
Materials and Glassware Written Exam.

Tomorrow at 7:40 AM...

Felix was currently already seated in his chair that was in the middle row. Hence, he was surrounded by beauties from every direction.

Most of them were not his classmates, making him steal a glance here and there to memorize their faces and see if he knew any of them.

'Oh, Kamil is here?' Felix raised an eyebrow in surprise after spotting an elegant girl with a sophisticated breath to her sitting in the front row.

She was from the B-1 class and known for having the biggest chance to get the highest mark just like Lara.

Speaking about Lara, she was sitting in the cornerback row with her usual indifferent expression.

As for Naima and the rest of Felix's close witches, they were not in the same exam lecture.

After waiting for ten minutes doing nothing but sitting in dreadful silence, the lecture hall's door had finally been pushed open by teacher Sonna.