

Just a guy who will rise to the top of the food chain. read and enjoy. English is not my first language

oneaboveall_47 · Films
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40 Chs

Chapter 27- The Origin Part 4

Underground chambers

Author POV

Within the dark hall stood a lonely silhouette. The darkness made it difficult to discern the surroundings, but the obvious curves on the body implied it was a female.

Not far from her lied a cloak on the ground, untarnished by the grime of the floor. It seemed to hover in the air, enveloped by a gentle light. It seemed too holy for this world.

Under the darkness, the Chosen one murmured softly while holding an unremarkable case whose only virtue was the otherworldly light leaking from it, leading to the formation of several visions.

A dark vortex devoured the universe, while a man with a blurred face stood above it, overlooking eternity.

The man's stalwart shadow seemed to eclipse the entire creation.

The lady looked at these visions with love, piousness, and obsession. Her entire focus was on the man's blurry face.

She slowly raised her fingers towards the shadow, trying to caress the blurred face. Her eyes held a look of intense concentration, as if to pierce through the blur and see the real face.

As if mocking her, the vision dissipated, but not before a cluster of lights circled around her, like engaging with her in a playful banter, caressing her from head to toe, before disappearing in the archaic case.

Just for an instant, her face was revealed by the floating light before darkness covered it again, like a veil.

The otherworldly beauty on that face was beyond the comprehension of mortals, and there were no words to describe it.

"Still as playful as always." The woman spoke with an enchanting voice. Darkness itself seemed to come alive with her voice, throbbing with her emotions, playing a tune both enchanting and horrifying.

It's a pity no one was there to hear it.

"Soon we will be together again," she said with her ethereal voice, while caressing the case with longing flashing in her alluring eyes. Those eyes flashed with an unnatural obsession, as if she had waited for countless years.

The hall returned to silence, while the lady stood still and stared at the dark ceiling; her eyes seemingly pierced through time and space and looked at the future.

A gentle smile adorned her prepossessing face while she visualized the perfect future.

"I can't wait to meet you, my love," she continued, longing in her voice.

Silence returned again, and the slight light of the cloak illuminated the moving figure of the woman, with the case tightly clutched to her chest, as if wanting to merge the essence with her body.

She slowly moved across the dark hall, like a ghost in the darkness, her movements completely free of any sound. Every line of her body seemed to work together, making it appear as if she were floating, and the movement of her hips was just as hypnotic as her eyes.

In one swift motion, she opened the case, letting loose the essence within.


As if a blocked waterfall had been let loose, the essence surged and pulsated with speed beyond comprehension, rushing to engulf the entire heaven and earth.

An ethereal light engulfed the whole world, gently cocooning it and preparing the world for its apotheosis.

On the ground, primitives danced wildly, as if celebrating the return of their god.

Inexplicable changes took place in their bodies and spirits; their eyes, which seemed more blank before, now contained some twinkle of intelligence.

Their bodies became tougher and their minds sharper, increasing their chance to survive the upcoming difficult times.

Similar changes took place in all the beasts.

Only after enough tempering will the perfect vessel be born.

Unnoticeable changes took place across the globe, shaping up the world to Supreme's liking.

Soon the visible changes stopped, but the invisible changes continued in the background.

Back in the underground chamber, the lady stood still, gazing upwards, her vision piercing through the darkness and surface of the earth, observing all the changes happening.

"It's done." She spoke with a lovely smile on her face.

Out of nowhere, a dagger appeared in her hand.

The dagger seemed archaic; it had a sleek design with several runes that seemed to be pulsing with life.

Overall, the hilt of the dagger seemed unremarkable, if you ignore the runes that seemed to be crawling like nerves.

But the blade seemed completely opposite of the low-key hilt.

The blade was pitch black with a silver sheen on the edge. As if it held the power to pierce reality, the space around the blade seemed to be getting fractured.


In an instant, the woman teleported to the sky, traveling thousands of feet.

Under the twilight sky, she floated in the air. One hand clutching the case and another holding the dagger.

With the hand holding the dagger, she caressed the case, as if caressing her lover's face.

The moonlight illuminated her face, and her breathtaking features seemed to glow with a charm capable of eclipsing the moon's beauty.


In one swift motion, she stabbed herself.

Her face was adorned with a soft smile, like she couldn't feel any pain.

She continued smiling while staring at the sky, as if she could see their reunion in the future.

Her body slowly started disintegrating into clusters of starlight.

As if being erased from this reality, her entire being disappeared and turned into starlight that drifted away and soon vanished from sight.

Waiting for the summon of her beloved, she too fell into a long slumber.

" Thud"


The quaint case and the dagger both fell hard to the ground.

The case seemed fine even after the fall, as if unbreakable.

The dagger lost its otherworldly edge, and the lifelike runes disappeared, turning into an unremarkable dagger. Waiting for its owner to return, it turned no different from the daggers made by the primitives of this era.

Just like that, silence enveloped the whole world as time passed quietly.

The wheels of fate turned.

The primitive natives soon climbed to the top of the food chain, considering themselves the masters of this world.

But, are they really?