
Switch: Playing The Dream Star

WPC#221 Bronze Prize Cass Smith lives the dream life that only millions of people dream of and covet to have. She's adored by everyone in the crowd. Loved by millions of fans. Her face belongs to the top cover issues of every teenage magazine. Her name is known to every household. Every teenage girl screams and shrieks her name. Cass Smith is the Dream Star. No one lives like her. Her name is breathed in awe. Her presence is worshipped. She is adored in the limelight. Who wouldn’t want to be like Cass? But Cass hides a secret. She's an actress playing the actress. How good will an amateur actress like her play the role of the dream star? When the real actress lies unconscious and unaware of the world around her. ____________________________________________ I gave him a haughty look. “You’re kidding me, aren’t you, Peters? Your jokes aren’t funny.” I said with sarcasm. “I’ve known you for a long time.” I glared at him and coolly said. “I’m Cassandra Smith. Your favorite idol. Your untouchable dream star.” Peters showed a subdued look this time. He crossed his arms. “Yeah, you’re right, Cassandra.” ____________________________________________

Leigh_Green · Sports, voyage et activités
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10 Chs

Chapter 10 Seeing Less Is Better

After our weekend frenzy at the mall, mom and I returned to our daily hectic schedule again where I rarely get to see her, share breakfast with her much less because I was either almost late to have breakfast and Paul was there to pick me or it's either she's on her way out to work while I'm just about to have breakfast or mom will rise later to go later for work.

I get to eat dinner with mom. It's the least of my worries.

What I'm more worried about was our next-door neighbor Stephen. He wasn't showing any signs yet of seeing mom but I'm feeling in the next coming weeks if not in the next coming months he will definitely go for mom. He likes her. And mom must be oblivious to those signs but I am not. I can telltale it.

"Cassie, your mind is far away. Are you even listening to me?" Paul asked as he drove the car. We were on our way to the second photoshoot of the day.

The glare was bright before us. The sky was bright as blue above. It's late in the morning.

I checked my pink digital wristwatch. It's 10:30 am.

"Earth to Cassie," Paul said holding the steering wheel, his eyes in front of him.

"Sorry," I murmured distractedly. I turned to him. "What are you trying to say, Paul?"

"I said we are going to New York, Cass."

He repeated with a patient voice.

"Why?" I further inquired.

"For the Fall Photoshoot."

"Why must we go there? Is it that important? Can we miss it?"

I asked dropping the questions all at once.

"It's another big label that Cass had already signed in several months prior but it was rescheduled because she couldn't come when she was on vacation with you and your dad in England."

I just nodded at him.

"Why is your head so far away Cassidy?" he asked.

I turned to look at him with blank eyes

"I'm worried."

"You're worried?" he asked. "About the job?"

I shook my head and put my hands on my chin resting my elbows against the side window of the car.

"Stephen likes mom!"

I burst out at Paul.

"Who is Stephen?" Paul asked, his brows crossed.

"Of course, you know him!" I said impatiently. "You're always checking him out when we pass by their house. As if I don't notice that."

I said rolling my eyes at him.

"Mr. Jones' son," I spelled it out to him.

"Ah… you're next-door neighbor," Paul said remembering the blond guy. He made a puffing sound. "Mama mia. Right, Cass. The gorgeous guy who I wouldn't mind seeing shirtless all the time.

I rolled my eyes at him for the second time.

"Seriously? Paul, please. He likes mom," I told him in a whiney voice. "I don't think he will ever like a gay."

"How dare you crush my dreams, Cassidy!"

I stifled a laugh at his fake hurt reply.

"I'm only telling the truth."

"So what if he likes your mom?" he asked unbothered.

I looked at him for a long while before shifting my eyes on the road and watching the trees we were passing by with passing eyes.

"He might marry her one day," I said in a worried tone. I felt like crying.

"Do you harbor hope that your mom and dad will still have a chance of getting back together?"

He sprung the question on me.

I nodded at him trying not to frown.

"Oh, Cassie. Cass is much more practical than you, in the matters of the heart."

He said smiling at me. His teeth almost showing.

"But I'm not Cass, Paul."

I whinnied at him.

"You must help me. Mom must never fall for Stephen."

"What do you want me to do?" he asked glancing at me.

I thought for a while.

"Well, you can join us when mom and I go out and have fun during day-offs. Do you like massages?" I asked him luring him with mom's favorite form of relaxation.

"I love that!" he said immediately.

"So, you wouldn't say no to spending your day off with mom and me?" I asked him expectantly.

He slid his shades back on his eyes. "Depends on my schedule, girl. I'm not tied to you like your tail, you know. I also have a life, Cassie."

I frowned and pouted at him.

"But I'd rather have you around than see Stephen the next time mom and I go out on our rest day."

I looked at him with puppy dog eyes. Seeing less of Stephen is better than him getting better with mom.

"Would you do the favor of joining us next time?"

"Don't turn your puppy dog eyes on me. It will still depend on my schedule, Cassidy-baby."

Paul said as he parked the car on the open space reserved for cars. We have arrived at MDS Media. He stopped the engine.

"Stop thinking about your worries for a while, Cass, and focus here and now," he said looking at me in the eye. "Focus, you hear me?"

I nodded at him obediently.

I opened the door of the car and got out. Paul also got out from his side. We walked inside the building and went up the stairs until we entered the studio. Janice just finished doing make-up for one of the models. She saw me. I walked towards her and sat on the stool. She made my make-up in ten minutes and gave me the clothes I needed to change to. Then, I went out of the room and went to the room for the photoshoot.

Bright light surrounded us. The continuous clicking of the camera could be heard. Sometimes the male photographer whose name is still unknown to me because he's a new face I've just seen today occasionally called out instructions.

I was standing at the back behind the shadows observing the models do their thing when I felt a presence beside me silently watching the models, too.

I slid my gaze beside me. It was Mr. Adorable Guy from my previous photoshoot.

He cast his eyes briefly at me.

"Cass," he greeted with his pretty voice.

I smiled at him.


"You know what? Why do I feel like watching beside the shadows is more like you than that bright spotlight?"

He said beside me.

I instantly scowled at what he said. Talk about adorable, I can say that Peterson is only adorable when he is adorably silent. Is he that astute? I silently seethed on the thought. I quietly studied him beside me.

This guy was really as beautiful as an angel. With his classic curly dark brown hair and ivory cream skin. His clothes fit him immaculately. He was like a dark angel, a reaper ready to slay women with his looks.

"You really like me, don't you?" he asked in a low teasing voice.

"In your dreams, Peterson."

I immediately scoffed.

"Really?" he asked. "I always catch you watching me in silence, you know."

He said in a smiling voice.

I stared at him.

"I don't mind though, anyway," he said easily. "I'm used to it."

Talk about a narcissist in flesh, Peterson is one. An egoistic and narcissistic dark angel, indeed. He fits it.

"You should put a poster of my face in your room if you like me that much."

He incessantly teased.

"Oh, shut up! I'm sure your ego is already so well-fed you don't need to add me to your list," I retorted, irritated.

"It will top the list of my admirers, Cass. You on the pedestal."

He said laughing.

I just turned quiet at his berating. Obviously, I couldn't win against him in verbal combat. I wasn't too talkative, to begin with. I've always been a quiet one as Cassidy.

"Cat got your tongue, Cass?"

Crap, I thought as reality dawned on me like cold water. For an instant, I forgot that I was Cass.

"Maybe you would like me to give you a signed poster to paste in your room, Peterson."

I scathingly threw back.

"I don't need one. I already have your poster in my room," he said with a smile on his face. "But I don't mind if you personally sign it. In my room."

I singed at what he said.

Of all people around, I should be wary of this guy. Peterson. I don't know what goes on in this guy's mind. I bit my tongue from replying.

We watched the models in silence until they finished or when the photographer asked us to join them. And I learned the photographer's name was called Simon.

We posed as groups and in pairs. We also had individual shots taken. After an hour of posing for the camera with different poses that passed the liking of Simon, we were done. Simon was a meticulous photographer but he was also very picky and particular with his shots so it was different from the previous ones I worked with.

At least, we're done. Posing for the camera could be tiring. Simon made my day.

I changed back to my clothes and went to Paul.

"You and Peterson appeared to have grown closer than the last time you saw him," Paul said as we exited the studio. "Cassandra rarely talks with that guy."

I stopped at what he said.

"You mean she talks to him sometimes or never talks to him, at all?" I asked specifically.

"More like she never than the sometimes, Cass."

Paul said as we continued walking.

I stopped walking. He turned to me.

"Keep walking and let's talk back in the car."

Paul said as a group of newer people approached and walked past us.

I clammed my mouth until we reached the car. I got in fast and Paul went to the other side and started the car.

"Will he find it odd if I talk to him? Especially when Cass doesn't talk to him at all," I asked Paul worried. "He even mentioned that I'm more suited watching from the shadows than being in the spotlight. What if he notices that I'm not Cass? Should I just completely ignore him?"

"Do you like him?" Paul asked directly.

"What do you mean if I like him?"

I asked clarifying.

"Do you have a thing for him or something?" he asked probing.

"He looks good in his clothes."

I honestly admitted to Paul.

"So, you like him," Paul said showing a smile. "Cassidy has a crush on Peterson Allison. I can't wait to tell this to Cass when she wakes up."

"Paul, liking him in clothes doesn't mean I like him that much."

I said in a defensive tone.

He turned sideways to me as he drove the car.

"But you still like him, right?" he asked clarifying.

I released a sigh.

"Maybe, just a little. He's adorable to look at," I said honestly. "Though he is un-adorable when he opens his mouth."

"Why?" Paul asked.

"He has an overblown ego and is a self-serving narcissist."

"He's the opposite of you, you mean."

"Well, whatever. By the way, what time are we leaving for New York tomorrow?" I asked changing the subject. I don't need Paul to reel me about Peterson. That guy blew my patience with his smart mouth. I hope I get to work less with him. Seeing him less is better.

We drove for lunch and attended two more photoshoots in the afternoon. I was beat when I returned home. But I have to pack my suitcase. Paul said we will be staying for a week in New York for the Fall Photoshoot.

I told about it to mom during dinner. She won't be able to see me off the next day as she was busy with the deadline for her own projects but she told me to take care of myself while in New York.

The next day we went to the airport after work. Gladly, there was only one photoshoot in the afternoon so I got to rest for a bit. Our flight was to leave at 7 pm.

We were already inside the plane when I noticed that Paul had to sit in front of me. When I went to my seating area, I saw Peterson already sitting by the aisle.

He smiled when he saw me. I settled beside him.

Talk about working less with Mr. Adorable Guy. I have a feeling he will be around while we stay in New York.