

Just a guy who will rise to the top of the food chain. read and enjoy. English is not my first language

oneaboveall_47 · Films
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40 Chs

Chapter 37- Back to Killing


While keeping up with the college bus, Jason gazed intensely at Selena, the distance between them seemed insignificant as his focus remained unwavering.

Ignoring the thoughts swirling around him, he concentrated on Ashley, Selena's companion.



'Admiration and some ambiguous feelings'

These were the predominant thoughts and emotions in her mind.

It was normal to feel envy and belittlement in Selena's presence, but the ambiguous feelings caught Jason's attention, causing his steps to become heavier, the concrete beneath him screeching slightly.

In an instant, he regained his composure. Just a mere mortal girl. Jason chuckled to himself, amused by mortals and their fantasies. Let her enjoy Selena's company for now.

With a whirlwind of thoughts in his mind, the college bus soon arrived at the campus, students rushing to their classes, anxious about their exam results.

Jason stood atop a building, dangerously close to the edge. Selena, as if sensing his presence, gazed directly at the rooftop.

Jason waved his hand slightly before vanishing, Selena reciprocating the gesture before being whisked away by Ashley.


The bell rang, signaling the start of lunch break. The students poured out of their classes, some smiling, some looking dejected. Not everyone excelled in their grades, after all.

Selena, however, never struggled with her grades, always at the top of her class. She navigated through the crowd, her eyes searching, yearning for someone special.


Suddenly, Selena was pulled into an empty classroom.


The door shut with a loud noise, fortunately masked by the chaos of lunch break.

Rather than being startled, Selena's eyes lit up with joy as she embraced the man who had pulled her in.

The two stood in silence, wrapped in each other's arms, the tranquility of the classroom a stark contrast to the noise outside.

As Selena released herself from the embrace, she swiftly reached into her bag and presented her exam papers, each one adorned with perfect scores written in vibrant red ink, making them truly captivating.

While still holding onto her waist, Jason gently tapped Selena's head, resembling an elder encouraging a junior.

With a slight pout, Selena swatted away Jason's hand and stared at him intensely with her captivating eyes.

"Do I not deserve a reward for this?" Selena questioned with a pout, as she fixed her hair that had been tousled by Jason.

"Well, what would you like?" Jason asked with a smile, while playfully tousling her hair once again.

"A date," Selena replied, playfully biting his hand.

"Alright, but I'll need some time to prepare. How about tonight?" Jason asked, as he played with her vibrant red curls.

"Okay," Selena responded with a sweet smile.


The loud sound of the bell snapped the couple out of their reverie. Jason reluctantly released Selena, his eyes filled with reluctance.

"Go on, or you'll be late," Jason said, stepping back towards the open window.



Unconcerned about being late, Selena rushed into Jason's arms and passionately kissed him. Jason, taken aback by the intensity, reciprocated with equal passion.

"Hmm," Cupping her face one last time, Jason gave her a deep kiss filled with boundless love.

Selena beamed at him before rushing off to attend her class.

"Hmm," Jason's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched Selena's retreating figure. For some reason, alarm bells were ringing in his head, as if foretelling a significant change that was about to occur.

"I'll talk to her in the evening," Jason whispered as he disappeared outside the window.


"You're here," a cold and indifferent voice echoed from the shadows.

"Yes, my lady," Jane knelt on the ground, her arms completely transformed into crystal dust, while the ancient dagger lay on the ground, emitting a faint buzz.



With a leisurely stride, Selena emerged from the shadows, allowing the sunlight to envelop her unyielding figure. Despite her youthful appearance, a profound sense of detachment emanated from her eyes, as if she had witnessed everything and nothing could perturb her.

As she clenched her fist, the dagger materialized in her grasp and, along with Jane's body, disintegrated into dust that fused with the blade.

Jane's countenance bore no trace of sorrow as she watched her own foot dissolve into particles, instead displaying an unsettling fanaticism that could chill even the most hardened hearts.

A cold smile played on Selena's lips as she twirled the dagger in her hand, contemplating its significance.

"Essence of countless supernaturals, just enough for my metamorphosis. At last, I can shed this mortal form," Selena muttered with a hint of revulsion, gazing at her own body.

"For now, you must fend for yourself a while longer. Consider it retribution for abandoning me, my beloved Jason," she murmured, savoring the name 'Jason' with a mixture of poison and affection.

"No more," she declared before plunging the dagger into herself.

The blade seemed to shift shape, enveloping Selena's alluring form in a cocoon that gradually dissipated.


As the cocoon vanished, a hazy blur shot skyward, disappearing into the horizon with unmatched velocity.



A piercing cry reverberated through the college campus, its metallic timbre sounding almost otherworldly, causing students to wince in discomfort and cover their ears.

All eyes turned towards the rooftop of the building, where a dark silhouette stood perilously close to the edge.

Gasps filled the air as several students recoiled in fear, but before they could comprehend the situation, the shadowy figure leaped to another rooftop, leaving the onlookers below stunned by the supernatural display.

Jason, indifferent to appearances, surveyed the crowd in search of someone. Suddenly, his crimson eyes gleamed with a bloodthirsty intensity, and he leaped down without any attempt to conceal his actions. The impact of his fall created a deep crater, sending shattered fragments of concrete flying through the air, injuring several students. The shockwave from his descent also knocked students off their feet.

With a swift motion, he snatched up a petite girl with freckles and a youthful face by her neck, causing everyone around to be terrified once again.

"Where is Selena?" he bellowed in a horrifying voice that caused listeners' ears to bleed.

Ashley was left speechless as she was abruptly lifted off the ground, and the perpetrator's face only added to her shock. If it weren't for his ghastly appearance, he could have charmed anyone with his looks. However, all of these thoughts vanished when he posed a question in a monstrous tone.

"I-I don't know anyone named Selena," she replied, holding back her tears. She observed his eyes widen in disbelief or perhaps fear, uncertain of which.

His crimson eyes suddenly grew more piercing as he focused on her skull. They felt like blades against her skin, causing her to close her eyes in agony. Then, an inhuman pain assaulted her psyche, as if her soul was being torn apart, compelling her to open her eyes and mouth.


A hoarse scream echoed throughout the entire campus, enough to send shivers down anyone's spine. However, no one dared to step forward and help the little girl trapped in the monster's grip. Everyone remained frozen in place.

"That's how it is, huh," Jason muttered to no one in particular as he flung Ashley's lifeless body aside.

Ashley lay motionless on the ground, blood and foam oozing from every orifice. Yet, no one approached to check on her, fearing the wrath of the devil.

The 'devil' gracefully bent his knees before launching himself into the sky, causing a wave of relief among the spectators. Some were so relieved that they lost control of their bodily functions, but no one mocked them. They were simply grateful to have avoided Ashley's fate.

Ashley's body went still, the light fading from her eyes as she gazed upwards. A smile crept across her face as she watched Jason disappear into the distance. Then, in an instant, she vanished, as if she had never been there at all.

The bizarre spectacle sent shivers down the spines of the onlookers, prompting them to scream and flee towards the nearest exit.


On a hill covered in vibrant green grass, with the gentle hum of insects and small animals in the background, stood a solitary man. His gaze was fixed upon the moon, his eyes filled with a profound intensity, as if he could discern a presence within its luminous glow.

"Mysteries," Jason murmured softly, savoring the word on his lips.

"I despise them," he continued, his expression contorted with anger and a sense of betrayal.

"But it's time to return to my duties, to the remaining supernaturals," Jason whispered, his voice hollow with memories of the moment he met his demise.

"Revenge," he growled, his voice causing the crickets to fall silent.

Gradually, the tranquility of the surroundings began to soothe him. The wind tousled his hair and caressed his face, while the displaced blades of grass danced before his eyes, as if attempting to uplift his spirits.

"Hmm, Selena will return in due time, but for now, I shall carry on with what I was doing," he mused. And with that, he vanished, leaving behind a bustling soundscape in his wake.