were observing him.

"Well, now that you came to yourself, allow me to explain your situation." Merlin said as he waved his hand, creating a chair made of vines.

The soul nodded and sat down, he was eager to learn about his condition and hopefully he could ask them to recover what he has lost.

"First of all, as the creator of this omniverse, I want to clarify that we are not responsible for your condition. You are a natural anomaly, we come across souls like you on a daily basis.

You are an anomaly because you are different from standard souls but your situation happened due to natural causes. Perfection is impossible to achieve and souls like you pop up regularly.

You somehow developed a resistance towards the Law of Reincarnation by partially awakening your Origin.

Which allows you to keep your memories. This will naturally let me perfect the Law even further.

Normally most who are like you get erased by the Law of Reincarnation after a scanning.

Erasure methods change, some end up in shitty lives that would extinguish your will to live, some are sent to their dream worlds without a way back to the cycle of reincarnation or you get fished out by gods as chosen ones to do their bidding.

The erasure method is an automated defence mechanism to prevent Leylin Farlier wannabes.

The second one is for fun since most gods are also fanfiction writers who have nothing to do.

You are quite lucky since you got fished out by me..." Merlin's explanation was cut short by his wife Gabriel who smacked him.

"Be more considerate! He just went through hell and you're giving him an info dump he has no use for?!" Ignoring his wife Merlin coughed to his hand and continued to explain.

"Anyway, I already scanned you for potential threats past and future. Since you are innocent, I will completely awaken your Origin.

Also the Law of Reincarnation will not stop its attempts on your life until you learn how to wield it." Merlin finished with a mysterious smile.

"Wield it?" The soul asked in surprise, his curiosity was satiated after Merlin said his condition was natural.

The thought of being a bug in a system was morbid and he was scared by the fact that he would still be hunted the Law of Reincarnation, but the last part intrigued him.

"Well, naturally since you won't lose your memories, you will slowly comprehend the Law of Reincarnation with every life.

Even if your mind can't handle it, your soul will remember it." Gabriel explained instead after seeing her husband giggle like a teenager instead of explaining.

"Well, before I send you away, do you have any questions?" Merlin asked after calming down.

"Thank you for the explanation and could you heal me?" The soul pointed at his cracked core.

"I kinda have to heal you first to awaken your Origin. As for your next life, don't worry about it, but your reincarnation might be different than usual due to my intervention." Merlin assured him while warning him.

"Why? Also where am I going?" The soul asked thinking it would be better to get all the information he could get.

"For the plot reasons and I will be sending you somewhere easy, you should recover by the time you arrive at your destination." Merlin clapped and the soul was sent out of Avalon in a flash of light.

"Oh, your memory might be shaky in your next life; it will be fixed when you reincarnate again." Was the last thing soul heard before he got yeeted out of Avalon.

"You could have let him rest a bit."

"Well, with 'him' awakening inside him, plus where I sent him, he is basically going on a vacation. He'll be fine." Merlin turned somber for a brief instance before reverting back to his goofy self.

"Something awakened?" Gabriel asked, surprised by her husband's behavior.

She didn't scan the soul herself thus didn't notice anything. She was not anxious though as she trusted her husband.

"Well it wasn't my intention to wake him up, it may be a blessing or a curse depending on how those two handles it." Merlin said and he turned where the soul was a minute ago, his expression is somber once more.

"I hope you won't come to hate me for this, Zeno..."