
chapter 37

Back at the capital seat, Lord Veltigar, one of the lords of the lesser houses who had swore fealty to Erevan's ascension, had approached Erevan with a show of loyalty and fealty, offering valuable information about houses that dared to rebel against Erevan's rule. Erevan considered this lord a valuable asset and soon dubbed him his own royal whisperer.

One day, Erevan, curious about Lord Veltigar's motives, asked, "What is it that you desire after all your arduous and loyal work on my behalf?"

Lord Veltigar, without hesitation, answered selfishly, "Perhaps you should make me a lord of a castle. The king replied "I believe I have exhausted all the castles under my control."

Erevan's brow furrowed as he contemplated the request. "Tell me what you really do want," he said, his interest piqued.

Lord Veltigar continued, "There is one castle, my king, strong and loyal to the previous kings. It's situated at the far end and boasts rich trade deals. It is currently under the fealty and flags of the previous kings, and I believe it should be yours."

Erevan nodded in agreement and called for Ser Galen, his trusted advisor and lord commander who had knowledge of the realm. "Tell me about this castle at the far end," Erevan instructed.

Ser Galen provided details about the castle's strategic importance and its current loyalty to the previous kings. Erevan's eyes gleamed with ambition, and he declared, "Be rest assured, Lord Veltigar, the castle is yours."

Lord Veltigar bowed deeply, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you, my king," he said, fully aware that this new acquisition would solidify his position in Erevan's court and further secure his influence within the realm. The wheels of power and politics continued to turn in the ever-shifting landscape of Erevan's kingdom.

Back at castle of the far end, The marriage between Prince Eamon and Lady Alycent had united their houses, and the joy that filled the halls on their wedding day was a testament to the hope and happiness it brought to both houses. The marriage not only solidified their alliance but also brought a sense of unity and belonging.

A year passed since their wedding, and the fruit of their union was their beloved son, Baemor. The young boy was a symbol of their love and a source of great joy for both Eamon and Alycent. His laughter echoed through the halls of the castle, and his presence brought warmth to the hearts of those around him. One of the mages of the house whitefyre read the boy's destiny and declared him as one who also possessed dragon blood. Eamon smiled and looked at queen Talisa, as they both knew that their bloodline isn't at a stop yet.

Discussions had begun about the kingdom's takeover and how they plan to go about it. Lord kerrington mentioned " how about we gather men from the remaining houses still loyal to king Leonidas's line, we should seek their help and solidify our strength"

Both Eamon and Talisa looked at him as though what he said had no weight. "It may not seem like much, but it is something and from there we know what else to do", Lord kerrington added. The lady Alycent also made remarks whilst nursing Baemor, " husband, I think I buy into what my father says. We need the support of these men if at all we are to start any rebellion".

Eamon replied " it is not a rebellion, we are only taking what is rightfully ours".

"I agree with you, husband".

That very day came, Eamon leaves house whitefyre on a scouting journey taking four knights of the house.

These knights were low cadre knights but were skilled also with the swords

These soldiers accompanied Eamon on horses as he flew his steed high above serving as the squad aerial eye.

They had gone to scout on lesser houses on whom they can rally round their armies in aim of retaking the throne

Eamon had bade goodbye to his wife the lady Alycent and his own son baemor who was only five years old.

But his household will not welcome him back soon enough.

News had already gotten to king Erevan about the far end as the only castle they haven't taken in the kings name.

"Go and place men there and my sigil and take that place in my name" Erevan snorted

One of the knights asked "should they refused your offer?

"Kill them all, Erevan replied.

Then the journey to the far end began.

It took perhaps a few days to get to the far end , just as the king's proposal was read to lord kerrington, he Openly refused and declared fealty to the king gawain's household

We are giving you your last chance old man"

His answer remained the same, old but brave

"Kill them all", the grim order came out the words of Ser Galen as he ordered his men to act.

Surprised that that was the order, he knelt down and pleaded on behalf of his family and that only his life be taken, they refused.

A sword struck his head as he kept pleading.

His servants and remaining guards were murdered

The lady Alycent tried escaping with her son on a horse just when she was stopped and forced to the ground

Queen talisa ran in shielding her and shouting "I am the queen, stand down"

"The realm is not united anymore my lady! the only king is Erevan". A sword went through her

The lady Alycent was raped by two soldiers and then killed

As baemor was about to be killed, Ser Galen spoke, "leave him be, he is only a boy, perhaps he will send a message to whoever tries to defy the kings order".

Baemor, tears in his eyes, ran to his mother's lifeless body and lay beside her, the lone survivor of the harrowing events that had transpired at the far end. The castle was left in the hands of Galen's men, and their flags were raised throughout the territory, proclaiming, "This castle has been taken in the name of the king."