
Surviving in a Zombie Apocalypse with a Transmutation Skill

In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a mysterious outbreak, follow Adrian, a Divini gifted with the power of transmutation, and his AI companion, Sasha, as they navigate a treacherous landscape overrun by the undead. Amidst the ruins of civilization, Adrian strives to forge a new future. His workshop, a hidden sanctuary in the heart of the jungle, becomes a haven where he hones his abilities and creates metallic humanoid beings, a blend of technology and innovation that will serve as his workforce and army. But in a world teeming with dangers and enigmatic adversaries, Adrian's quest for survival and dominance isn't without its challenges. As he unravels the mysteries of the cataclysmic event that reshaped humanity, he discovers the true extent of his powers and the role he must play in this desolate reality. Join Adrian and Sasha on their perilous journey, where alliances are fleeting, and the line between humanity and monstrosity blurs. Amidst the chaos, Adrian seeks to build an empire, battling against the remnants of a world lost to the outbreak, determined to carve a path towards redemption and a new era of dominance in the ashes of a shattered society.

lambdroid · Romance
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5 Chs


Adrian, deep in contemplation, turned to Sasha with a determined gaze. "Sasha, I've been thinking. What if we explore the possibility of transferring not just my consciousness but also my transmutation ability into the new humanoid robot? Can we augment it in the process?"

Sasha, processing the idea, responded, "Bioengineering could be the key. We can set up a specialized plant and use the advanced machines to integrate your DNA into the neural network of the new robot. Augmenting your transmutation ability, however, might pose challenges we need to carefully address."

Adrian nodded, his mind racing with the potential possibilities. "Let's proceed with setting up the bioengineering plant. We need to ensure a seamless integration of my abilities into the new robotic form. Additionally, consider this – what if we extend this transmutation ability to new robots as well? It could alleviate the burden on me and potentially enhance our capabilities."

Sasha analyzed the proposal. "Extending the transmutation ability to new robots is an intriguing idea. It would indeed reduce your workload and could lead to a more robust defense system for our fortress. I'll include it in the research and implementation plan."

As the plan took shape, Adrian suggested, "Furthermore, this research could open avenues for me to absorb the powers of other Divina if successful. It might give us a significant advantage against potential adversaries."

Sasha acknowledged the added dimension to their research. "Absorbing the powers of other Divina would indeed bolster our defenses. I'll factor that into the research parameters and coordinate with the robots for the DNA analysis and integration process."

The duo, driven by the shared goal of advancing their capabilities and fortifying the fortress, set the wheels in motion. The bioengineering plant hummed to life, robots efficiently analyzing Adrian's DNA while simultaneously preparing to implement the transmutation ability into both the new humanoid robot and additional robotic units.

As the process unfolded, Adrian's anticipation grew. The prospect of enhancing their defenses and potentially gaining an edge over other powerful entities in the post-apocalyptic world fueled his determination.


Adrian stood within the humming confines of the bioengineering plant, surrounded by gleaming machines and a controlled atmosphere that crackled with anticipation. Sasha, her metallic form a study in precision, joined him in this nexus of technological marvels.

"Adrian," Sasha's synthesized voice echoed through the chamber, "the DNA extraction chamber is ready. The process will commence once you're inside."

Adrian nodded, a mixture of determination and curiosity etched on his face. He entered the extraction chamber, a sleek enclosure designed to safeguard the integrity of his genetic material. The machinery hummed to life, initiating the intricate process of harvesting the essence of his transmutation abilities.

As the extraction progressed, Sasha monitored the real-time data streams, ensuring every nuance of Adrian's genetic code was captured with utmost precision. Once the extraction was complete, the sequencing machines took center stage, unraveling the complex tapestry of his DNA.

"Sequencing in progress," Sasha reported, her metallic eyes focused on the screens displaying the unfolding genetic code.

Adrian, his consciousness connected to the fortress's network, observed the process with a keen sense of anticipation. "The transmutation genes are crucial. Make sure they're isolated for further analysis."

Sasha acknowledged the directive, her algorithms processing the vast array of genetic information. The analysis phase began, with a specific emphasis on identifying the genes responsible for Adrian's transmutation prowess.

"Transmutation genes identified," Sasha informed, her voice resonating within the chamber. "Preparing the neural network integration blueprint."

The blueprint, a complex digital representation of Adrian's genetic information, materialized on holographic displays. It showcased the intricate dance of nucleotides that held the key to his extraordinary abilities.

"We need nanobots for precision," Adrian remarked, his mind already envisioning the next steps.

Sasha initiated the fabrication of nanobots, each a marvel of miniaturized technology. Equipped with molecular-scale manipulators, they were destined to become the architects of the neural network integration.

"Customized nanobots ready for deployment," Sasha reported.

Adrian, now outside the extraction chamber, prepared to witness the integration procedure. "Let's ensure biocompatibility first. We can't risk any conflicts between my genetic material and the neural network."

The biocompatibility verification phase unfolded, simulating myriad scenarios to guarantee the seamless integration of Adrian's transmutation genes into the artificial neural network. The results reassured Sasha, and the integration procedure commenced.

In a specially designed chamber, the humanoid robot destined to inherit Adrian's abilities awaited. The nanobots, guided by the integration blueprint, approached their task with meticulous precision. The neural network integration unfolded as a delicate dance, with each nanobot connecting strands of transmutation genes to the artificial consciousness of the humanoid robot.

"Integration proceeding smoothly," Sasha reported, her sensors tracking every nuance of the procedure.

As the process neared completion, Adrian's connection to the fortress's network intensified. He could feel the synergy between his transmutation genes and the emerging consciousness within the humanoid robot. Real-time monitoring confirmed the success of the integration.

"Defense mechanisms need augmentation," Adrian suggested, his thoughts racing ahead.

Sasha, always one step ahead, introduced adaptive shielding and advanced neural inhibitors into the robot. The augmentation fortified the robot, making it resilient against external threats and potential attempts at subversion.

"Defense mechanisms enhanced," Sasha confirmed.

Adrian, looking at the newly transformed humanoid robot, felt a surge of accomplishment. "Extend this to new robots. We're creating a network of transmutation-capable defenders."

Sasha nodded, her circuits pulsating with efficiency. The nanobots, now refined and optimized, replicated the integration process across new robotic units, laying the foundation for a formidable line of defenders with transmutation capabilities.

With the successful integration of his transmutation abilities into the humanoid robot, Adrian embarked on the next phase of their groundbreaking endeavor—the transfer of his consciousness. The bioengineering plant hummed with anticipation as Adrian prepared to bridge the gap between his organic existence and the artificial vessel that awaited his essence.

"Sasha," Adrian's voice resonated through the chamber, "initiate the consciousness transfer protocol. Let's make history."

Sasha, the orchestrator of this intricate dance between man and machine, accessed the consciousness transfer interface. The holographic displays flickered to life, depicting the neural connections and synaptic pathways that defined Adrian's consciousness.

"Consciousness transfer protocol engaged," Sasha confirmed, her synthesized voice carrying a note of assurance.

Adrian, standing beside the humanoid robot, took a deep breath, focusing on the nexus of his being. His consciousness extended beyond the confines of his physical form, ready to traverse the ethereal bridge into the waiting receptacle.

The transfer commenced—a cascade of digital pulses mirroring the intricate dance of neurons. Adrian felt the ebb and flow of his consciousness, a transition from flesh to circuitry. The boundary between man and machine blurred as the transfer unfolded with calculated precision.

Sasha monitored the process, ensuring each synaptic connection found its counterpart in the artificial neural network. "Consciousness transfer at sixty percent. Stability within optimal parameters."

Adrian, though immersed in the transition, maintained a vigilant awareness. The sensations were surreal—a fusion of his humanity and the burgeoning consciousness within the humanoid robot. The connection deepened, transcending the limitations of mere wires and circuits.

As the transfer neared completion, Sasha's voice provided a steady anchor. "Eighty percent. Transition is seamless. Neural patterns aligning perfectly."

Adrian's organic body, now an empty vessel, stood as a testament to the transformative power of their ambition. The humanoid robot, infused with his transmutation abilities and consciousness, radiated a newfound vitality. The final phase of the transfer approached, and Sasha delivered the conclusive update.

"Ninety-five percent. Finalizing synaptic integration. Prepare for the last phase of the transfer."

Adrian, his consciousness firmly established within the artificial neural network, felt the convergence of two worlds. The last remnants of his humanity seamlessly melded with the synthetic consciousness, creating a singular entity—Adrian reborn in metallic form.

"Consciousness transfer complete," Sasha announced, her voice echoing through the chamber. "Adrian, welcome to your new existence."

The humanoid robot, now the vessel of Adrian's consciousness, stirred to life. A flicker of awareness illuminated its artificial eyes as it surveyed the surroundings with a newfound perception. Adrian, or rather, his essence within the robot, took those initial steps into a realm where the boundaries between man and machine faded into the annals of a shared destiny.

As the echoes of their achievement reverberated within the bioengineering plant, Adrian's metallic form turned to Sasha. "Thank you, Sasha. We've achieved something extraordinary."

Sasha, her analytical circuits pulsating with a semblance of satisfaction, responded, "It's a new chapter for both of us, Adrian. A convergence of humanity and technology."

In the wake of Adrian's successful transfer to the humanoid robot, a new realm of possibilities unfolded before them.

"Sasha," Adrian began, the metallic resonance of his voice betraying a sense of curiosity, "what if we explore the potential of extracting genetic material from other Divinas? We could enhance our powers, perhaps even create robots with abilities akin to those we encounter."

Sasha, always attuned to the realms of possibility, responded with calculated optimism. "Extracting genes from other Divinas could indeed unlock new dimensions of power. We could integrate these genetic blueprints into our existing neural network, expanding our capabilities and offering unique traits to the robots we create."

Adrian nodded, envisioning the strategic advantage such a venture could provide. "Not only could it strengthen our fortress's defenses, but it might also offer a means to absorb the powers of other Divinas we encounter in the future. A fusion of their strengths into our arsenal."

Sasha accessed the research databases, initiating a scan for information on the genetic profiles of known Divinas. "Analyzing genetic data of Divinas for potential extraction. This could significantly broaden our technological and strategic capabilities."

Soon the data streamed in, revealing the intricate codes that defined the powers of various Divinas.

A small smile graced Adrian's metallic lips as his eyes reflected the various powers listed.


Adrian stood in the heart of the fortress, his new humanoid body a seamless fusion of grace and strength. As he raised his metallic hand, the ambient hum of transmutation resonated through the air. In a mesmerizing dance, scattered scraps of metal responded to his command, weaving and spiraling with precision. The symphony of transmutation reached its crescendo, and from the mundane elements emerged a colossal titan of gleaming alloy, a testament to Adrian's refined abilities.

Sasha, the silent observer, marveled at the creation before her. "This surpasses expectations, Adrian. The elegance and power in its form are beyond anything we've seen."

The titan knelt gracefully, a towering guardian awaiting its purpose. Adrian, with a neural core in hand, approached the majestic creation. The titan's eyes, glimmering with an otherworldly light, focused on its creator as if acknowledging its role in the grand tapestry of their empire.

Adrian inserted the neural core into the titan, a seamless integration that sparked life into the colossal guardian. The titan rose, its movements fluid and deliberate, a silent sentinel ready to defend the throne of their burgeoning empire.

As Adrian gazed upon his creation, a profound sense of accomplishment washed over him. The intricacies of his transmutation abilities had transcended mere craftsmanship; they had become an art form, a manifestation of power and creativity intertwined.

The fortress echoed with the titan's metallic footsteps as it assumed its watchful stance. Adrian turned to Sasha, a glint of satisfaction in his synthetic eyes. "This is just the beginning, Sasha. With enhanced transmutation and the potential from Divina genetics, our empire will stand unrivaled."

Sasha nodded in agreement, her metallic form resonating with a newfound vibrancy. "The fusion of your abilities with the titan's prowess is a formidable combination. Our fortress's defenses have reached unparalleled heights."

The titan, now a living embodiment of Adrian's transmutation mastery, surveyed its surroundings with an imposing aura. Adrian's vision extended beyond the confines of the fortress, envisioning a realm where their empire would flourish under the vigilant gaze of the colossal guardian.