

Sword. The Academy every awakened is forced to attend. More than 10% of students die from its cutthroat environment and the hells that lie beneath its surface. Without talent, those below average don't survive beyond a month. [Grade F] "Oh fuck... I'm the 10%" The worst of the worst. That was me. "Well, it looks like it's time for plan B!" My only hope for survival came in the form of a class. A class so useless by normal means that its purpose serves no function in survivability. But it was perfect. Perfect for leeching off those better than me that is! "Let plan friendship begin!"

EMX · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
12 Chs

Sword Academy (Boot Camp)

Sword Academy. 

It is one of the most well-known schools in the world. Prioritizing and growing the next generation with the help of humanity's most influential resource.


A unique resource that appeared in the late 18th century. Its uniqueness stemmed from its ability to perform what people at that time could only call miracles.

Strength beyond that of an elephant. Weaponry that could slice a ship in two with a single strike. Reattaching limbs with nothing but prayers. All of these so-called miracles came at a price. Diving into the deepest pits of hell.

The labyrinths.

At first, there was only one. But throughout history, a total of four dug their way into Earth's crust. They brought an endless source of new resources in the form of mediums but in return, a new species emerged.

The Empty.

First thought to be simple creatures, The Empty became an immediate threat. Their intellect varied, but their lack of morality didn't. The name originated from their soulless natures and ghoul-like appearances that lay beneath the depths of the world.

The Empty acted no different than the forces of nature. Uncaring for anything humanity and the rest of the world had to offer, they killed everything indiscriminately. They only found pleasure through means of slaughter, destroying a majority of humanity.

When humanity had fallen to its lowest, a new generation of warriors appeared.

Pioneers and The Seeker.

Originally they were just those who braved the depths of the labyrinth. But The Pioneers, led by The Seeker used humanity's knowledge of mediums to push back The Empty into the depths of the labyrinth.

In order to avoid the threat of The Empty resurfacing ever again in the future, the strongest Pioneers got together and created the first school to train the future generations who wish to protect humanity. 

A sword pointing at the heart of evil!


This speech was beginning to sound like a history lesson. Almost everyone in this room was aware of what they were doing and what this place was. 

I'm pretty sure I saw a few people sleeping in the back...

The headmaster kept rambling on and on. His short stature and blonde hair were a little more on the unique side compared to the 500 students seated below him. But he joyfully paraded this academy as a sanctuary to learn.

It was all bullshit.

All 500 of us were brought to this school forcefully. Not directly, but through legal obligation. At the age of 19, anyone who resides in the countries that surround Sword is required to attend. If they have an affinity for wielding mediums that is.

Simply put, this place is not a sanctuary, it is a boot camp. 

The duration of our stay here at this school is only three months. Those three months account for 2 years of military service for the non-awakened.

The reason for this? Sword was notorious for kicking its "students" into an oncoming truck and expecting them to dodge it.

Now I know that sounds a little strange, but hear me out. The training methods used on students are brutal, with threats of death not being uncommon.

Pioneers must be strong! 

Well... that wasn't the only reason behind why their training methods were so brutal. It was also a means of discipline.

The program needed to be harsh, otherwise awakened people like me would run this world to the ground. Wild beasts needed to be tamed after all. That's my take on it at least.

For all I know, they have kept it this way just because the school system is corrupt. A few kids die? Eh, a few more will replace them.

Although this place was known for being incredibly tough. Those who benefit from school go on to live incredible lives. Incredibly dangerous, but incredible nonetheless.

I didn't have much interest in being a Pioneer growing up. They were often viewed as heroes by children. But I left that kind of idealistic thinking to someone else.

"I have a special announcement for all of you new students! Today, we have with us a special guest who would like to make an announcement!" The headmaster of Sword directed the attention to someone else on stage.

"Please welcome this generation's Seeker! Viren Jacobs!"

The young man towered over the headmaster as he stood next to him. His neatly cut brunette hair, sharp jawline, and sapphire eyes could have him easily mistook as a model. But his worn-out battle garments and sheathed sword were proof of his position. This man was The Seeker.

"*Ahem* Good morning everyone. I would just like to say I'm honored to be here with you all today. Some of you may be worried about what's to come, but don't. I was once standing in the very spot you all are today. And without the training I received here, I would not be the man you all see as The Seeker. So please look forward to a new future, and a new place to call home."

It was a brief speech, clearly intended to ease the tension, but it helped to motivate the students. A roar of cheers shook the hall. The presence of The Seeker was that impactful after all.

"Alright, everyone!" The headmaster spoke as he was handed the microphone, "Please make your way to your dormitories and get lots of rest. Classes will be starting from tomorrow onwards, so I wish you all good luck!"


The House of The Scarlet Phoenix.

This would be my dormitory for the next three months. My dormitory, room#, and class info were all decided for me before I arrived here. There's supposedly a sorting process they use here for those things as well.

Sword Academy had its students sorted into 1 of 6 houses for the duration of their stay here. Each house is represented by a color and god.

The sorting process Sword uses is more or less unknown. I don't care much for it either as long as I have a comfortable place to sleep. Which thankfully, is the one upside to this place.

Although Sword Academy was founded in the early 19th century, a lot of the architecture here is built in the image of the Renaissance. Which also included the dormitories. It made The House of The Scarlet Phoenix look all the more impressive as I ventured inside.

The ceilings in the main hall were high. A mural of a gigantic flaming phoenix spreading its wings greeted the students from above as they entered. The marble staircase leading to the upper floors and elegant chandeliers left me and everyone entering for the first time mesmerized.

It almost makes you forget the hidden intentions behind this school...

"Good morning, are you a new member of The Phoenix household?" I tore my eyes from the ceiling, only to find a student standing in front of me dressed in armored gear.

"Yes, I'm a new student. Is there something wrong?"

"Nope, we just need to check your identification paper before you're allowed entry."

Interestingly, there were guards in the dormitory. As I looked around, I noticed they were all students as well.

I reached into my back pocket, grabbing the one item I was allowed to bring into Sword. Handing the small sheet of paper to the guard student, I asked, "There's already security for Sword, why is it that a student is guarding the dorms?"

"Ah... well there's been an increase in house raids lately. We can't risk letting any infiltrators get through the main hall while new students are entering."

"House raids?"

"Oh! Sorry, I forgot new students aren't very familiar with what goes on here. You'll learn about it soon enough, just be alert when outside the dorms and you should be fine."

Was that supposed to be reassuring?

"Anyways, here you go.", he said as he handed me back my identification papers. "If you head down the hall, you should be able to find Professor Bhule. He'll be your main instructor. The guy's a giant, so it's not hard to miss him."

"I appreciate the help, thanks."

And as he said, it wasn't difficult to find him. His height towered over a majority of the students here. The man was dark-skinned with long dreads tied behind his ears his figure resembling that of a bodybuilder.

"Excuse me, are you Professor Bhule?" I asked the man.

His face turned serious as he glared towards me, "Who's asking?"

"Your student...?"

Suddenly his face changed to a friendly smile, "Oh okay, sorry about that. It's a prank I like to pull on new students to intimidate them. I am Professor Bhule. You looking to get your I.D?", he asked while scratching the back of his head.

"That's correct."

"Alright, follow me."

An I.D. in Sword Academy is incredibly important. They're made out of a specific medium called Spectrane. It's harvested in the 3rd Layer of the nearby labyrinth. When used, it allows pioneers to have their souls read by the gods.

Put simply, it gives an evaluation of someone's abilities and who they identify as. Not all pioneers are required to have it on them, so long as they aren't traveling into the labyrinth. Students here at Sword are mostly given them to just indicate their name and house.

"Can I get your name and dorm room number?", Professor Bhule asked.

"Holland Mercer, room 109."

"Alright..." He began searching through numerous bins filled with I.Ds. When he finally found the M section, he gave me my I.D. It was a small bronze-colored stone with my name and house engraved onto it.

"Do you know how to use Spectrane?"

To his question, I shook my head.

"This medium is simple for everyone to use. Unlike other mediums, Spectrane doesn't require any need for focus or soul. When you want to check your evaluation, make a small cut on your finger and wipe the blood on the stone."

"Okay got it. Thanks."

"Not a problem. Oh! And a quick word of advice, make sure you don't give out your evaluation info to other students, In this place, giving out that info can lead to your downfall. Only use it as an I.D."

"I understand. Thank you again for your help." And with that, I left Professor Bhule and went to find my dorm.

Once I finally found my dorm, I settled down on my bed. My uniform clothes were already laid out on my desk for tomorrow. A dress shirt, light blue pants, and a red and black jacket were the uniform for those of The Scarlet Phoenix house. Uniforms aren't required, but students don't have any other clothes to wear aside from what they wore here.

At this point, it was already getting late. I at least wanted to check my evaluation before heading off to bed. 

In an evaluation, an awakened individual was graded numerically by how gifted they were.

Their status, if you will.

The only problem with an evaluation received from the gods was their brutality. Once someone uses the medium, it more or less determines their fate.

Once someone uses Spectrane, it determines if they're going to be an almighty god or a complete nobody.

Over 10% of Sword Academy's students each year die before completing their first advancement exam due to this exact reason. A poor evaluation can destroy someone's chances of survival in this harsh academy.

However the gods evaluate your existence is up to them. Although in reality, all they're doing is showing you how skilled or incompetent you are. 

I know I'm not incompetent, so hoping for a better-than-average evaluation isn't unreasonable. I'd rather not risk death after all. 

With that worry in the back of my mind, I pulled out my I.D., making a small cut on my thumb. Once my bloodied thumb met with the stone, an angelic voice suddenly spoke.

'The gods have read your soul.'

The voice shook me for a moment, due to it resounding in my head. But after a brief moment of silence, a diamond-shaped box appeared in the air in front of me, displaying a plethora of information.

[Holland J. Mercer]

Age: 19

Class: Undefined

Strength: 2 (F Grade)

Vitality: 1 (F Grade)

Focus: 3 (F Grade)

Intelligence: 12 (C Grade)

Moxie: 10 (C Grade)

[Vessel: 2 (F Grade)]


Wait hold on.

This was not good.

A flurry of nervous thoughts filled my head as I read the evaluation. A sudden wave of anxiety rushed over me. Words slipped from my mouth as I realized the situation I was now in.

"Oh fuck... I'm the 10%."

Hello everyone!

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I'll be trying to pump out chapters efficiently, but I don't want to skimp out on quality.


Look forward to more chapters coming shortly!

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