
The First Drop Out.

Felix steeled his heart, deciding to commit to this plan.

Without further ado, he kicked off the gears by requesting the seven celestial hearts to create races with close genetics to humans while also possessing a cultivation system.

The seven celestial hearts held nothing back and manifested many humanoid figures, filling the entire sky.

each figure resembled a human quite greatly but had a slight difference, whether in size, skin color, limbs, or other features.

The seven celestial hearts introduced each race, informing Felix about their best qualities and drawbacks.

All Felix could do was listen with an awed look, feeling like he was watching a deity at work.

"Last but not least, The Elementari are a humanoid race that shares approximately 85-90% of their genetic makeup with humans."

"They have a strong natural connection to the elements, making them able to sense, control, and manipulate their respective element at will."