
The Trial of Ascension.

Supreme Azzorus kept his silence, gazing at Felix with the same gentle peculiar smile. It was like he was frozen, awaiting for Felix's anwser.

Albeit Felix was taken back by the question, Supreme Azzorus' behavior couldn't help but alert him.

"My lord, are you really here?" He asked after gathering his courage. He had a feeling that he might be dealing with a spiritual recording of Supreme Azzorus.

As he expected, Supreme Azzorus didn't anwser and simply kept looking at him silently.

"Is he a spiritual recording or a preset spiritual puppet with certain commands. Maybe it's the seven celestial hearts using Supreme Azzorus' image to communicate?" Felix murmured as he waved his hand in front of Supreme Azzorus, getting a bit more daring.

Seeing that no reaction was made, Felix decided to take his sweet time to think about Supreme Azzorus' question.