
The Gathering of Maniacal Monoliths. I

"Whether they did this to humiliate us or for some other reason, it doesn't matter." Lady Sphinx mentioned calmly, "All we can do is not give them the satisfaction of seeing us affected."

The tenants nodded with cold looks, understanding that the worst thing one could do to a spectator was make the show boring.

The only way to do this was to remain unaffected mentally by anything related to them.

"Unfortunately, those are the only two elemental techniques I managed to decipher. I am still struggling with many portions of different sentences and without any assisting data, it's extremely challenging." Lord Marduk shared with a deep sigh as he glanced at the massive monolith.

"May I ask how is it even possible for you to decipher it?" Felix inquired with a curious tone.

He had tried many methods of deciphering his own inscriptions, but none had succeded.