
The Empyrean Promotion Game!

Without delay, Felix created a couple of dummies Ai in front of him and began his test, starting with deconstruction attribute.

He whipped the dummies in a single motion with his vermilion electrical bolt, causing them to start twitching while breaking at the same time into smaller pieces!

By the time the electrical discharge died down, they were turned into a pile of fine dust on the ground.

"Hehehe, this really adds dimensions into my lightning abilities." Felix smiled widely as he created another batch of dummies.

This time, he switched to the blue gemstone...It provided a chilling attribute, causing the dummies to suffer from two opposing effects simultaneously!

Felix didn't stop at that and continued to torture those dummies with more attributes. Naturally, not all of his sacred attributes were harmful.

In fact, the pink gemstone was capable of healing the soul while the white gemstone could heal the body.