
The Snowy Mountain Range.

The alliance always had this position in place for the number one player in the entire platform.

That's because it was the greatest motivation for the players to keep climbing no matter what.

If Felix became the eleventh ruler, it meant that his entire race would jump from the bottom of the inner circle within the alliance straight to the top with him.

It was the simplest method to become a ruler but at the same time the hardest of them all.

It was even harder than climbing from PGPlatform.

At least, in that platform, many teams from different kingdoms, empires, and other backgrounds push the entire race together through the ranks of the alliance.

But in the IGPlatform? Felix needed to do it all on his own.

As Sage Marshal mentioned, Felix still needed to climb two more ranks and fight against the top ten players, who were direct contestant to the current eleventh ruler.