
The Last Remaining Five!

Felix zoomed on the players exposed at the edges of the grass field. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise after realizing that only one player was missing.

'Were all shadowborns taken out besides one?'

Felix was truly surprised by this notion. He knew that only twelve players survived this far.

Right now, all of them were in his line of view besides one. 

Even the Sleeper, who was chilling a couple of kilometers underneath him.

Unbeknownst to him, the shadowborns had ended up eliminating each other within the shadow realm.

The last one surviving was Phantom Eye...At this moment, he was hiding in the shadow realm while peeking from time to time.

Since the lake and the grass field were open and leveled surfaces, there weren't many shadows to assist him.

'Should I make a move on him and eliminate him early?' Phantom Eye thought while narrowing his eye at Felix.