
A Nightmarish Childhood IV


The moment the nanny picked the phone, she greeted the caller and asked for an identity.

"Miss Emilia, the handler of Noah and Grace. We have met in the hospital." The service woman introduced calmly.

Immediately after given the name, the nanny turned around and gave Noah the most bone-chilling glare he had ever seen in his life.

'Oh no...'

Noah figured out that it was the service woman from the very get go, knowing that their house telephone almost never received calls.

"I am calling for a routine check up." Miss Emilia spoke, "We have been informed by the schools that the Maxwell kids have been missing for a while now...Mind explaining that?"

"Is...Is that so?" The nanny's face went pale at the sound of that.

She didn't think that the schools were in contract with the child service department of the Maxwell Family.