

Go thy false to heaven and me, thy very tears are treachery. A girl turned woman must learn to navigate beyond the past of her family’s betrayal, and create a future in a time that has all but erased their traces on earth. The revenge she seeks goes beyond one person, and may bring the entire country to ruins in the collateral

0asphodelmeadows0 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


After their fateful first meeting, Aerys had decided Cypris was good enough company. He was thoughtful and knew a lot about things she didn't. He'd been to human villages, learned and ate with them.

He'd even sat in the sun. The most impressive feat to Aerys. He was glorious in her eyes. Even her brother Phaestus who had a fully human mother, couldn't sit in the sun. Like his sisters, the orb's hot rays gave him great discomfort.

Now Aerys and Cypris sat in the library attending lessons. Despite their difference of four years, vampire children aged exponentially compared to their diluted human counterparts. Purebloods such as Aerys would reach mental maturity at ten and six, comparable to a human at twenty and one.

"They descended in droves. Each of the five taking land for themselves, their progeny occupying the space."

Their teacher had been reviewing 'The Conquests'. A series that depicted the course of vampire history until the 11th king. Aerys had been a direct descendant of the 11th and, by proxy, a descendant of the first queen.

"Now, can anyone tell me how the course of the First Conquest affected our calendar?"

Cypris calmly raised his hand. "The initial twelve-month calendar had changed in honour of the original 5 families."

"Princess, can you expand on what Cypris has said?"

Aerys closed her eyes, recounting information "Each family had 8 progeny who served under them, making for a total of 45 families. These 45 families represent the 45 days in each month."

"And how many months are there in total?"

"Eight, representing the different phases of the moon." Their teacher closed the book with a smile on his face.

"Excellent. Next, we will discuss The Ascension of the first queen." He bowed, allowing the children to collect their things. Aerys grabbed her small leather satchel. Cypris tidied his desk.

He stood waiting for her to collect everything. Once she had, he held his hand out, allowing her to take hold of it.

She happily held his hand with one hand and her satchel with another. She'd become fond of him in the four years they'd met and grown together. Affections such as these weren't uncommon between the two. However, Aerys had always been the initiator.

Cypris also never accepted her advances around those of higher standing than her. The aristocracy could do little to deter the princess's wishes for her companion.

She occasionally glanced at him as they walked to their following lessons. He was still taller than her, even despite her accelerated growth rates. His tufts of glowing blonde had always mesmerised her. It was a unique colour, even among the lower aristocracy. Even greys had been observed more than his blonde.

"How is your Lady mother?" she asked as they passed through the halls. Cypris was the eldest of his family and took care of his mother and sister when his father was away. Something that had increased of late.

"She is well. My sister pays most of her time in her chambers." The long halls of the castle provided an opportunity to talk about a lot, whether it was current hobbies or family. "She's missed you as well, but father insisted only one of us needed to accompany you."

A smile graced her face as they continued toward the courtyards. Cythera was a nice girl, closer in age to Aerys, being only a year older. She shared the same open personality as her brother without all his self-seriousness.

"I'll be sure to send her a raven then." They rounded the corner into the open courtyard. It was a private area meant only for her family. Often swordsmanship or archery lessons were held here.

The courtyard had been made to hide the skills of the royal family and their progeny. The less outside sources knew, the easier it was to seem generally vulnerable and lended to underestimating their threat level.

Rough thuds made their way to her ears as she caught sight of her sister. Evenos wore a loose tunic paired with fitted pants that displayed the long line of her body. Now ten and eight, Evenos was preparing for her ascension ritual.

Their father had solidified her place as the heir, much to his first wife's chagrin. Their brother Phaestus hadn't been incompetent but lacked the drive and know-how that Evenos had.

Aerys let go of Cypris's hand, running to greet her sister with a tight hug. Evenos only laughed at her sister's display, placing an arm around her shoulders as she nestled into her side.

"Princess," Cypris announced as he stepped into the grassy patch. Evenos turned them both with ease as she acknowledged the young lord.

"Cypris. I trust you've been taking care of my sister." She rubbed Aerys's head with a smile. Evenos, in truth, had been wary of the mixed blood lordling. His father was a well-known supporter of humans and had even recently changed faiths.

That wasn't necessarily odd for Lords of lower standing, but the trips he'd taken as of late had made her inquire about his loyalties. So long as it wasn't a threat to Aerys, Cypris remained at her side.

"Of course, Princess." He calmly responded.


Aerys let go of her and looked at her sister in thought. Evenos had been much inspiration for the girl. She seemed perfect compared to everyone. She was the epitome of a pure lineage. She was tall, taller than even most men. Her black hair and brown skin glowed beautifully in the moonlight. Her eyes were a golden yellow that reminded Aerys of topaz.

Evenos had also been well accomplished in all regards. She was a great swordsman and had honed her magical lines beyond what most had expected. To Aerys, it'd only made sense she'd been made heir opposed to Phaestus.

"Do you know where Ser Loras is?" Aerys asked as she finally scanned the courtyard. Her instructor was nowhere in sight, and it was unlike him to be late.

"I've given Ser Loras leave for today." Evenos gently pushed Aerys toward Cypris as she flourished her wooden sword. "I'll be instructing you today."

They both looked at her in surprise. Evenos was a busy woman and often had little time to relax, let alone teach for what would be the next hour.

"Now, quickly grab a sword. I'll judge how well Ser Loras has been instructing." Aerys placed her bag on a nearby bench as she and Cypris jogged to grab their wooden swords.

They both stood at the ready as Evenos circled them. There were no words for some time as she judged them closely. "First position." She commanded.

They quickly extended their swords, both hands on the hilt. Without warning, Evenos tapped the back of Aerys's leg. "They're spread too far. You'll fall like that."

"Second Position." Quickly they changed how they held their swords. Another tap was landed, this time on Aerys's arms. "Too high."


━━━━ ◦ ★ ◦━━━━

They went through the motions for almost an hour before Evenos was satisfied by their posture. Aerys received much more correcting than Cypris had. She tried not to take it too hard, given he'd been learning for more than three years.

Now they stood bent over, collectively trying to catch their breaths. Sweat collected at their brow. The snacks that lie in Aery's bag would go to waste this session. Evenos would have no distractions in teaching besides the necessary water break.

"Ready," Evenos called out, forcing them to stand at the ready, sword in hand. She studied them with a neutral face. Neither student dared meet her eye as she made her way around them. When she'd finally made her way back, she broke out in a smile, the corner of her eyes crinkling.

"Good." She ruffled Aery's hair before walking out to the middle of the courtyard. "Ser Loras has taught you well, but you're nowhere near what you need to be."

Both children observed her heavily, their breaths stilled as they watched her ready herself. In the moon's apex, she'd looked stronger than most they'd seen. Even Ser Loras hadn't inspired this level of reverence in the sheer aura.

It made sense to Cypris why Aerys had looked up to her sister with such awe. Eight years her senior and eight times more than Aerys ever imagined she could achieve.

Evenos stood no more than a sword's length from a chainmail dummy. The wooden practice sword was held with comfort. She swung without so much as a notice, and the wood cracked under the force as it hit the chainmail.

With a thump, the dummy's head and broken brackets of the chain fell to the ground. The wooden practice sword had been damaged but not broken. A testament to both her strength and control.

"Until both of you can do that, you'll be training under me."

Cypris looked to Aerys, a glimmer and newfound excitement in her eyes. He, himself, had been in reverence of Evenos.

"Place your swords on the bench. We're done for tonight." They rested their swords on the nearest bench dutifully before excusing themselves.

Aerys quickly pulled Cypris into the long halls of the castle. The peaceful walk they'd had the first time had been swapped for a proclamation of her sister's strength. Even as Aerys led him, he never bored of her once.

His sister had been caught doing much of the same when she thought he wasn't paying attention. It was endearing to hear such deep admiration and love for her family. It made Cypris hopeful.

━━━━ ◦ ★ ◦━━━━

The months of learning under Evenos had been hard and long. She trained them no matter the conditions outside in rain, snow, and storms. Evenos was aware they had yet to gain an adult level of resistance, but she'd been a staunch believer that no good warrior would let something as minor as weather prevent training.

Even as they shivered or sneezed, they continued training. They'd quickly grown stronger under her gruelling training style. Ser Loras had been none the wiser to such methods. He'd been on leave, under the excuse he hadn't seen his family enough. He had written letters concerned for his students' wellbeing under Evenos, all intercepted by her.

Spring showers had brought along yet another storm to the castle. Rain and the crack of thunder occupied the background of their training. Something, however, had been off that day. Cyprus had been tense the entire lesson. It was unlike him, especially in something he'd excelled at. He was reserved but never tense.

Aerys had tried her best to check on him, but Evenos never allowed them to exchange more than a few words during lessons. Every attempt had been quickly prevented by her sister, who'd also been more strict today.

She couldn't understand what happened overday that caused such behaviours to arise from them both.

They trained in silence. Not a word was spoken, only minor hits from Evenos's sword. It was frustrating not being able to understand why two of the people she'd found solace in had been so on edge.

Strike, parry, step, backswing, step, strike, parry, step-. Aerys tripped on her own foot. Her pants were splotched with mud. Without so much notice, she was pulled up by Evenos. "Again."

"I'm sorry-"


Aerys readied herself again, glancing at Cypris, who kept his eyes focused on his dummy. He looked almost scared. She released a deep breath before continuing. Strike, parry, step-Thwack. Her arm had been hit, and the sword fell from her hand. "Again."

Aerys released an angered huff as she picked up her muddied sword. She readied herself again, her grip tightening on the hilt as the storm continued. Strike, parry, step, backswing, step-. Thwack!

The back of her leg had now been hit. She couldn't fathom why her sister was acting like this. Had she done something earlier in the week? Either way, it didn't justify this level of treatment. Aerys wasn't some soldier Evenos could just order around.

"Again. Faster."

Aerys looked up, and Evenos towered her by a substantial amount. Her sister's golden eyes peered harshly at her. Quickly she turned to look at her target. "Faster." Strike, parry, step, backswing, step- "Stop faltering." Strike, parry, action, plunge- Thwack!

Her sword had been hit out of her hand and flew across the courtyard. "You'll never be able to defend yourself if you don't try."

"I am trying-"

"No, you're not. You're distracted. You can't afford to be distracted." Aerys rarely grew angry with those around, but Evenos had been annoying her with this abrupt militant ordering.

With little effort, Evenos plunged her training sword through the dummy. She turned and passed it to Aerys. "Take its head."

"I can't-"

"Yes, you can." She stepped back, flourishing her hand toward the dummy. There was no chainmail, like the one she'd decapitated, but taking its head would still be difficult with a wooden sword.

"Take it," Evenos ordered. Nervously Aerys stepped up, swinging her sword to its head. Nothing. The dummy had barely moved. "Again."

Aerys tried once more, swinging harder. The dummy had moved this time, but its head was still firmly attached to its shoulders. "Again."

"I told you I can't." Aerys, now frustrated, had turned back to Evenos.

"I don't care. Again Aerys."

Aerys huffed, readying her sword again. She swung with little care, tearing into the dummy's side. "You missed."

"I've told you, I can't do it-"

Evenos let out a harsh breath. "Cypris, stand here and look." She ordered the blonde boy next to her. He stopped everything as he tensely made his way by her side. Evenos rested her hand firmly on his shoulder.

"Again." She ordered Aerys, no, demanded. "Swing again."

What was the purpose of ordering her around in front of Cypris? Was this to embarrass her? "I've done nothing to the stupid thing in the past three attempts. I can't do it."

"You have to. Now do it again."

"Why aren't you listening! I've told you I can't do it!"

"Again. Faster this time."

"I can't!"-

"Again!" With the anger built, Aerys swung as hard as she could, not caring if she missed completely. The wood struck the head of the dummy, pulling it off the stand. Her sword had broken. Fragments of the wood stuck in the dummy's head as it hit the muddied ground.

Finally, Evenos relaxed. Aerys didn't care. She'd actually done it. She was infuriated she'd been treated like this, embarrassed for whatever her sister was trying to prove.

"The lesson is over. You may go." Aerys hadn't said a word as she turned toward the hall.

━━━━ ◦ ★ ◦━━━━

Cyprus remained firmly stuck at Evenos's side. He'd tried to walk away when she'd dismissed them, but her tightening grip had stopped him from even inching. Once Aerys had left earshot, Evenos leaned over, eyes boring into the side of his face. She was unmoving as he'd begun sweating.

Vampires had been considered the apex of predators for a reason. He felt like a rabbit that'd been caught against a wall. She didn't blink nor breathe as her gold met his blue. Every hair stood on edge. "You can answer some questions for me. Can't you."