
Chapter 2 Cancel the Engagement

He threw a punch, withdrew his leg and threw another punch... Again and again.

Colorful dots of light circled around Jason, and some of them even entered his body.

After practice, Jason sat on the floor and began to meditate. The moment he closed his eyes, the dense magic elements rushed into his body like a swarm, and then disappeared without a trace.

A few minutes later, Jason slowly opened his eyes. There were undisguised disappointment and unwillingness in his eyes!

"Why? Why? Can't I be mage?" Jason looked at his hands and said in a low voice. Then he threw a punch on the stone next to him. For a moment, his fist was bleeding. Cracks appeared on the stone.

Although he didn't become mage, Jason had a good physique after years of training. His hearing and sense of smell were extremely sensitive. He could hear anything within 500 meters.

So, when Bill showed up, Jason also found him.

"DuDu, go home."

With Jason's soft voice, a green shadow flashed over in the forest and directly wrapped around his waist, like a green belt.

This was Jason's magical beast, a weak python. It looked like an ordinary little snake, and even hadn't reached level 1. One night five years ago, Jason found it injured when he was meditating by the lake. At that time, when he saw DuDu was pitiful and weak, he took him back to treat it and save its life. Since then, DuDu had become Jason's best friend and partner.

Bill didn't walk far before he met Jason.

Bill told Master Jason what had happened briefly and immediately persuaded, "Master, I heard that Phillis has been admitted by mage academy from the city of Siar. She has a bright future. Why don't you go back and put in a good word for her? After all, she is a girl."

Although Butler Bill didn't make it clear, the meaning of his flattery was obvious.

But Jason was not a man who lived on women!

"Don't worry, Uncle Bill. I know what to do." Jason replied simply. Then he walked faster and disappeared in the jungle before Bill could say anything.

"It's so strange. Master should have been a soldier for a long time. Why can't Master pass every examination? Is there someone framing him?"

Looking at Jason's receding figure, Bill murmured to himself.

In the Great Hall of Gubalo Castle, Cooke sat high with his eyes closed. Phillis looked calm. The atmosphere was a little depressing.

But this depression did not last long. Cooke and Phillis opened their eyes at the same time.

At the door, Jason walked over confidently. His eyes were not on Phillis, but the big box.


Phillis was about to remind him, but was stopped by Jason. He walked quickly to Cooke, bowed slightly and said "Father".

Seeing Jason, Cooke had mixed feelings. But Cooke didn't say anything. He just nodded to the man.

After getting the consent of Cooke Gubalo, Jason came to the wooden box and looked at it carefully. "5000 gold coins. Do you think that my family is a beggar, Miss Phillis?"

His loud voice surprised everyone.

Because men had strong self—esteem, and they would be very angry when they encountered such things. But Jason was not angry at all. Instead, he focused on the gold coins!

Seeing Jason's reaction, Phillis smiled disdainfully and said, "Then tell me, how much is the face of the Gubalo family worth?"

Jason sneered, "10 times, do you have? I heard that Miss Phillis had been admitted by mage academy. We are not as good as you. If you can give me 50 thousand gold coins, I am willing to break off the engagement with you."

"You..." Phillis flushed with anger. She had thought that he would be extremely angry, but she didn't expect Jason to be so calm. Now she had an illusion that 50 thousand gold coins were more attractive than her?

At the same time, 50 thousand gold coins. Even though Phillis was the daughter of a rich businessman, she hadn't entered mage academy's school and become the real mage. 50 thousand gold coins was a huge sum of money for apprentice mage!

Therefore, Jason's words made Phillis very unhappy.

Phillis didn't say anything. Jason looked her up and down. He used to like Phillis, but now he hated her more.

At this time, a complicated expression appeared on Phillis's face. If Jason could wake up the magic, maybe they could really be together.

But Jason was already 17 years old. Mage academy's minimum age was 18. After the adult ceremony next year, Jason would never be mage!

Seeing that Phillis was looking at him, Jason raised the corners of his mouth and said coldly, "have you seen enough? I'll give you one minute to think about it. Get out of here, or give me 50 thousand gold coins then you and I have nothing to do with each other."

Jason's tone had changed a lot. It was a cold, arrogant and disdainful tone.

It seemed that he was born to be a top leader. Even if it wasn't mage, it couldn't hide his innate temperament. Phillis didn't have it.

Seeing Jason like this, the only good impression in Phillis's heart disappeared in an instant. She had been admitted by mage academy and had a promising future. It was impossible for her to marry a loser who was not even a soldier. So she had to call off the engagement today.

"Jason, you can only enjoy the honor of a noble family by virtue of mage. How can you be so arrogant in front of me?

You are 17 years old and you are not even a soldier. What future do you have? 50 thousand gold coins are probably the most gold coins you can see in your life. Since you're so pitiful, I will satisfy you."

As soon as she finished speaking, a yellow card flew out of Phillis's hand and was grabbed by Jason. The expression on Jason's face did not change at all.

This was a world—class savings card. According to the characteristics of different colors and different savings lines, the yellow card color was enough to indicate that there were more than 50 thousand gold coins in it.

Seeing that Jason was so calm, Phillis became angrier. She wanted to see him go crazy and see the humbleness of an aristocrat. But that kind of emotion did not exist on him at all!

"Ha ha, 50 thousand gold coins. You are a little more valuable than those slaves. In that case, I'll sign the dissolution of engagement."

Jason sneered, and then a contract with magical beast appeared in his hand. This was the engagement contract five years ago.


Cooke originally wanted Jason to make his own decision. It could be seen that he still didn't have the heart to call off the engagement. After all, the current Gubalo family was not what it used to be!

"Father, did you see that? The Gubalo family declined and these people don't need us anymore. We'd better cut off the relationship with them as soon as possible, lest our family be ashamed."

Jason said as he signed his name quickly with a goose feather pen. Then he waved his hand gently. The engagement contract fell on the ground, and he didn't even look at it.

Phillis's face turned red. Jason's words humiliated her. In the past, it was her father who took a fancy to the reputation of the Gubalo family, so he took her here to get married. But now...

Looking at the marriage contract on the ground, she grabbed it with magic and fled with the two soldiers.

"Uncle Bill, tell the people in the city to deduct 5 years' tax to celebrate the dissolution of engagement."

Jason's words were like a sharp sword, making Phillis, who had walked to the door, shaking involuntarily. At this moment, she had an illusion that she might have seen it wrong?