
Reaching The Finals.

"The Fallen Cartel is selling those specters to their trusted sources as they can be used for the lowest jobs or the highest without worrying about the payment." Miss Sanae added, "My investigations have led me to believe that the Fallen Cartel must be sponsored and protected by one of the higher-ups due to their operations being almost nonexistent."

"It must be Karra's previous master, he is a known noble." Felix anwsered with a serious tone, "She can't give him up, but we can find out about his identity through other means."

"Most nobles in the city have high governmental positions." Miss Sanae frowned, "If someone in the government had his hands on this, then it's going to get a lot more complicated."

There was no need to ask why as all of them understood that governmental spirits were considered untouchable by the rest of the spirits.