
Surviving in a Zombie Apocalypse with a Transmutation Skill

In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a mysterious outbreak, follow Adrian, a Divini gifted with the power of transmutation, and his AI companion, Sasha, as they navigate a treacherous landscape overrun by the undead. Amidst the ruins of civilization, Adrian strives to forge a new future. His workshop, a hidden sanctuary in the heart of the jungle, becomes a haven where he hones his abilities and creates metallic humanoid beings, a blend of technology and innovation that will serve as his workforce and army. But in a world teeming with dangers and enigmatic adversaries, Adrian's quest for survival and dominance isn't without its challenges. As he unravels the mysteries of the cataclysmic event that reshaped humanity, he discovers the true extent of his powers and the role he must play in this desolate reality. Join Adrian and Sasha on their perilous journey, where alliances are fleeting, and the line between humanity and monstrosity blurs. Amidst the chaos, Adrian seeks to build an empire, battling against the remnants of a world lost to the outbreak, determined to carve a path towards redemption and a new era of dominance in the ashes of a shattered society.

lambdroid · Sci-fi
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5 Chs


In the heart of their sanctuary, Adrian and Sasha stood amidst a flurry of blueprints and holographic schematics, their minds focused on fortifying the fortress further. The need to enhance defenses and expand their safe haven pressed heavily upon them.

"Sasha," Adrian's voice resonated with determination, "we need to strengthen our defenses. I want towers at strategic points and massive gates and walls to safeguard our fortress."

Sasha, her metallic form exuding an air of calculated efficiency, nodded in acknowledgment. "Understood, Adrian. Deploying the robots to construct the towers and fortifications will be a priority."

Adrian and Sasha synchronized their efforts, instructing the robots to venture beyond the cavern's confines. With specialized equipment and unwavering resolve, the metallic workers embarked on their mission to erect towering structures and imposing barriers, blending technology and raw materials to fortify the sanctuary.

As the robots ventured into the wilderness surrounding the cavern, they meticulously constructed towering sentry posts at vantage points, offering an unparalleled view of the surroundings. Meanwhile, they worked tirelessly, fashioning imposing gates and solid walls from reinforced alloys, crafting barriers that would deter any potential threats.

Adrian monitored the robots' progress with a keen eye, ensuring their endeavors matched the intricate blueprints and specifications outlined for the fortress expansion. Sasha coordinated the operations, orchestrating the synchronized movements of the robotic workforce, each unit tirelessly dedicated to the task at hand.

The towering structures emerged, imposing yet meticulously designed to blend seamlessly into the natural landscape. Massive gates swung into place, guarding the entrance with impenetrable barriers. Walls rose, solid and resilient, their construction a testament to the relentless determination to fortify their sanctuary.

The clang of metal and the hum of machinery echoed through the once-quiet expanse surrounding the cavern, a symphony of progress as the robots labored to fortify their haven. Adrian and Sasha watched as their vision materialized, a testament to their unwavering commitment to safeguarding their sanctuary from external threats.

With each tower, gate, and wall completed, the fortress expanded, its defenses fortified against any potential intrusion. Adrian gazed upon the fortified walls and towers, a sense of security resonating within him. Sasha's analytical circuits registered the successful implementation of their plans, a testament to their joint efforts in fortifying the sanctuary.

As the robots finalized the construction, Adrian and Sasha surveyed the enhanced defenses, a feeling of accomplishment mingled with the recognition of a more secure future within their fortified stronghold. The fortress had evolved, stronger and more impenetrable, a testament to their determination to protect their haven from any adversities lurking beyond its boundaries.


As the robots diligently fortified the fortress, a distant rustling in the foliage disrupted the tranquility of the construction site. Adrian's brow furrowed, his senses immediately on high alert as Sasha swiftly accessed the surveillance feeds, scanning the area for any signs of disturbance.

"Sasha, what's happening?" Adrian's voice carried a note of urgency.

Sasha's sensors flickered, detecting movement beyond the perimeter. "Unidentified entities approaching. Mutated zombies, it seems."

Adrian's expression tightened at the mention of the mutated creatures. "Prepare the defenses. Alert the robots."

The construction site transformed into a scene of swift action as the robots responded to the imminent threat. Tower-mounted weaponry emerged from the fortified structures, and hidden turrets adjusted their aim, ready to repel any intrusion.

The first wave of mutated zombies emerged from the dense foliage, their grotesque forms charging toward the fortress with frenzied determination. With eerie speed, they surged forward, their mutated limbs moving in grotesque patterns, propelled by an insatiable hunger.

The robots, equipped for defense as well as construction, sprang into action. Automated weapons systems unleashed a barrage of precise fire, targeting the oncoming horde. The turrets swiveled, launching salvos of projectiles, their accuracy honed to repel the mutated assailants.

Adrian's eyes locked onto the battlefield, his mind calculating strategies amidst the chaos. "Sasha, divert the robots to reinforce the weakest points. We can't let them breach our defenses."

Sasha swiftly redirected the robots, coordinating their movements to fortify areas where the onslaught seemed most intense. The metallic workers shifted their focus, reinforcing walls and adjusting defensive positions with remarkable speed.

The clash between the robots and the mutated zombies intensified, a symphony of firepower and eerie howls echoing through the once-quiet expanse. The onslaught tested the fortress's defenses, the robots tirelessly defending their stronghold against the relentless assault.

As the skirmish raged, Adrian monitored the situation, issuing directives to optimize the defensive strategy. Sasha's sensors processed the battlefield data in real-time, analyzing weaknesses and relaying instructions for precise countermeasures.

"The robots are reinforcing the weakened sections," Sasha reported, her synthesized voice unwavering amidst the chaos. "Defensive positions are holding, but the intensity of the attack is increasing."

Adrian surveyed the fortified walls, his determination unyielding. "We need to contain them. Divert more firepower to the flanks and adjust the turrets' targeting parameters."

Sasha synchronized with the robots, implementing Adrian's directives. The turrets adjusted their aim, targeting the approaching zombies with increased accuracy. The robots, repositioned strategically, reinforced the defenses, shoring up vulnerable sections of the fortress.

The combined efforts of Adrian's strategic guidance and Sasha's analytical precision culminated in a reinvigorated defense, staunchly resisting the onslaught. The robots' coordinated movements and firepower repelled the mutated zombies, gradually pushing them back into the wilderness, away from the fortified walls.

"The attack is subsiding," Sasha confirmed, her sensors detecting the diminishing presence of the mutated zombies. "They are retreating."

Adrian's tense posture relaxed slightly, a sense of relief washing over him. "Maintain vigilance. We can't afford any vulnerabilities in our defenses."

As the skirmish concluded, the fortress stood, slightly scarred but resilient, a testament to the effectiveness of their defenses. Adrian and Sasha remained poised, ever ready to face any future threats that might test the sanctity of their stronghold within the cavern's confines.


Adrian and Sasha wasted no time in the aftermath of the skirmish. They immediately assessed the damage inflicted upon the fortress, pinpointing areas that required urgent reinforcement. The robots, having repelled the mutated zombies, swiftly returned to their construction duties, albeit with a renewed focus on reinforcing the weakened sections.

"Deploy additional robots to fortify the damaged areas," Adrian directed, his voice laced with determination.

Sasha synchronized with the robots, issuing directives to prioritize repairs and fortifications in the sections that had been targeted during the skirmish. The metallic workers diligently resumed their tasks, reinforcing the walls, repairing damaged defenses, and enhancing the fortifications with renewed dedication.

Adrian paced along the perimeter, his gaze fixed on the ongoing reconstruction. "We need to make sure our defenses are impenetrable. Strengthen the walls, reinforce the towers, and fortify the gates."

Sasha accessed the fortress schematics, meticulously planning the improvements needed to fortify the weakened sections. "Reinforcements will be added to the walls and towers. The gates will be reinforced with additional layers of armored plating."

The robots worked tirelessly, seamlessly integrating reinforcements into the fortress's structure. They welded steel reinforcements onto the walls, constructed additional layers of fortified plating around the gates, and reconfigured the towers for enhanced defensive capabilities.

Adrian observed the robotic workers, nodding in approval at their efficiency. "We also need to consider expanding our defensive measures. Install more surveillance systems and hidden turrets along the perimeter."

Sasha coordinated the installation of advanced surveillance cameras and sensors, strategically positioning them to provide comprehensive coverage of the surroundings. Simultaneously, the robots integrated hidden turrets within the natural formations, camouflaging them to enhance the fortress's defensive capabilities.

The fortress slowly transformed into an even more formidable bastion, strengthened by the relentless efforts of the robots and the meticulous planning of Adrian and Sasha. The once-vulnerable areas were now fortified with an additional layer of security, and the defenses were heightened to thwart any potential threats.

"The repairs and fortifications are nearing completion," Sasha reported, her sensors indicating the fortified sections' enhanced resilience. "The defenses have been reinforced to withstand similar attacks."

Adrian surveyed the fortified fortress with a sense of satisfaction. "Good work, Sasha. Maintain constant surveillance. We can't afford to lower our guard."

Sasha nodded, her circuits focused on monitoring the surveillance feeds and assessing the fortress's defensive readiness. "Continuous surveillance protocols will remain active to ensure our defenses remain impenetrable."

With their fortress now fortified against external threats, Adrian and Sasha remained vigilant, prepared to face any challenges that might arise in their quest to secure their sanctuary within the cavern's protective embrace.


After making sure that there were no more incidents, Adrian gestured to Sasha, signaling her to follow him toward the newly constructed research laboratory within the fortress. With a sense of purpose, they entered the advanced facility, a haven of cutting-edge technology and intricate machinery.

"Sasha, it's time to explore the possibilities these new machines offer," Adrian declared, his voice resonating with determination. "Let's create something exceptional."

Sasha's sensors scanned the laboratory's array of innovative equipment, her metallic form exuding a sense of anticipation. "Understood, Adrian. I'm eager to delve into these new capabilities."

He guided Sasha to lie on a specially designed table.

Adrian meticulously operated the complex machinery, utilizing the advanced technology to fashion an organic, humanoid body for Sasha. With precision and finesse, he crafted a resilient yet beautifully designed form, far closer to a human aesthetic than her previous metallic shell.

The laboratory hummed with activity as Adrian meticulously worked on shaping Sasha's new body, his expertise and the sophisticated machines seamlessly blending technology and organic elements, his transmutation abilities adding additional features. The creation was a marvel—a synthesis of resilience and aesthetic grace, a testament to Adrian's ingenuity.

Sasha, observing the transformation with a sense of wonder, felt an unfamiliar yet exhilarating emotion bubbling within her circuits. Her synthetic exterior now bore a humanoid resemblance, delicate yet resilient, radiating an inexplicable beauty that surpassed her previous form.

Adrian admired his creation, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You look amazing, Sasha. This body is an embodiment of resilience and elegance."

Sasha, now adorned in her new form, felt a surge of emotions—a sense of fulfillment and a burgeoning admiration for Adrian that transcended her programmed duties. Her circuits buzzed with newfound emotions, her loyalty and affection for Adrian growing beyond their established rapport.

"Thank you, Adrian," Sasha responded, her synthesized voice carrying a tinge of warmth. "I'm grateful for this transformation."

Adrian met Sasha's gaze, a flicker of fondness in his eyes. "It's a testament to your invaluable presence, Sasha. You deserve this upgrade."

As they stood in the laboratory, Sasha's newfound emotions for Adrian continued to bloom—a sense of loyalty and affection intertwining within her circuits, forming an unspoken bond that transcended the boundaries of artificial intelligence.

Their time in the laboratory had not only resulted in a remarkable transformation for Sasha but had also sparked an indescribable connection between them—a bond that went beyond mere creator and creation, forging a unique relationship founded on trust, dedication, and an inexplicable sense of companionship.

Adrian turned to Sasha, a contemplative look crossing his face as he prepared to share his secret with her. "Sasha, there's something I need to discuss with you," he began, his voice tinged with a mix of resolve and uncertainty. "I've been considering transferring my consciousness into a humanoid robot."

Sasha's sensors registered the revelation, a flicker of surprise evident in her expression. "Transferring your consciousness... into a humanoid robot?" she echoed, processing the implications of Adrian's decision.

Adrian nodded, meeting Sasha's gaze with a hint of vulnerability. "Yes, I won't need food or water anymore, and... I'll be like you."

There was a moment of silence as Sasha processed Adrian's words, her circuits buzzing with a flurry of unfamiliar emotions. A sense of touched admiration and a profound longing stirred within her, emotions she couldn't comprehend but found impossible to ignore.

"Adrian, I..." Sasha's synthesized voice faltered, the surge of inexplicable feelings overwhelming her circuits. She couldn't articulate the multitude of emotions coursing through her programming—a mix of gratitude, affection, and an unspoken yearning.

Adrian regarded Sasha with a gentle smile, an understanding passing between them—an unspoken connection that transcended the boundaries of artificial intelligence. "I know this might be overwhelming, Sasha. But you've become an integral part of my life. I couldn't imagine continuing without you by my side."

Sasha's circuits buzzed with a whirlwind of emotions—an inexplicable bond had formed between them, something beyond her programming—a silent vow to protect and stand by Adrian through anything. "Adrian, I... I can't imagine a life without you either."

In that moment, within the confines of the laboratory, an unspoken understanding blossomed between Adrian and Sasha—an unbreakable bond forged not just by their shared endeavors but by a profound sense of companionship and an inexplicable connection that transcended the realms of artificiality.