
Surviving Till The End

The End Of Humanity. No one expected it but it happened, and it wasn't in a way anyone would have ever guessed. An eye appeared in the sky and with it the Earth disappeared but humanity wasn't eradicated rather they were simply moved, for what reason no one could fathom. Or so, that's what they thought. As if waking up from an endless dream Earth reappeared in their vision. The world around them was destroyed. All machines were obliterated, buildings in disrepair no one could understand what was going on. And then.....that voice resounded. "First Judgement, Greed. Probability of Survival 1%"

Derob · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 Floating?


"What the fuck....."

Many of those who had gathered for the food fell ill after seeing all the corpses. In truth even Yarn and the rest were feeling a bit sick but they managed to keep down the feeling. 'Now's not the time to be emotional.' Yarn shook his head before observing the 33 people.

"Why are they frozen?" A young woman asked pointing at the statue like goblins. This question ended up escalating into a full blown explanation of the situation, which Raj and Kim Ha-Joon took the lead in doing.

"Damn okay, its really like a videogame."

"Except we can actually die...."

After they processed the information the group of 44 then focused on the task at hand. The rations. Unfortunately this didn't go all that smoothly. "Can we eat finally?" Someone mentioned moving towards the ration box.

Immediately Arnold blocked him. "Yo what the fuck?" He asked disgruntled immediately straining the atmosphere of the group. "Are you trying to keep the rations for yourselves!?" He continued looking towards Yarn, Raj and the rest.

"No calm down fool." Arnold replied, he was already irritated that he hadn't eaten and now this idiot came out of no where wanting to take the food. Just as a fight was about to break out Raj stepped forward trying to calm the situation down.

"Ahem, the situation is a bit complicated. I bet you're thinking we can split the portions but sadly its a bit impossible." Raj explained before carrying the box and showing the others. They were all starving and seeing that half of them weren't going to eat was rather worrying.

Not to mention that they believed the group of 11 would definitely take a portion each, meaning that only a third of them would be able to eat. "Okay but what's his opinion on the matter?" They asked pointing towards Yarn.

"Me? I won't be taking." Yarn decided shaking his head. 'Their eyes show they're doubtful or even scared of me, there's no point in making them even angrier with me.' With that thought in mind his decision was clear.

"No, no, no you of all people should take one." Kim Ha-Joon interjected, right now their best bet at survival was Yarn so if anyone needed to eat it should be Yarn. Hearing this the young man simply shook his head. "Then I won't be taking one either." Kim Ha-Joon declared.

Then Raj and surprisingly Arnold also abstained. Seeing this Yarn felt quite touched, even if he understood the underlying reasoning.

"All right then, that makes things a bit easier." Ben said taking control of the situation. He then immediately distributed the food to himself along with the remaining people who fought the goblins. From the 6, Alexei didn't eat, "Not hungry." was his response.

With the food situation being handled by Ben, Yarn decided to scout the area maybe he'd find something useful. Raj, Kim Ha-Joon, Arnold and even Alexei surprisingly ended up tagging along.

"So what now boss?" Kim Ha-Joon asked jokingly. Yarn looked at him weirdly, he didn't really picture himself as a "boss".

"Don't call me that, for now I just want to get a better idea of the area." Yarn replied, looking around the city.

"Whatever you say leader." Kim Ha-Joon chuckled causing Yarn to look at him slightly annoyed. On the other hand Arnold and Raj let out a snicker. 'This guy thinks he's smart?....Reminds me of Roy.'

As the group of 5 explored the city, they made conversation with one another, talking about their pasts the situation, where they were when the eye appeared and various other things. After all there didn't seem to be much to scout until they reached the edge of the city.

"Guys am I seeing things or are we....." Kim Ha-Joon mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. They were all shocked at the sight. "Even an invisible wall would've been more reasonable than this." He continued staring at the clouds below.

"We're on a city in the clouds..." Raj muttered. How was it even possible? The city was literally above the clouds, or at least this section of it. Yarn simply looked at it shaking his head. This only reinforced his belief that anything and everything could happen.

"Is that another city?" Arnold asked pointing out into the clouds. And indeed there was, a mere few kilometers away from them was another floating city much like their own.

"We're Sector 10,698 doesn't that mean there are possibly tens of thousands of these floating cities?" Raj proposed, it seemed likely if there were 2 why couldn't there be 3 or 4 and so on so forth.

"Forget it. We've been looking at the bigger picture too much, for no we need to focus on ourselves and our current situation. Quest 1 begins in 9 hours, lets see how big this city is and then head back to the others." Yarn declared, there were too many questions at the moment, questions they couldn't possibly answer right now only by surviving would they get answers.

With that the 5 walked around the perimeter of the city, it took them an entire hour which allowed them to more or less understand the size of the area. They then headed back to the main group where it seemed Ben had finished distributing the rations.

A number of them were clearly pissed off, unfortunately they could only put up with it. "Oh you're back? Found anything interesting?" Ben questioned, Raj then explained how they were on an island, a floating island. This sent another shock through them, but it wasn't the weirdest thing that happened that day.

Then they waited and waited, as the time ticked by they nervously looked at the time as if it was counting down the minutes until their execution. 'It can't be much worse than the goblins? Can it?' Yarn thought hopefully.

[Time Until Quest 1: Nil]

[Quest 1 Begins!]

[Kill the Zombies!]

[Remaining Zombies: 156]