
Betting Her Reputation.

Felix pressed on the participants list and was met with golden color bright enough it almost blinded him.

//The Bishop(Heavenly Turtle): Empyrean Rank 489/Winrate 94%

Nocturne(Royal Green Dragon): Empyrean Rank 490/Winrate 95%

Singularity(Astrian): Empyrean Rank 494/Winrate 89%

Unpaid Landlord(Human) Peak Radiant Rank/Winrate 100%

Nightowl(Pandion): Empyrean Rank 491/Winrate 88%

Knight Guard N33(Official Killer Bee N33): Empyrean Rank 477/Winrate 91%

Tangleseeker(Spirit Fox): Peak Radiant Rank/Winrate 89%

SoulCutter(Spider Kin): Peak Radiant Rank/Winrate 83%//

"You guessed it correctly." Felix said as he stared at the list that had at least third of it shimmering with golden names!