
The 2nd Active Sand Ability!

As it got closer, Felix managed to see blue electrifying charges being emitted from those tentacles, which were as long as a standard street pole.

'Hmm, don't know its name and rank, but it must be at least either Legendary tier 2 marine beast or epic tier 3 marine beast.' Felix pondered to himself while swimming swiftly towards the beast, wanting to check it upclose.

Since he was looking from the eyes of the fish, he was gone unnoticed by the jellyfish even though he was only a few meters away from it.

Or probably, the beast had already seen him and decided to ignore him due to the golden fish species being on the prey side.

As Felix was studying the beast and trying to locate a weakness in its body to assist him in his upcoming battle, he ordered the clone that he brought with him to jump on the loaded boat and leave this area at once.

He already disconnected for a split second to switch boats before connecting again with the fish.