
Chapter 36

The sun cast a warm, golden glow over the courtyard of the royal palace, where Eamon, the young prince of the realm, found himself captivated by a lady named Alycent. Her auburn hair shimmered like polished mahogany in the sunlight, and her emerald eyes sparkled with a vibrant, untamed spirit. She was the daughter of Lord Kerrington, a loyal bannerman to the crown, and her presence had begun to illuminate Eamon's world.

One fateful afternoon, Lord Kerrington and Prince Eamon stood by the palace gardens, their voices carried on the gentle breeze. "My lord," Eamon began, his eyes never leaving Alycent, "your daughter is unlike any I've ever met. Her spirit is as free as the wind, yet she carries herself with grace."

Lord Kerrington, who had always been a staunch supporter of the royal family, smiled and nodded. "You have a discerning eye, Prince Eamon. Alycent is a rare gem in a world of stones."

As their friendship blossomed, Lord Kerrington contemplated the potential for a powerful alliance that could bring strength and stability to the realm. One evening, he proposed an idea to Eamon and Queen Talisa, who had raised the prince as her own after his parents' untimely demise.

"We shall unite our bloods," Lord Kerrington said with conviction, "and our houses shall become one. Together, we can reclaim the throne from Erevan the usurper."

Agreements were made, and Lord Kerrington turned to his beloved daughter, Alycent. "My dear," he asked gently, "what are your thoughts on this alliance with Prince Eamon?"

Alycent's gaze met her father's, filled with a mix of affection and apprehension. "I do love him, Father," she admitted, "but I'm afraid that mixing duty and pleasure may tarnish the love we share."

Lord Kerrington's eyes softened as he cupped his daughter's cheek. "Nonsense, my child. You will one day be queen (so he thought or believed), and I see how he looks at you. Your love can be the foundation of a stronger realm."

Over in the palace, Queen Talisa sought a private moment with Eamon to gauge his feelings. "What do you think of Alycent, my dear prince?" she asked, her eyes full of curiosity.

Eamon's voice was tender as he replied, "She is beautiful, Mother, both inside and out. I like her very much."

The queen nodded thoughtfully, recognizing the potential of a union between their family and Lord Kerrington's. "Love can be a powerful force, Eamon. In time, it may grow into something more profound, strengthening the bond between our houses."

As days turned into weeks, Eamon and Alycent's relationship deepened, and the prospect of their marriage became an imminent reality. Amid political intrigue and the ever-present threat of Erevan's usurping rule, love blossomed between the prince and the lady, with the hope that their union would indeed solidify their strength and restore the rightful monarch to the throne.

Little did they know that their journey was just beginning, and that the path to true love would be filled with challenges, alliances, and sacrifices. In a realm where duty and pleasure were inextricably linked, they would need to find a delicate balance to ensure their love remained unshaken.

Meanwhile, Mordred's journey had taken him far and wide in search of his mother, and when he finally found her in one of the remote villages as directed by the old man, he handed her the letter from the elderly dragon keeper, whose credibility lent weight to his message. Tears welled in her eyes as she read the contents and looked at her long-lost son.

"What's your name, boy?" she asked, her voice quivering with emotion.

"Mother, I'm home," Mordred replied, his voice filled with relief and love.

Their reunion was a blissful one, and they spent hours catching up on the time they had lost. She explained why they had been separated at his birth, and her words held a bitter truth. "Your late father was blinded by the continuation of an age-old tradition in his lineage. He cared more for that tradition than for his own family. I lost your younger sister the same way."

Mordred's heart sank at the mention of his lost sister, Lysanna.

She remembered the lady she had pleaded to escape with her to avoid death from her father's oppressive grasp. Determination filled his eyes as he vowed, "I shall find her and help restore peace, mother."

With renewed purpose, Mordred returned to the sea citadel. The once formidable fortress stood deserted, a grim reminder of the battles that had taken place there. It was now filled with the bones of the fallen soldiers that Vhamor, his loyal dragon companion, had feasted on.

Mordred mounted Vhamor and took to the skies, his mind filled with determination and the weight of responsibility. He knew that his quest to find Lysanna and reclaim the kingdom was fraught with danger, but he was prepared to face any challenge in order to bring balance to a world that had long been plagued by darkness.