
The Cogs Are Turning at Last...

In the entire universe, no one possessed three celestial languages.

While Felix didn't really know how to make the best of divine language without investing a lot of his time in forgery, he felt that something unique was bound to happen if all three languages were in one body.

'There is a method, but it is doubtful if it will work.' Lady Sphinx shared.

'For real?' Felix was left stunned.

He didn't expect the answer to be positive in the slightest.

"Just like what we did with Runic seed, you can replace one of your remaining dormant kraken's hearts with a dwarven heart. With proper surgery, a portion of the divine codex will be written on your cells as well. But, it won't be as good as having the real thing."

"I see..." Felix nodded in understanding.

The difference was the same as having limited manipulation and perfect manipulation.