
The Void Mercenary Guild

Felix knew that it would be difficult to match the energy quantity sent by Lord Khaos' if he hunted only low-born void creatures.

To make a difference, he needed to hunt down elite void creatures. Alas, even if he wanted to do so, he really couldn't due to the mercenary rules.

Those below 'A' rank could not head to planets infested with elite void creatures for their own safety.

So, Felix really needed to ace the trials and get that 'B' rank.


Ten minutes later...

The cab dropped Felix in front of a metallic skyscraper that was no different than the ones surrounding it...Tall, grey, lack of windows, and a snowy roof.

The only difference would be the massive neon sign above the front entrance that says, -The Void Mercenary Guild-. Below it was another smaller sign that says -Main Human Race Branch-.

The main entrance was wide open and unguarded like a pub.