
A Wasteful Cultivation System.

A split second later, all of them had received the answer written boldly on the screen...17501 BF!

"Is this real?" In disbelief, Felix mumbled while staring widely at the number, not daring to register it in him mind!

Who could blame him?

His strength was increased by a whopping 10k BF just from hitting the 1st Mark!

"As expected, your mark is truly too exceptional." Lady Sphinx commentated, "As far as I know, the most gifted Devourer to ever appear had a mark that allows him to obtain 8k BF equivalent of strength in each stage. He went to reach the 26th stage, making him slightly stronger against dragons, physically wise."

Felix grinned widely at the sound of that. Knowing that he had a 10K strength limit in each mark, implied that he would surpass the dragons in strength while he was still in a lesser stage than that gifted Devourer.