
Superpower Evolution

TRY MY NEW BOOK " Superpowers in Apocalypse" and support it for WPC 228. ........................ When Sam just woke up from a daydream, he found that the world changed suddenly. After the apocalypse, humanity fell! Countless fierce beasts and carnivorous plants invaded the humacivilianation through portals that broke open due to space distortions caused by heavy nuclear explosions in the Third Nuclear World War! Humans were caught unprepared when they were recovering from the loss of the war. Only some millions of the population remained alive. Moreover, due to natural disasters, terrains changed. Storm ragged, tsunamis and earthquakes, volcanic eruptions devastated the lands. One after another continents fell. Another thing was the appearance of the Underworld about which mankind still had least to no information. Different kinds of zombies with intelligence and dead beings sprang up from underground and started slaughtering humans. Mankind had no way to stop them other than to flee. The government collapsed, society crumbled and the military was too busy to slaughter the enemies. Crime rates increased. All these internal and external troubles almost lead mankind to extinction. To survive this, some humans had somehow evolved from the radiation and mana from the portals and obtained superpowers. All the abilities started at super weakening from and the only way to strengthen your innate ability was to undergo further evolution by battling other superpower users who may be humans, fierce beasts or ferocious plants. A person needed to defeat a beast or ferocious plant themselves to gain their gene points. It gets miraculously absorbed in the body leaving only a useless beast or plant body that could be used as a ration. Thus in this world where government and military-ruled strictly, strength mattered the most! Thus humanity finally found a way to survive... In this world where the strong preyed on the weak, will Sam be able to survive? .................................................................................. P. S: I'm just a novice writer and English is not my first language. — This is my first original book. So don't try to steal it or I will sue you!! — I appreciate healthy reviews and comments. —Don't like it? Then just leave! — Btw the cover pic isn't mine, if the owner wants me to remove it, please do tell me and I will do so. Ty~ .................................................................................. WORDS OF CAUTION: This story involves different kinds of art! But the representation of art in this story is purely FICTIONAL and is NOT meant to hurt any feelings of any person who pursues any kind of art wholeheartedly. This story is purely based on my imagination and I hope my dear readers can also be imaginative while reading this story!!! .................................................................................. Please support and vote for this book! This novel is the entry for WSA 2021 in superpower. Help this novel, please.

Xiaoru · Urbain
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37 Chs

Bring it on!!

As the name suggests, the Underground arena was located underground and was the place where crazed people went to fulfil their sadistic cravings. Of course, the participants get a huge amount of money or resources after winning fights.

It was one of the favourite places for poor loose power ability people ( who were not registered by the government), vicious criminals, rich hedonistic people!

It was the modern version of ancient duelling ground where people came to finish their grudges by participating in life-death duels!

There were fights against humans or animals, both of them in cages or different environments where the fight would stop only when one of them was alive!

The crazed onlookers would bet on the life of any of the fighters to fight according to their bidding! The cruelty, the madness, the harsh screams of the looser were like heavenly music to their ears soothing their crazed sadistic hunger for blood and savagery!

It didn't pain the wicked onlookers to see their fellow humans desperately fighting another human but rather it was a form of excitement to see them struggle for life!

Of course, some people came to train their younger generations before they could participate in brutal wars against monsters. The moment you step into the damp, bloody arena, anyone and everyone could claim your life anytime!

The underground arena was truly portrayed as a mini version of the brutality of mankind and survival of the fittest!

It was maintained by the mafias and thus well connected throughout the continent. Each city had one of them, either small or large, depending on the city they were located.

The government could do nothing but never tried to shake their existence.

Sam came to the underground arena as usual. This was a medium-sized arena as the city on which Sam was located was a medium-sized prosperous city.

The place reeked of blood. The walls had numerous bloodstains which formed a thick layer of paint on them! The workers didn't even bother to remove them. They were the proof of the hideousness of this place.

Sam frowned.

The whole place was damp and the bloody smell disgusted him. Moving forward, he could hear crazed screams and encouraging sounds of multiple people.

Sam felt disgusted seeing the frenzied audience who bet money on the three bloody people who were fighting in the audience. There were already three more dead bodies in the same arena.

It was a group fight where the last survivor would win the ultimate prize! The participants were like cruel animals who had lost their instincts due to heavy injury but continuing to fight by their instinct and willpower!

No one pitied them and they weren't worth pitying too! The moment you step into the underground arena, you already knew what would come next!

While Sam coldly looked at the fight, a man patted his shoulder suddenly.

Sam was shaken and moved back to fight when he saw a one-eyed man was creepily grinning at him.

"Who are you?" asked Sam as he stood on his guard and in an attacking pose.

He couldn't see through the power level of the man in front of him. He didn't know if he was an enemy or not!

"You are Mr Samuel Richards, I assume. I was notified by your school teacher about your arrival. I will be your guide today. Just call me Ben." replied the one-eyed man as he sized up Sam rudely.

Sam felt uncomfortable with this rude behaviour. But didn't dare to say that out loud as he was sure that this man was far stronger and brutal to be one of the members of the underground arena.

Sam followed the man she explained the rules here. Since it was not a fair fight, so the use of tricks, weapons and resources were legal here. No one would stop here if you take out a legendary grade armour for defence. After all, background and luck were also part of the strength.

Sam knew that he was at a clear disadvantage in that! Thankfully he had a system store to make up for some disadvantages.

"Well, today we don't have a solo fight arrangement but a group fight. If you fight today, then it will be a group fight in an artificial environment chosen from the lottery. You can come in the next week for a solo fight if you wish..providing others can also wait alongside you.." said the one-eyed man as a cunning gleam flashed past his eyes.

Sam's face fell and he clenched his fists.

A group fight was disadvantageous to him since he had to fight multiple opponents alone.

"Fine. Arrange it!" replied Sam coldly.

The one-eyed man laughed, "Haha, that's the spirit. I like it. You have 40 challengers ranging from power level 4 to 6. Let's go for the environment selection."

Soon Sam participated in the lottery for the environment selection and got a mountainous forest terrain.

Sam sighed of relief to see that he was comfortable in the environment. He would be able to hunt his prey if he could outrun them.

Sam's eyes shone into a bloodthirsty gleam as he thought of brutally killing those who challenged him.

The one-eyed man looked at Sam as his lips curled into a cruel grin.

As Sam was immersed in fantasy, he heard a system notification.


* Temporary mission 2: Kill all those humans who tried to slander the host. (0/40)

Time limit: 2 hours.

Reward: 50 un-attributed stat points, 100 gene points.

Failure: Death. *

Sam was immensely happy as he saw a new mission. But he knew very well that he would die if he fails it.

So failure was not an option! He needed to kill every one of them even if he made out an enemy of everyone in the city!

Since things had already accelerated to this extent, he had no fear anymore! After he was still in the protection period, so he would lay low after and prepare for his exams in full force!

Sam grinned at this as he confidently strode to the selected arena!


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