
Sorting Hat

While the hat continued sorting, I found Professor Snape staring at me, while Professor Quirrell who had his back turned talked to him. At this point, I suddenly felt a searing pain on the scar on my head. I'll deal with you soon, Voldermort…

"Ronald Weasley!"

"Hah, another Weasley, I know just what to do with you… Gryffindor!", the hat piped, much to the relief of Ron. He made his way happily back to the bench while his brothers looked on.

"Harry Potter!"

Oh, it's finally my turn. There was a murmur among the students when they heard the name.

"Hmm, that's strange, I can't seem to read your mind...", the hat said puzzledly. I wonder if this is because of my magic infused bio-aura or my Super Willpower. Does this mean I'm immune to Legilimency too? Well, I better read up on those just to be sure.

"No matter, another Potter eh, I know just what to do with you too… Gryffindor!", the hat announced awkwardly. Yeah, the hat is prejudiced like that, sorting people based on their family heritage. There was a round of applause from the audience in the room, especially those from Gryffindor.

As I went to my seat, I saw Dumbledore raising his glass at me. Yup, Gryffindor will win the house cup this year. I introduced myself to the rest of the people sitting around me as the rest of the students got sorted into their respective houses.

"Let the feast begin!", Professor Dumbledore said, plates of foods instantly appearing in front of us. This spread of food is really nice, I just remembered that there are house elves in this castle too who made this meal. I wonder if I can buy one. After all, my vault is pretty loaded. Why didn't the Potters have a house-elf?

Lately though, I have started to realise that I didn't feel hungry these days. It is most likely because I've been absorbing energy from the Sun. I do need to find a way to make a solar suit though, the Lumos Solem spell is a little too bright for me to be using it 24/7.

While we were halfway through our meals, ghosts started appearing in the Great Hall and they started greeting the students. These Ghosts are transparent, three-dimensional and can pass through solid objects without causing any damage. The presence of these ghosts made the temperature dropped slightly. Does Voldermort exist as a ghost? How can we inflict damage to a ghost? I recall a ghost being petrified by the giant snake in the basement, because he couldn't be killed again. If Voldermort exists as a ghost, could we petrify him?

It was pretty late by the time we finished eating. "Gryffindors, follow me. Keep up please! Thank you", Percy Weasley, the head prefect of Gryffindor said as he guided us to our common rooms. "This is the most direct path to the dormitories. Oh, keep an eye on the staircases, they like to change".

Well, why would they change? What nonsense design is this. The staircases moved left to right in the movies, but in the books, they can lead you to different floors. The staircase that I'm seeing seems to be the ones in the movies, but I'm not sure if they can also teleport you like the books.

I guess this was how Harry "stumbled" onto the third floor corridor. Maybe it wasn't his intent, but Dumbledore guiding him. I have to remember that I'm most likely watched at all times, I have to find a way to avoid detection. I mean, what else does Dumbledore do all day? Paperwork?

There were many paintings hanging around the castle walls. The people in them seem to be able to move from one portrait to another. Are they alive? Do they live in the 2D dimension of painting? According to J.K. Rowling, the more powerful you are, the more 'real' your portrait can be, and if you sit down with your portrait and spend more time with it, the more accurate a portrayal of yourself it will hold. So, we take care of a painting like a pet? I could try having a painting of myself drawn, I wonder if I could sneak into the painting dimension like this if I also drew a portal in the picture. Why didn't Voldermort have a painting drawn?

When we went back to our rooms, we found that our luggage had been brought up. My roomates were Ron, Neville, Dean and Seamus. Located at the top of a spiral staircase leading from the Gryffindor Common Room, the round room contains five four-poster beds with deep-red velvet curtains. I prepared myself for the night and fed Hedwig. I also took the opportunity to feed Scabbers too. Ron didn't seem to mind when I told him about it.

Time for my plan at Hogwarts to commence.