
Superpower Evolution

TRY MY NEW BOOK " Superpowers in Apocalypse" and support it for WPC 228. ........................ When Sam just woke up from a daydream, he found that the world changed suddenly. After the apocalypse, humanity fell! Countless fierce beasts and carnivorous plants invaded the humacivilianation through portals that broke open due to space distortions caused by heavy nuclear explosions in the Third Nuclear World War! Humans were caught unprepared when they were recovering from the loss of the war. Only some millions of the population remained alive. Moreover, due to natural disasters, terrains changed. Storm ragged, tsunamis and earthquakes, volcanic eruptions devastated the lands. One after another continents fell. Another thing was the appearance of the Underworld about which mankind still had least to no information. Different kinds of zombies with intelligence and dead beings sprang up from underground and started slaughtering humans. Mankind had no way to stop them other than to flee. The government collapsed, society crumbled and the military was too busy to slaughter the enemies. Crime rates increased. All these internal and external troubles almost lead mankind to extinction. To survive this, some humans had somehow evolved from the radiation and mana from the portals and obtained superpowers. All the abilities started at super weakening from and the only way to strengthen your innate ability was to undergo further evolution by battling other superpower users who may be humans, fierce beasts or ferocious plants. A person needed to defeat a beast or ferocious plant themselves to gain their gene points. It gets miraculously absorbed in the body leaving only a useless beast or plant body that could be used as a ration. Thus in this world where government and military-ruled strictly, strength mattered the most! Thus humanity finally found a way to survive... In this world where the strong preyed on the weak, will Sam be able to survive? .................................................................................. P. S: I'm just a novice writer and English is not my first language. — This is my first original book. So don't try to steal it or I will sue you!! — I appreciate healthy reviews and comments. —Don't like it? Then just leave! — Btw the cover pic isn't mine, if the owner wants me to remove it, please do tell me and I will do so. Ty~ .................................................................................. WORDS OF CAUTION: This story involves different kinds of art! But the representation of art in this story is purely FICTIONAL and is NOT meant to hurt any feelings of any person who pursues any kind of art wholeheartedly. This story is purely based on my imagination and I hope my dear readers can also be imaginative while reading this story!!! .................................................................................. Please support and vote for this book! This novel is the entry for WSA 2021 in superpower. Help this novel, please.

Xiaoru · Urbain
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37 Chs

Profiteer system!

A/N: I forgot to add the cost of the Basic rune guide. It's 4000 system coins. Sorry ~


"Damm it, you vile system!! Are you f*ng crazy? I only have some 7000 system points. How can I buy these things?" yelled Sam.


*Malice of host towards the system detected. Initiating electric punishment!*

chi ~chi~

"Argh! F..u—arghhhhh...a ....st..op..pl..ease...S..o..rry..y" mumbled Sam weakly in an incoherent voice as he rolled the ground in pain.




After a minute...

Sam lay in the ground in a daze. He wondered what bad things he did in his last life that he was getting such painful karma in return!

*Ahem.. the host can check your status bar. There's a new option called 'System exchange'. The host can try that for getting more system points.* replied the system.

Sam raised his brows.

An addition to the status bar?

That was new!!

He immediately jumped up on the bed, sat in a comfortable position and chanted,

"Show status"


*Host: Samuel Richards

HP: 30/30

Level: 3

Gene points: 60/200

Talent: Painting, level 1: Sketch (1000/5000)

Strength: 74

Agility: 84+ 4.2 (due to common grade magic boots, will work below level 10)

Endurance: 76

Defence: 75

Intelligence: 76

Luck: 75

Soul power: 8

>Note: Normal, well-maintained humans have 5 points in each.

Recorded paintings: old ones (can be repainted)


•Daily mission: 0/3

•Weekly mission: Complete

•Temporary mission: Partially completed.

—Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Task 4, Task 5, task 7( all completed)

—Task 6: Lure the enemy out and kill them directly or indirectly. (0/4)

Reward: 1 Rebirth pill.

Skills :

—Basic fist skill: Small Accomplishment (300/2000)

—Basic footwork skill: Small Accomplishment (500/2000)

—Basic knife skill( not learnt)

System points: 2000+

System Shop: unlocked

System exchange: Can exchange herbs, monster corpses, minerals, natural treasures for recycling in the system exchange centre at the ratio of Alliance coins: system points = 1000: 1.


"What?! 1000: 1?? Oh, you profiteer!!! Just say you wish to rip off me!" exclaimed Sam with eyes wide.

*Exchange or buy anything from the system is your choice. Nothing is free! But all the products are special. The system is not forcing the host to buy anything.* replied the system in an extremely ice-cold voice.

Sam suddenly felt a chill behind his back...

This...profiteer system...was so moody!!!



"Do you provide system points in a loan?" asked Sam shamelessly.

System: .....

Sam felt tired.

" Okay, I will exchange all the corpses and herbs I got last week. Oh, leave some edible and delicious meats for consumption," said Sam with his shoulders slumped.

He could practically see all the Alliance coins flying away from him. Oh how much he dreamt a life of a rich!

Sam sighed!

At least from now on, he could buy system products.


*System exchange initiated. Calculating the host's worth. Requesting to have patience for a minute!*

* Converting Alliance dollars to system points in the mentioned ratio.*

*Exchange successful*

*Congratulations to the host for gaining 20,000 system coins. The exchange is noted Noted in system transaction.*

*Since the host is exchanging such a large amount of system points for the first time, the system gifts a one time discount coupon of 30% on the purchase of system products more than 10,000. Its validity is 3 months.*

*Happy transaction.*



Sam held the discount coupon in his hand and felt complicated.

Was the system seducing him to buy more things?




Sam gritted his teeth and finally bought " Guidelines to improve sketching" and "Basic rune guide" after some hesitations.


*Purchase successful*

*9000 system coins deducted. The books have been delivered to the system storage.*

Sam felt pain as the number of system points got deducted from his system status.

He glanced at the storage and took out all the books.

One by one he learnt basic knife skill, basic knowledge about herbs and poison, basic rune knowledge and guidelines to improve stretching.

Sam felt a headache from the sudden influx of so many pieces of information. After some minutes, finally, he calmed down. He glanced at his skill in the status bar to see some of his knife skills changed from not learnt to beginner.

Now all he needed was to practice his knife and improve his sketching technique with time.

"The herbs and poison knowledge was useful. At least I will identify them if someone tries to do something nasty." thought Sam.

He glanced at the rare set of battle garments which he got from the temporary mission task completion. He knew about the weapon classifications. This he knew the value of the whole set of rare garments! He immediately put it on.

The set of garments was in his black colour and immediately got attached to his skin. Sam felt a slightly itchy sensation for a second and the next moment the garment perfectly fit his size.

Looking at the mirror, Sam felt his whole aura changed. Even though the garment was grand but it didn't make him more conspicuous but made his presence less noticeable. Others will never notice that it was a rare set of the garment but would think of it as a gorgeous garment made of high-level beasts!


*Rare set of garments worn*

*Increase in all stats except luck and soul power by 30%*

*New garment skill: Stealth obtained.*

*New garment skill: Critical strike obtained.*


"Cool!" exclaimed Sam as he grinned foolishly ear to ear at the mirror.

" With this, I will be able to handle level 6," thought Sam.

After some experiments, Sam reluctantly took it off. He tried some sketches and finally called the day off!


The next day, Sam woke up to the annoying sound of the alarm clock. While having breakfast he checked his daily missions.

*Daily mission: Practice basic knife skills 100 times, Practice basic fist skills 100 times, Run for 2 Kms using Basic footwork skills only.

Reward: 100 exp for each skill mentioned*

"Wow, change in daily mission huh?" mumbled Sam as he chewed on his bread.

Sam was quite pleased to see the daily missions. He was happy to practice his skills and get some exps. After all, he couldn't be arrogant for his little achievements as he had his enemies on his tail!

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