
The Reunion.

Thor and Jörmungandr were truly thrown off guard by Fenrir's relieved expression...They knew that their brother was easily pissed off even though he was supposed to be the as chill as ice.

With how things ended up between them, they wouldn't have surprised if he lunged at them and started beating the living shit out of them.

"Is this a scheme to get us close?" Thor mumured next to Jörmungandr.

"Most likely..." Jörmungandr supported.

"I can hear you, bastards." Fenrir's eyelids twitched in irritation while approaching them.

Thor and Jörmungandr stood up immediately and tightened their shoulders, expecting at least a punch or two for their betrayals.

However, when Fenrir reached them, he extended his arms widely and hugged them both at the same time.



"I thought I will never meet you again." Fenrir tightened his grasp on their shoulders, making them feel like he was afraid that they would disappear on him.