
Superior Slytherin

Ares Cassius Malloy was born the twin brother to Draconis Lucius Malloy. Born as the heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy, Ares must dance around his family’s political views and change the Slytherin house for the better. His secret? This isn’t his first life!

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Heir of Bad Faith

June 5th, 1984

It was a sunny day at Malfoy Manor, two boys could be seen playing in the backyard. The older had long silk-like blond hair with deep blue eyes, the younger had short hair of the same color and a strong silver color that shined from his eyes.

"Catch me if you can Drake!" Said the older one laughing as he flew past on his toy broom.

"No fair you're to fast on your broom." Pouted the younger as he tried to follow his brother through the skies.

"Ares, slow down. I don't particularly care to visit St Mungos this morning." Said an older woman from the terrace. She was dressed in fine silk clothing and had cascading brown hair that reached past her shoulders. Her eyes held mirth as she scolded her eldest, although behind that was a deep sadness. The children never got to have days like this anymore now that her husband had decided to educate them in the "Pureblood ways". She was very lucky that Lucius was out doing business with the Minister, which meant that the minister's Gringotts account would be very happy by the end of the day.

As she was watching her children behave their age for once, Ares broom suddenly jerked backwards, sending him flying forward straight into a tree head first. Staring in shock, it doesn't even register what's happened in her mind. As the boys body finally hits the ground blood pools around his head. Narcissus screams, "ARES!!" and rushes to his side. She grabs Draco and rushes them both through the Floo to St Mungos.

St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, Children's Ward (POV ARES)


Sounds of heavy arguing filled my ears as I regained consciousness. The last thing I remember was bleeding out in alley. I had a run in with a crack-head when I was trying to find a place to sleep for the night. I grimaced as I recalled the reasons that lead to my dire straights. I had originally been an average worker, didn't make too much but enough to get by. That all changed when I saw her in a bar one night. My coworkers had said I needed a night out and that working too hard was bad for my health, so they took me to the local bar and we proceeded to get drunk and hit on anything with legs. Then she walked in the door. She had short red hair that framed her face perfectly, her dress was form fitting and showed her curves in all the right places. Needless to say, I was doomed from the start. I strutted over to her and proceeded to use every cheesy pickup line I could think of. She found my attempts to be cute and gave me her number and said to call her when I sobered up.

We starting dating three weeks later and got engaged 8 months after that. It was the happiest I had ever been, we had a baby girl named Elise and my boss gave me a great promotion to help support my new family. That all changed when I found out why I had gotten that promotion. Around the time of Elise's third birthday, I had been noticing my wife having a shorter temper and how we starting being distant to each other. At first, I thought it was just stress from staying home and raising our daughter. I found out soon it was anything but.

One afternoon at a company picnic, I had noticed my wife had run off somewhere while I was playing with our daughter. I picked up Elise and started looking around for her. Eventually after not finding any trace of her, Elise needed to use the restroom. I took her to the park restroom and heard hushed whispers coming from inside.

"We need to get back before Aaron gets suspicious." Said a familiar female voice, moaning out the words.

"Don't worry he's so caught up playing with 'his' daughter that he wouldn't even know if the Apocalypse happened." A smug voice said in grunts.

My heart dropped as a cold feeling settled in my chest. I set Elise down and told her to wait for a minute while I check to see if anyone else is in the bathroom in my most steady voice as I could handle. As I walked in the bathroom the moans grew louder and the sounds etched into my soul as I opened the stall.

Inside my wife had her arms wrapped around my boss's neck. Tears fell from my eyes as the love of my life cheated on me right in my face.

I soon filed for divorce but that backfired tremendously. My wife lied on the stand and said I had abused her and drove her into the arms of my boss. That was all it took for me to lose everything, my wife, my daughter, and my job. As the judge ruled that I had to send child support to her and I was to never see my child again i completely fell apart.

After a year of odd jobs that I could find after the word spread of me "abusing" my wife. I ran into my boss in the grocery store. Apparently he decided to grow a conscious after my ex-wife left him and told me that Elise want my daughter.

That thought had driven me to drugs, nothing major, just some marijuana and heavy drinking. I soon found myself on the streets when I ran into a crack-head trying to rob me. When he realized I didn't have any money he stabbed me and I bled out in the alley.

I opened my eyes dreading the thought of having to live another day as I looked at the unfamiliar room. I sat up and noticed an odd sensation. Everything felt a lot bigger and I felt disoriented by it. As I was getting use to my surroundings, a large man with almost white blond hair walked into my room. He looked at me with anger and disappointment as a beautiful brown-haired woman walks behind him with tear tracks down her face. I was going to ask her what was wrong when it happened. My head lurched in pain as new memories filled my head. I promptly pass out as a thought leaves my mind.

I am Ares Cassius Malfoy, the Heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Malfoy, and I am in the wizarding world of Harry Potter.

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