
Forest 2

A year already past when I got here in the forest.

There's so many thingsthat change in this place. The beautiful forest that I saw on the top of the hill when I first got here become a wasteland because of me fighting strong monsters everyday. I enjoy beating and killing them, everytime I saw a monster I see them as an experience points.

I fought all the strong monster in this forest. I killed Orc King, Giant Poisonous Viper, Goblin King, Stone Golem, Wood Golem, Alpha Wolf, Demons, Giant Kong, Minotaur, and many more. But there is the only one that I didn't fight yet, and that is the massive dragon who rule this territory.

I accidentally saw that dragon six months ago. It's really massive and strong, at the time that I saw the dragon it's fighting the another dragon. That was really an epic fight, because of that a part of the forest was obliterated and the massive dragon got the victory. Since that day I practice and killed many strong monster to challenge it. I swear to myself that I will not leave this forest until I defeat that dragon.

Right now I'm climbing the mountain where the dragon staying. I will challenge and kill it so the position of the strongest will be mine in this territory. I will treat this dangerous fight as my graduation and start my journey.

After a few hours I step on the summit and there I see the figure of my last opponent in this territory. Alright this is it there's no backing down now.I step in front of the dragon and throw a stone on its head and the dragon wakes up. Some of you might think I'm an idiot because I woke it up than attacking it while sleeping. I've done it because I want to fight this majestic creature fair and square, so there's no meaning in killing this dragon if it didn't fight in full power. I want to be strongest so I would not do a cowardy thing like surprised in this precious opponent.

When the dragon sees me it become furious and roars angrily.


I got the chill running into my spine when I hear the dragon's loud roar.

"So this is the ruler of this territory"

Standing at the front of a ferocious beast makes my body shiver. This is the first time I felt fear since I've been reincarnate in this world.It's staring at me furiously, my sweat is dripping from my chick. My heart's beating fast,is it because of fear?Noit's more like excitement. The dragon stands and ready to attack anytime. I ready myself and fix my posture, defending on that big and sharp claw is fatal, so evading is a better decision.

After a few second of silence, the dragon makes the first move. Some light emerging from its mouth.



I unintentionally shout because of that attack. THE FUCK! Using a very powerful attack in the start of the fight is ABSURD! At least make it something like claw or tail attack.

If you throw a powerful offense, it's alright if I use powerful defense to defend it. Before the breath swallow me I defend it using one of my powerful skill.


Magical patterns appear around me. And after a short moment my barrier and its breath collide.

AWESOME! My barrier can easily block the powerful breath of this massive dragon. So my hardships fighting strong monster until now is not in vain.


A magic to create and manipulate magic shield/barrier.

The truth is after getting the barrier skill I always use it every day so it would level up faster. BecauseI don't want to die again accidentally like what happen in my previous life, no, I think it's more like stupidity than accident. My determination to make my barrier strong results to make it up to level 8 [God Level] after two months. Thanks to God giving me two great blessings.


Can easily acquire a skill if the requirements was meet.


Multiply the experience bonus you get by 400 times.

I'mjust standing in my position waiting for the breath to stop.

And when the attack stops my surrounding was devastated, only the area inside my barrier was safe.

When the dragon sees me still standing and unscratched it become more furious. It moves its tail and smashes me.


A loud explosion reverates through the mountain. After the dust cleared up I'm still standing inside my barrier smirking to the dragon. I cancel the barrier and charge. And when I got near the dragon I brandished my sword and use my sword skill.


Nine swords slash slice the dragon and it roars in anguish. It defends itself using its sharp claws. Wah… (amazed) Its attack is really fast if I didn't have a level 8 Evading skill I already sliced now into minced meat. I step back and defend the ferocious attack of the dragon.

Oh! (Surprise) I thought I can't withstand its direct attack without barrier but from whatI doing right now makes my fear in vain.

By the way the sword I using was the sword I saw in my second day in the forest. I've learned the Life Magic [REPAIR] and use it to the rusty sword, the result is, it become like a brand new sword again.


Magic that helps the user for everyday life.

This sword would not last long in this fight if I don't amplify my magic to strengthen it. Amplifying your magic is not a skill; I thought its natural here in this world because I didn't see Amplify Skill in my status.

After a rain of fast and powerful attack I saw an opening and use my Blink Skill to suddenly appear in front of it. I try to end the fight by using my powerful sword skill, but suddenly I felt something hit my side. I was struck by the dragon's tail and blown away rummaging anything in my way.

I thought I will die but my body only feels a little pain. It's like that your friend mischievously charge and rum your side but you'll only fall down and feel a little pain because of falling and stand again, just like that.

"Now this dragon pisses me off, in my next move you'll die"

I run fast using my skill Wind Walk and got in front the dragon. The dragon use its fast and powerful tail to smash me but I already read its move and dodged it.I jump and use one of my powerful sword skill to end this fight.

"Die so I will become the STRONGEST!.. DEATH STAB! "

I stab the center of the dragon's head with so much power. After a few second the ruler fell down and stops breathing. I try hitting its head if it's really dead, and it's not really moving anymore.

"I WON!"

I shout my victory and does a victory pose on the top of the dragon's head. If I'm still in my previous world, I'll take a photo and upload it to my IG (INSTAGRAM) with caption [Beating a Dragon as an exercise]. But there's no dragon there so many may comment [You have a good photo editing skill].

I really did achieved something incredible, this is the first time I achieved something in my life so I'm very happy right now.

I put the massive dragon's body into my storage and use healing magic to my body, and I also repair my clothes. This black shirt and pants is what I'm wearing in the day I died in my previous world. This is the only memento I have from my previous life and my parents are the one who bought it so it's really important to me.

Now that I defeated the ruler of this place, this is the time now to say goodbye to my first home in this world. This is the place I polished my abilities and skills to survive in this world and live the life I want to be. I feel sad because I already attached in this place, and because I'm the only human here I can do whatever I want without someone stopping me. But I want to experience the life in this world so even it hurts I need to leave.

I leisurely walk out of the forest. This is the last time I can enjoy the ambiance of this place.

While walking I remember my epic adventure inside the forest. And I unintentionally smiled and laughed because of remembering the absurd things that I've done.


"Finally! I got out of the forest."

It's already five days since I started walking. I standing at the front of the forest for a minute and turn around and walk away.

This path has a good flat ground, assuming that this is a road I resume walking and tracing the path.

After a few hours of walking I sense something coming behind me and take a look. What I see is a carriage pulling by two horses. Looking at it, I think it's a merchant carriage. This merchant's destination is definitely a village or city. I wave my hand to get the coachman's attention, and the carriage stops in front of me.

"What's up boy, you want to take a ride?"

The coachman talks to me, and he already knows my intention so I immediately answer his question.

"Yes, can I?"

"You're not a criminal, right?"

"Of course not, I'm just a traveler"

Suspecting me as a bandit is understandable, because seeing me walking in this place far from civilization and alone equip with a sword is really suspicious.

"Alright take a board"

"Thank you very much"

After convincing him I ride the carriage and sit beside the coachman, and the carriage starts moving forward again. The coachman is a good looking man, guessing his age it's probably in the early forties. I start talking and questioning him about this world. The coachman was startled because my questions are all common.

"This is my first time going out from our village so I didn't know anything outside."

The coachman is convinced to my respond. This man is so easy, but being kind to strangers that you just met is dangerous, so I give him an advice. For showing my gratitude I volunteer to guard him until we got in the city.

By the way I learned a skill called [LANGUAGE ACQUISITION] when I fight a high level demon that can talk. I try to decipher its word and got the skill, that's why I can understand and also can read and write the language here.


"Boy we can already see the city"

It's already a whole week since I rode in this carriage. I'm seating at the back of the carriage when I heard the coachman.

"Wow!, it's really big"

That's really a big wall, it's like I'm in the early age of western country. The castle is really huge and so majestic.

If what the coachman saying is correct, the city I'm looking right now called Siri City. It's a second largest city in the kingdom of Gregoria Kingdom. It's also called [The City of Adventurers] because of a large number of adventurers staying here. The bulging population of adventurers makes the city the center of adventuring.

After more than one hour we've arrived at the front of the gate. The guards approach us and check the carriage.

"Can I see your identification card"

Mr. Coachman take out a small rectangular thing made in metal and show it to the guards.

"You, show yours too"

Fuck! I don't have one, what should I do? There's no helping it, I'll say the truth.

"I don't have identification card"

"If you don't have one follow us to the guard post and we will made one for you. Its cost one silver coin, but if you come here to become adventurer you just need to pay one silver for entering the city. You can take back your money if you get your guild card in adventurer's guild and show it to us."

They not think I'm suspicious it's a relief but the problem is.

"I'm sorry but I also don't have money"

When I said that, both I and the guards make a troubled look. Suddenly a silver coin was thrown to the direction of the guards, the guard catch it and look behind me. I turn my head and see Mr. Coachman smiling to me.

"That's your reward for guarding me so don't worry about that money because that's yours after all."

I smile back and bow to show my gratitude. I'm very grateful that the first person that I met is a kind and considerate person.

After they confirmed that we don't have any contraband products they let us enter the city. The city is lively and the structures are like in the western countries.

After a few minutes Mr. Coachman stops the carriage at the front of a big structure.

"Boy you want to become adventurer, right? This is the adventurer guild here."

So this is the adventurer guild, its huge. I jump down the carriage and thank Mr. Coachman and say our goodbye. He's really a good man, I will repay his kindness when we see each other again.

I approach the adventurer guild excitedly, this is the day that my new adventure begins.