
Surviving Till The End

The End Of Humanity. No one expected it but it happened, and it wasn't in a way anyone would have ever guessed. An eye appeared in the sky and with it the Earth disappeared but humanity wasn't eradicated rather they were simply moved, for what reason no one could fathom. Or so, that's what they thought. As if waking up from an endless dream Earth reappeared in their vision. The world around them was destroyed. All machines were obliterated, buildings in disrepair no one could understand what was going on. And then.....that voice resounded. "First Judgement, Greed. Probability of Survival 1%"

Derob · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 Decision

"Level 5?" Yarn muttered to himself but before he could process the information the 10 survivors ran up to him.

"H-How did you do that?" One of them asked in shock. They were all amazed by what he did, after all not only did he kill all the goblins he clearly used something fantastical, magical almost.

"I don't know that much to be honest, but the best way I can explain it is its like a game. Say status and you should understand the rest." Yarn explained as best he could. After a moment they looked at their respective statuses but still had some questions.

He tried to explain to them as best he could, but he didn't know the answer to most of their questions. "So basically this is like one of those Videogame Apocalypse type novels." One of them muttered.

The people gathered together came from various backgrounds, and the person who made this comment was Kim Ha-Joon, a 22 year old man from Korea. After the questions they'd gone over basic introductions.

"Wait what do you mean by that?" Yarn asked, thinking about it this whole situation felt familiar to him, like something he'd heard about before.

"Ya well basically, its a relatively popular novel genre. The apocalypse happens, normally in the form of Gates or a Tower, but the common theme is there's always a videogame-like status screen and mythical monsters." Kim Ha-Joon explained, immediately something clicked in Yarn's head.

'This is that shit Roy always used to ramble about.' Yarn thought as he remembered everything Roy used to tell him. "Don't trust anyone. Keep shit secret. Hunt for achievements. Being first is important but being second is still good. Fortune favors the bold." This was just some of the things Yarn remembered Roy telling him.

He felt a bit comforted by the fact that Roy was a bit knowledgeable about these scenarios. 'At least that means the chances of him surviving are higher even if marginally.'

"So what now?" Raj asked, he was 25 years old and from India.

"I am not sure, normally there's a quest of some sort." Kim Ha-Joon replied.

"Ah so like that "World Quest"?" Jorge interjected, he was 18 years old and came from America.

"No that's like a final quest, more like a tutorial quest or a starter quest." Kim Ha-Joon explained.

"Forget that, you're too stuck on your novels this is real life! First we need to really figure out what's going on. Like where are we? Why can we even understand each other? What happened to the world?" Arnold, 22 years old from Germany, declared.

While all this was going on, Yarn took the time that they were arguing to look at his status. After all he'd levelled up and wanted to know what had happened to his stats if anything did happen.


Name: Yarn

Race: Human

Level: 5

Stat Points: 20

Mana: 7.7/10


Strength: 7

Durability: 6

Vitality: 7

Agility: 8

Mana: 10


Ice Magic Lvl 1 (20/100) {Rare}

Mana Master (Passive) {Rare}



The first thing he noted were the points. Doing the math he quickly realised he got 5 points a level. He the noticed his Mana, which had only dropped down to 7.7 despite all he had done. 'If I think about this logically, an ice spike is probably 1 Mana, which would translate into 0.1 for me. I shot 3 of them which would account for 0.3 and then 2 Mana for ice floor.'

From this Yarn realised just how strong and lucky he truly was. With how much mana he had in the right circumstances it was likely he'd be able to fight 20 goblins alone. 'Should I go all in on Mana then?' Yarn wasn't sure.

Thinking about it more, he realised there would be certain issues. His enemies could always have ranged weapons, and if he ran out of Mana he'd be helpless. 'I'll increase everything to 10 and then put the rest in Mana.'

With that decision made, he spent all 20 of his points. Almost instantly he felt the changes. Increasing his strength made him feel lighter, durability made his skin feel tougher, vitality made his heart pump stronger, agility made his body feel nimbler and lastly increasing his mana increased the warm sensation he felt in his heart.


[1st To Increase All Stats!]

Seeing the prompt Yarn looked at it in shock again. He couldn't believe it. 'I am beginning to understand what Roy meant about achievements.' With that thought in mind the young man was going to look at what he received before deciding against it.

Potentially stoking the others' jealousy at the moment was risky. 'I'll leave it till I am alone.' Shaking his head he then focused on what they were talking about.

"So what do you think Yarn?" Kim Ha-Joon looked at him asking for his opinion on the matter.

"About what? I am sorry I was lost in thought for a moment."

"Ah don't worry about it. We're thinking of looking for food, and maybe any other survivors." Kim Ha-Joon explained. Yarn didn't see a problem with this and simply agreed, but before they could begin their search a screen popped up.

[Tutorial Over]

[Sector 10698, 44/100 Survived]

[Reward: 22 Portions of Rations]

[Time Until Quest 1: 10 hours]

Without another word a box fell from the sky not far from the group of 11, presumably with the 22 portions of rations. 'So it only gave us half the rations we needed? I don't imagine we can share them.' Yarn thought before approaching the box as did the others.

Opening it up there were exactly 22 brown orbs. "Are these meant to be rations?" Arnold complained, it was barely big enough to bite much less to share it.

"Hmm, these must be those martials arts novel food pills." Kim Ha-Joon realised having a eureka moment. "Its said that eating one of these can keep one satiated for days or months depending on the story. In this case it'll probably be for a day."

Hearing this the others felt better about the rations they'd been given. "But how are we gonna divide them." Raj brought up an important question. From what it sounded like there were 33 other survivors who all needed to eat.

"Well shouldn't we be entitled to at least one each since we fought the goblins?" Ben, 21 years old, from England suggested.

"I think that's fair." Jorge agreed, as did the others. They were all hungry for some reason, and while in truth Yarn had killed all the goblins they still risked their lives nonetheless.

"While I do want to eat, shouldn't we be thinking about what this is all about. "Judgement, Greed" and now we're here greedily taking the food. Doesn't it feel as though we're playing into something." Raj gave his point of view.

"That's what I am thinking. I'd rather gather everyone before deciding what we do with the food if that's all right with you guys." Yarn agreed before looking towards the others.

They all understood the logic, and reluctantly agreed. After all even if one was selfish following the logic something bad could happen to them if they obstinately decided to take one.

Soon more and more people gathered, having seen the box fall from the sky they decided to approach to see if they could get any food. And eventually all 44 of them had gathered.