
Forced To Start Fresh.

Felix wasn't really surprised to hear that he would be forced to drop all of his elemental manipulations after the ascension.

By now, even if no one had confirmed it to him, he was able to reason about the origin of the three rulers and their relation to the three celestial languages.

"If you dared to step into the eternal kingdom without getting rid of those ugly tattoos, you will be controlled akin to a doll by the three rulers." Lilith mentioned calmly, "The only reason none of them have tried to control you is because Asna's core can absorb the bits of celestial energy released at you from the eternal kingdom. That's also why they didn't bother to smite you again. But, it's a different story if you stepped into their home ground."

"Damn...That's unfortunate." Felix sighed while rubbing his eyelids.

"What are you on about?" Candace asked with a soft tone, having no idea what they were talking about.