
Chapter 1 Humiliation

In the morning, the street that had been sleeping for the whole night was broken by the rapid sound of horse's hooves. A group of more than ten people gathered around a carriage and drove fast on the street.

When the villagers saw this scene, they all looked at the dilapidated castle in the center of the town with a worried expression on their faces.

As members living in the territory of the Gubalo family, they knew everything here.

The biggest thing was that in the magic test a month ago, Master Jason Gubalo was not found to be talent in magic. So he couldn't get into mage academy, who would recruit students a year later. This was an incredible thing in the eyes of ordinary people!

Because five years ago, a hunter saw Jason in the mountain forest and was wrapped in colorful magic light dots. There was a faint white light shining on his body.

At that time, everyone believed that Jason Gubalo would be a great mage. Moreover, he would reappear the glory of the Gubalo family.

However, in the next two consecutive magic tests, Jason Gubalo didn't light up the test orbs. This made all the people in the territory of Gubalo panic.

Because the king issued an order that if mage or a senior soldier didn't appear in baron 50 years, baron's right to be the heir of the royal family would be confiscated and they would be relegated to civilians.

There was a clear hierarchy between mage and the soldiers in the saint continent. 1—2 was a preliminary mage. 3—4 was middle mage. 5—6 was a high—end mage. 7—8 was tutor mage. Level 9 was the great devil director. Level 10 was holy tutor mage and so on.

The soldiers were also called knights and were divided into 10 grades. They were: 1—2 preliminary level warriors, 3—4 medium level bronze warriors, 5—6 premium level silver warriors, level 7—8 was platinum warriors, level 9 was gold warriors and level 10 was holy warriors. But now, the leader, Baron Cooke, was just a level 3 bronze soldier, a middle level knight.

The warrior was level 1—7. No matter what kind of cultivation method practice used, the sword aura on his body would show different colors from low to high: Level 1 — red, level 2 — orange, level 3 — yellow, level 4 — green, level 5 — cyan, level 6 — blue, level 3 — purple.

As for the level 8 soldiers, the sword light would change to a different extent according to practitioner's cultivation method.

Baron Cooke Gubalo was a medium level soldier. This was far from meeting the royal family's requirements for baron's inheritance. Now the whole family only had the last 5 years of jurisdiction.

If Baron Cooke couldn't become a senior soldier in the next 5 years, or if there was no new mage in the Gubalo family, Baron Cooke's title would be deprived. At that time, all the people in the territory would never be protected by a merciful leader like the Gubalo family.

"It seems to be the carriage of Master Jason's fiancee, Phillis. Is she also here to laugh at Master Jason?" A yellow haired man said with disgust.

"Master Jason is seventeen years old. If he hadn't awakened talent in magic before the adult ceremony next year, he would have to be a soldier. I'm afraid Miss Phillis doesn't come with a good intention." A woman with curly hair carrying a bamboo basket whispered.

"I heard that Miss Phillis woke up talent in magic not long ago. Now she was apprentice mage. As long as she could go further and become a real mage, even if it was only level 1 mage, she would have nothing to worry about in her life. Wherever she goes, she will enjoy the treatment of the noblest Lord Mage." Another yellow haired man looked into the distance and whispered.

The appearance of a carriage caused a heated discussion among the people in the town. At this time, most people were looking forward to seeing Phillis help Jason get through the difficulty.

However, no one knew that the Gubalo family was being humiliated.

Baron Cooke, with yellow hair, sat in a tiger skin chair. Butler Bill was standing next to him. At this time, both of them looked unhappy.

Under the protection of two soldiers, a woman with white skin, blue eyes and high nose sat there indifferently. She was Jason's fiancee, Phillis.

"Uncle Cooke, I'm really sorry. I know it's a little abrupt to break off the engagement this time. Therefore, I will compensate for the loss of the Gubalo family. Please understand me."

Phillis waved her hand and a wooden box appeared in the living room. Then the wooden box slowly opened, revealing more than half of the box of gold coins, more than five thousand gold coins.

That was a whole box of gold coins. 1 gold coins =100 silver coins. 1 silver coin =100 copper coins. Generally speaking, the income of ordinary people was only 5 gold coins per year. However, the annual tax of the Gubalo territory was only 3000 gold coins!

Seeing a large box of gold coins, Cooke's face changed again and again, as if he had been greatly humiliated. He stood up slowly, and then sat down slowly.

"Phillis, although you have talent in magic, you are just an apprentice mage. Are you so confident that you will be an outstanding mage in the future? Cooke looked at Phillis and said unhappily.

"Dear Baron Cooke, I'm sure you don't know Miss Phillis has been admitted by mage academy from the city of Siar. Eighty percent of the students who entered this school would become the senior mage in the future.

As for Master Jason, it seems that he hasn't passed the magic test, right? Since Miss Phillis might become a senior mage, why did she marry a loser? What do you think, Baron Cooke Gubalo?"

A burly soldier with yellow curly hair said indifferently behind Phillis.

Mage enjoyed a very high position in the Semi Continent. Even in an ordinary family, as long as mage appeared, she would become a member of the upper class.

So many people dreamed of becoming mage. But it was difficult to become mage. It hard to find one magician among ten thousand people. That was why mage was so noble.

Even if you were born in a civilian family, as long as mage appeared in your family, you would become a member of this continent.

Hearing Phillis's words, Baron Cooke's face turned pale. He suddenly burst out the unique yellow sword light of a level 3 soldier, which made the soldier who had just spoken change his expression in an instant. But this feeling disappeared in an instant.

Seeing that Cooke was a little angry, Butler Bill immediately shouted, "Phillis, the Gubalo family is noble. Although you are a child of a businessman, you are also a civilian. It was your father who begged for the engagement. Otherwise, how could Master Jason get engaged to you? My Lord doesn't want to argue with you because you are young. You'd better go back early and find your father and explain it to my Lord face to face. Even if you want to call off the engagement, you have to give me an explanation."

Phillis's face was full of disdain. Then she took out a letter and said, "My father knows that the Gubalo family will bully ordinary people with noble identity, so he has already written a letter, please have a look."

Butler Bill's face darkened. He had thought that it was just a joke of a teenager, but he didn't expect that her father really had such an idea!

Then, Bill saw that the letter in Phillis's hand came to Cooke's hand as soon as he reached out his hand, but Cooke didn't open it. Instead, he crushed it into pieces. Phillis's face darkened.

"Since it's between you and Jason, you two should handle it by yourselves. I have no right to interfere. Bill, go and find Jason."

Cooke looked at Phillis and said his most helpless words. Then he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, recalling the scene when Phillis's father came to propose.

At this time, under a waterfall behind the town, a naked young man was standing there with difficulty. He was Jason.