
A Soul For Soul.

"We genuinely don't know if she is alive or not." Quantix Prime intervened to calm him, "The last time we saw her was when Athena chased her into your realm."

"When did this happen?" Felix narrowed his eyes.

"Years ago during the war in the tower's ruins." Quantix Prime anwsered.

Felix noticed no deceit in his tone, making him realize there were two truths...Either Commander Bia had successfully escaped Athena's chase by some miracle, or she was caught and they failed to extract information from her.

Otherwise, they would have found him much sooner than this.

Without bothering to say goodbye, Felix phased out of existence again, leaving them looking around them in vigilance.

"Forget it, he is gone." Quantix Prime said calmly.

"Your majesty, what are we going to do?" Krell inquired as he gazed behind him.

They were just told that Apollo was no longer a problem to the realm and they were still finding it hard to believe.