
Super Alan Adventure

A young alien boy goes a crazy and epic adventure to save the world from an evil sorceress.

AdrianWilliams · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

Alan Meets New Friends

Meanwhile, in a small town called Pallet Town, a young girl named Leaf is out of bed and is dressed up for today because it's her 10th birthday. "Leaf! Are you awake?" A voices shouts out to Leaf, "Yeah, I am SO up!" Leaf said. The door to Leaf's room is opened by a woman with brown hair tied in a ponytail who happens to be Leaf's second mother Della, "Good Morning, dear!" Della says to her daughter, "Morning, Mom!" Leaf replies, Della sees her daughter all dressed up and ready for today. "I had a feeling you'd wake up early" Della suspected, "Mom, I'm 10 years old and ready for today." Leaf explains.

Sprigatito, Leaf's Pokémon, arrives in Leaf's room and Della reminds Leaf that she needs her train tickets to the Rainbow Railway Express if she wants to go on her own adventure for her birthday. Leaf's mother tells Leaf that Cassandra, Leaf's first mother, has a gift for her from Alola and she hands over a small present to her daughter. As Leaf opens it, it reveals to be a bracelet with a jeweled heart on it. "It's so pretty." Leaf compliments her present from her mothers. After that, Leaf goes out into the village for a nice day out in her hometown.

Back at the Forbidden Forest, Amy feels embarrassed after calling ivy "Mother" until Spluff Blossom tells her that even princesses can make mistakes , the two hug it out and the girls split up to find the ingredients ivy needed.

Meanwhile, Leaf is inside the foggy forest, they encounter a monster that is completely unaffected by moves. But, just before the monster could attack, a blue blur appears and hits the monster. The blur reveals to be Alan, and he starts fighting the monster to protect leaf.

Alan was able to defeat the monster and save leaf which eventually surprises her.

"But how? How did-? You shouldn't be alive facing a monster like that!" the brunette gawked as she slapped her cheeks.

"Wait! I'm not a monster! I'm a human being just like you are!" Leaf pointed out.

"You are? Uh, really?" Alan blinked as he stopped got out of his stance.

"Of course we are." Leaf sighed, allowing him to retreating a few steps back. "You can see that for yourself. Can't you? Look I won't bite." she smiled as she held her hand, showing that she wasn't a threat to him.

"A human you say?" he questioned not believing her.

"That's right. Wanna see our certificates of authenticity?" Leaf asked sarcastically as Alan circled her, taking in her appearance.

"No thanks." He denied as he stepped behind the girl, taking in her appearance.

"How long is this going to take?" Leaf asked as she rose a brow at the boy.

"Well you look human enough, but you're different. You're thin and scrawny." he stated as he stared at the Leaf. Her brow twitched while she smiled easily.

"I'm a girl, silly. That's why." she countered calmly.

"A Girl?" the boy repeated as he stared up at the two. "Oh, so that's what you are." he realized as he blinked at them.

"Oh my gosh, are you saying you've never seen a girl before?" Leaf asked in surprise.

"Actually, I have, my mom told me that there are two kinds of people, a boy and a girl, which isn't hard to tell by physical appearance." Alan explained causing Leaf to cover her chest with her bag. "Most of them usually have a tail too." Alan said.

Leaf blinked as she turned to look at the boy until he stood behind her. Leaf's eyes widened and she yelps when Alan used his rod to lift up the leaf's skirt, only to see her underwear.

"Alan! What do you think you're doing?!" Leaf snapped as she snapped around, glaring down at Alan, who took a step back at her snap.

"I was just checking to see if you had a tail." Alan answered innocently as his own tail swished around lightly. Leaf stared at him before she looked at him in surprise. "Don't worry, maybe it just takes girls longer to grow theirs." Alan suggested as he looked at Leaf.

"I'm sure it'll sprout any time now." Leaf taunted with her hand over her mouth to hide her smirk. "What a weird little boy." Leaf said in her thoughts. "Anyway, thank you for saving us from that monster." She thanks him for the rescue.

"It was no problem. By the way, I never asked about your name." Alan said to her. "My name's Leaf...Leaf Yukiko." Leaf introduces herself, "I'm Alan, nice to meet ya." Alan introduces himself as he raises his hand for a handshake. "Nice to meet you too." Leaf giggled and shakes his hand which is all wet. "So, your hand is all wet and on my hand." Leaf said as she wipes away the water on her hand, "So leaf, what were doing here in the woods before the monster came?" Alan asked. "Well, I was just heading to camp because a friend of mine is there too." Leaf explained, "Canterlot? You're heading there too?" Alan points to the left. Leaf told him yes and asked if would like to come with her and he accepts and told her that he needs to go there because the star spirits told him to. Leaf is confused by this and the group head off with Pichu, Pikachu, and Eevee following them.

Meanwhile, Magica is torturing a toad into revealing the whereabouts of the Star Rod or Super Star that are still hiding somewhere so she can have them all to herself. Just as Toad was going to reveal what he knows, the Captain of the guards arrives and announces that they have found the Magic Mirror. Magica asked the mirror if she is the most powerful sorceress of them all. The mirror told her that she's not, but she can if she finds a powerful magic object or person and takes their power. For this episode of "This Is Your Wish" (a parody of The Dating Game), the mirror introduces three different choices for Queen Magica to choose from: Steal the Star Rod, Find the Super Star, and Capture the Mother of Spluffs; at the suggestion from her henchman, Monty, Magica chooses all three choices. Accepting this as a task, Magica rushes out to plan a raffle to see which knight would be worthy enough to embark on a quest to retrieve what she needs before the Mirror can tell her about Alan and his quest to save the Star Spirits.

Magica holds a banquet for the Dragoon Troop in her throne room in celebration of their recent conquest. During this, Magica reveals to the soldiers in attendance that she is deeply infatuated with destroying Alan, and that his motive for acquiring her plan to conquer Avalar was to capture the Star Rod, the Super Star, and the Mother of Spluffs, along with the spluffs and alan's family and friends, much to their confusion. She then states that if they refuse to cooperate, she will use the her power to demolish everything they care for, to the elation of everyone in his army.

Upon arriving to Whispering Woods, the first thing everyone notices is a Koopa lady being robbed by two Hammer Bros. Alan fights them and returns the lady her purse. The lady introduces herself as Koopie Koo, the daughter of the mayor of Everbloom Village. A female pink Goomba named Goombella asks for her help to reach her father to know if he has any information about the Star Spirits. Guiding them to Everbloom Village, Koopie Koo introduces the heroes to her father, Mayor Kroop. He tells Alan that the Dragoon Bro. Vandals did steal a mysterious card with a star on it and a seed from the village during one of their assaults. They built a huge tower near the village, and have been causing bigger crimes ever since. He tells Alan that one of them grew to an enormous size, and has been the main cause of the Dragoon Bros. domination over their village. Canterlot's guards always tried to catch the criminals but failed after every attempt. When Alan silently waves his hand, proposing to help them, the mayor goes crazy with happiness, and leaves the house to call all the habitants to inform them that Alan will defeat the Bro. criminals. and their leader, Big Bash Bro. One of the guards, Austin, tries to ask Alan to go with him, but gets overly nervous in the end and runs away.

Alan and his friends encounter a tree stump they sit on, which is actually Ol' Grandsappy. The Sap Sisters tell Alan and his friends that he is very sick because some Dragoons chopped him down.

Alan and Friends arrive in Petal Meadows, where they see a Dragon arriving. The duo stops at a nearby village called Petalburg and discover from the mayor that the dragon has been terrorizing the village.

Alan & Co. exits the village and continues the paths of Everbloom Prairie. Soon, they find a giant egg with green spots. "What's this? It looks like a giant egg!" Marky said, "Make the best of the situation, that's my motto. How about a giant omlette?" Alan asked, "This is no time for eating! We need to..." Leaf's stomach began to growl before she could finish making her blush, "Tell your stomach that." Alan said after a chuckle. Finding themselves hungry, the two try to cook the egg, but it suddenly hatches into a dinosaur.

"It's alive!" Alan surprised to see the egg hatch, "And it's a something-a-saurus!" Leaf cried out in fright. After the dinosaur hatches, the group except Alan cower away from it. They believe that it wants to eat them as it approaches. "This is not what I eggspected!" Alan said.

As they plead for the dinosaur not to eat them, it starts to speak though only through the word "Yumi", and they realize that it is not hostile. Alan hops on its back, and the dinosaur carries them away with sparrow following them.

The dinosaur and the cast arrive at a village full of the dinosaurs. At first, Leaf is very nervous, but soon after they find a salesman named Friendly Floyd. " Well, howdy strangers! Haven't seen you in these parts before." Friendly Floyd said, "Who are you?" Alan questioned, "Why, I'm Friendly Floyd. Need a toothbrush? Lightbulb? Electronic ignition for your car? You name it, I've got it!" Friendly Floyd introduces himself and tries to sell something to alan and sparrow to which they refuse.

Floyd tells them that they are in Yumi Village, and that their dinosaur companion is Yumi, the "Chairwoman of the Dino Chamber of Commerce". Asking why Yumi was trapped in an egg, Floyd, interpreting for Yumi, explains that it was "Magica's curse"; some of the villagers were kidnapped, and when Yumi went to save them Magic sealed her in an egg. As the situation has been bad for business, Floyd offers to sell them something, to which Alan replies that they need a Yumi interpreter. Floyd cannot stay with them, but instead offers "ACME's Yumi Language Learner" for ten coins. The two buy the book, and after Floyd leaves they are mad when they learn from the book that every word and phrase translates to "Yumi". "However, a yellow fox boy appears and Alan recognizes him as Marky.

Marky says he's glad he caught up to him this time, with Alan introducing the fox to leaf and her Pokémon. Marky tells Leaf that Alan saved his life back in his village a year ago, and that he really inspired him to stick up for himself since then. He managed to tell off all of his bullies, and left the village to go out and explore the world on his own to help take down any bad guys he came across. Though Alan did that all on his own, so he just wandered around making a bunch of cool gadgets. That is until he noticed a bunch of dragoons around, and realized this was a good chance to prove himself, and now he even manage to help his friend! Alan is happy to hear that he inspired somebody, and asks Marky if he would like to come with them in saving the Star Spirits, since he's really capable and can help him out a lot.

Marky tells Alan that he definitely wants to come, with Marky tearing up that he gets to go with his new friends, so he gives them a hug. The group then race off through Yumi Village, with Alan impressed that Marky is spinning his tail fast enough so he can keep up with him.