
Summoning went wrong

Who doesn't like fantasy? Worlds full of interesting and new things that baffle the mind of anyone. Races like elves, dwarfs, and beast peoples, roaming the land, in search of different things that might be banal from them but incredible for others. And if you are someone who comes from an otherworld you will certainly receive a great power, rare equipment, trustworthy companions, or even a harem, while you are tasked to fight the Demon Lord and his army made of monsters, for peace and glory. But have you ever asked this question: What is it like to be on the other side? Follow the story of Steven Torres, who was abducted from his world with his classmates only to be thrown away into a chaotic world as the most hated race. While the hero's job is to fight for justice, he's at least a lot simpler. To survive another day.

Biohazzard_2021 · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
76 Chs

Chapter 9. Meeting in progress.

„You want to join our organization?"

"Yes. But not as a subordinate. I want to be a member of equal standing as you two. I believe I have the skills and the codename for it."

"Y-Yes, in that area we have no issue. The problem is that we already have a drug division and the one leading it can make some compounds that- "

"I'm confident that what I'm able to make the same if not make a better product. -"

[Skill [Sweet Talk] reached level:2]

"-If I can't make one then I leave it as it is and go away. Naturally, I want to receive yours and Lady Layra's support when I present the drug to your colleagues."

This place is already a minefield for me, the longer I stay here without the support of someone, something annoying will surely happen to me.

"I believe, I have no reason to refuse if you put it that way. If you sir, can heal my wife I will even give you some of his strongest drugs as a bonus."

A smile appeared on my face as I tend my hand.

"You have a deal."

He looked at my hand with hesitation, before grabbing it firmly.

[Contract made]

[Requirements: Healing Jane Defo and making a new drug.]

[Payment: Support to become a member.]

[Warning: Wish is too big for current skill.]

[Recommendation: Level up skills with Skill PT.]

Skill Pt?

Oh yeah, I have that.

"Before I do anything, I need to look at her first. Even I can't do anything without seeing a patient."

"Yes, I understand. Then going right now is alright with you?"

"Yes. Just let me grab some tools."

I searched in my stuff till I found what I was looking for. It was an old bag that I found in the secret room. It was surprisingly larger than it seemed. I put in some tools and potions that I made yesterday.

"Now we can go."

I followed him out the door to a jet-black carriage.

Layra or Bernadette did not follow us, she just stands there her eyes on me.

Inside the carriage, we sat in front of each other.

Looking at him he didn't seem to want to make a conversation I opened my status window.

At first, I was worried that he might be able to see it, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Ok, how can I level up skills?

A new window opened up before me.


Skill list.

Current Skill PT: 44

Select a skill you want to Level up:


Oh, this is easy! Then max out [Wish Granting]!


Leveling up [Wish Granting (Small)] to Max Level requires: 10 Skill Pt

Do you wish to continue?

[Yes/ No]





Skill [Wish Granting (Small) reached Max level.


Skill [Wish Granting (Small)] evolved into [Wish Granting], LV:1

…System has been updated.

Remaining Skill PT: 34


Nice. Then also evolve [Familiar Summon] to the max.


Leveling up [Familiar Summon] to Max Level require: 46 Skill Pt

Insufficient Skill PT

Do wish to evolve it to Level:8?

[Yes/ No]


Eh, that's too much for me right now.

I will level it up to 5 then I will put the rest into alchemy so that I can make that drug.

Yeah, let's do that.



Skill [Familiar Summon] reached level 5.

The number of summonable beings increased to 5

Bond increased!


…System has been updated.

Remaining Skill PT: 19

Skill [Alchemy] Reached level 5


…System has been updated.

Remaining Skill PT: 4


Well, now that's that done.

During the rest of the route, I watched the changing scenery.

We left the slums and arrived at the area where the riches lived.

Here the streets are sparklingly clean with the houses being a far distance from each other, some even had gardens.

We arrived at a house that looked even fancier than the others. It was directly built into the huge wall that separated the Duke from the other nobles. The estate was ginormous with a front garden that could easily fit some buildings inside.

I glanced at him, while he made a self-satisfied face.

Mental note: he likes money.

The carriage stopped before the front door. When we get out, some of the maids waited for us in front with their heads bowed deeply down.

"Wellcome back, Head Butler."

"Did something happen while I was away?"

"The young master has brought back a guest from the capital with him. They are currently in the middle of ad discussion with each other. They say that they are looking for a demon."

"A demon? Isn't the barrier supposed to protect us?"

"I don't know. By the way, may I ask you who is this young man?"

"A doctor. He said he might be able to cure my wife."

"Oh, excuse me for … May I lead you to her, doctor?"

"I would be delighted."

I followed the maid in the manor. The head butler's wife's room was on the second floor, where the most sunlight could go in.

Before I could enter the Dex stopped me.

"Please, take your shoes off. We want to clean this room as clean as possible."

"I understand."

The inside of the room was a king-sized bed. On the bed was a corpse.

No, not a corpse, but something that was pretty close to it.

It was thin, had ashen skin and white hair. It looked like a skeleton that was wearing human skin. If not for the chest rising, I thought she was dead.

"Jane Defo."

"Yes, my wife. Tell me can you help her?"

"I will need to examine her first. Can I do it alone or you want to watch?"

"Haha, there is no way that I leave her with someone that I just only met."

I approached her and with the guarding eyes of Dex, I touched her wrist. It was incredibly bony.


[Skill [Alchemy] activated through [Wish Granting]]

[Poison detected.]

[Poison origin: Manticore venom.]

[Antidote possibilities: 2]

I made some routine checks, like looking into her eyes or measuring her pulse before I talked.

"Mr. Dex do you known about manticore poison?"

"Of course, I know. It's a weary common poison that a lot of person uses."

"Can you remind me of the symptoms?"

"Why is it important right now? Are you insinuating that she was poisoned by that? Let me tell you that I'm quite an expert in that domain, and she hasn't presented any of the key symptoms!"

My consciousness started to get blurry again, as I continued.

"No, she has, but only from inside. Manticore venom is usually administered by injecting it, like the monster those, but your wife has drunk it."

"Drunk it? But how?"

He looked at me in disbelief.

"Maybe it was in her food? I can only tell that it's a sizable dosage. I will need some hot water and the antidote. Do you have it?"

"Y-Yes I have it at my office."

"Bring it here."

He nodded and left.

While no one was there, I placed my hand on her and used a skill on her for safety's sake. When everything was done, and I made sure there was no mark, I waited for Dex to return.

When he did, I took the bottle from him and I poured the content into her mouth.

When she drunk the content I put a piece of clothing ower her forehead, that was soaked in the hot water that one of the maids bought.

"She had drunk it a while ago. This antidote only stops the spreading, but it won't heal the damaged tissues. After an hour, give her a high-grade potion and leave her sleep."

"…Thank you. Here." He gave me a small leather bag. "Sometimes he gives us samples. This is his newest design. Consider it as a bonus."


Before I could leave my stomach let out a not to manly noise.

We stared at each other for a while. His mouth twisted a little will I felt a little embarrassed.

"Do you want to stay for lunch?"

"…Yeah. In fact, can you show me where is the restroom?"


Trio POV:

"Did the girl told you anything?"

"Yes. She is a sweet child. The other kids are around her all the time trying to cheer her up. At first, she didn't talk, but you can't underestimate what sweets can do."

"We don't care."

Selma acted as she didn't hear Belda's retort and continued.

"She said that her parents forced her to summon a demon, by burying a metal box in the middle of an x."

"A homemade crossroads? That thing shouldn't work!"

"Yet it did. At this part the things got confusing. Something that it had and no face, then an eye, then she said that she hated dried meat."

"Selma, can you get to the point?"

"Oh, sorry. The point is that she said that the demon brought her to the church to get rid of her."

"Wait, wasn't she with that adventurer when she came here?"

"Yes, she did. So, my point is that and this is a wild shoot but, what if the adventurer was the demon. Josh, did you learn something about him?"

"Not really. His name is Desmond, he joined the guild not so long ago. He was a [Potion Maker] who could use knives and tamed beasts."

"A versatile type like me. I'm starting to like him."

"Then you will like him more after you hear this. He fought with one of the adventurers, destroying the street in front of the guild. The members of the other guilds heard about this and they planned to meet him, but he died the night before."

"Did he got killed by the other adventurers in jealousy?"

Belda put her feet on the table. Right now, they were in the guest room in the castle of the Duke. It was filled with shiny and expensive-looking things, yet this tree didn't care, showing once again their origins.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Said Selma in a relaxed manner. Josh and Belda looked at her waiting for her to continue. She took a sip from her tee that she bought with her from the castle and let out a satisfied sigh before finally speaking.

"When demons are killed, they don't leave any traces except their mana crystal, if there are no particular circumstances."

"Then the blood there…"

"Not his. He's still out there."

They fell silent for a while, Till Belda let out a shout.

"This is making no sense! Why would a demon even go into a church? He could just kill the kid, cutting any loss threads!"

"He might have taken pity on her?"

"Please Josh, -"Selma said." I have seen dozens of demons when I joined the church. All of them were evil to their cores, insulting the Goddess by means you can't even imagine. There was once a man who got possessed by one of them. He killed his family and neighbors, as sacrifices to his heretic god. Before we could purify him, the demon killed him and escaped."

Selma put her tee cup down with a loud clicking noise. Neither Josh nor Belda dared to speak.

"In any case, we need to look for him. He is probably in the poor district where he can easily find victims. I recommend we patrol that area until we find anything. Is there was any pattern of what kind of place it comes out?"

"…We don't know, the only thing that remains the same is that it only appears there. We should investigate that area, without Josh."

"Hey wait a sec! I'm the one with a holy weapon, why do I need to stay here?"

"I and Belda are the only ones who can sense demonic energy. Plus, if you showed up like this, I guaranty you, you will have problems."

"What about you?!"

"Me? I was born in that kind of place; I can handle myself."


"Sorry Josh, but she does have a point. We can use our magic without a weapon. You just sit this one out."

"… At least tell me when you find him."


The trio left the room and exited the estate by the gate. There they gazed at the extravagant houses that towered before them.

"Well, then I will go back to the guild. I might find some information from the adventurers."

"Good idea. Then we- "

Before Belda could continue she froze and looked at the distance. Selma reacted in the same way and looked away.

Josh looked at them with a strange look.

"Guys? What is it?"

The two didn't react to his words. They started in the distance before Belda took out an arrow and muttered something.

The arrow floated up from her palm and started to spin before stopping like a compass.

"It's there."

"What is?"

He didn't understand what was happening, but he could tell it wasn't good.

"We sensed demonic energy."

"Another contracted?"

Selma shook her head.

"It's too pure. It's the real thing."


I was sitting in the carriage, my belly full. The food there was the best that I ever ate, even better than the hamburgers in my world.

And those are big words from me since I'm a food fanatic!

The only thing I found problematic is that I think I was poisoned.

No, I'm not kidding during I ate the system said that I gained [Poison Resistance].

Did he tried to kill me, or the food was bad?

When I heard the notification, I gentlemanly left, immediately drank three different types of antidote in the carriage.

Now, I was sitting there digesting and hopping that the antidotes I drunk were enough.

I need to be more careful in the future.

Of course, I will be poisoned if eat with a mafia member.

At least my stay gave me time to prepare something in case of a catastrophe.

Shame for the food, it was so good…


In my head, a new type of sound appeared. It was like a phone ringing. It was the first time I heard it, yet I knew what it was.

The Lesser Spectre.

What those it wants?

That guy usually stays silent and barely follows my orders.

I reach my hand out and concentrate.


"What now?"

I was able to summon them with ease.

What changed?

"… [Familiar Summon.]"

To be honest since the fight with that girl I haven't used it.

A small blue circle appeared before me and from it, a ball emerged.

It was a transparent sphere with a diameter of 5 cm and a blueish outline (that seemed to be my trademark now). It had a small energy ball in the middle of it that kept on pulsing.

I wasn't sure if this thing was the soul of a deceased being or it appeared naturally, but it creeped me out. It had an otherworldly vibe.

The ball started to pulse even faster mobbing left and right and letting out a strange shrieking noise.

Even though it had little meaning to others I understand the message.

I was followed.


Name: Desmond (Temporary)

Race: Slave Maker

Age: 16

Job: Alchemist

LV: 1/50

HP: 70/70

MP: 80/80

STR: 40

VIT: 40

SPD: 60

MRES: 30

Skill PT: 4

Physical attributes: [Dark Vision] [Tail Swift]

Skills: [Alchemy: LV:5] [Deal Making, LV:1] [Wish Granting, LV:1] [Herbology; LV:1] [Mapping, LV:1] [ Appraisal,LV:1] [Mind Palace, LV:1] [Slave Mark, LV:1] [Sweet Talk,Lv:2] [Familiar Summon, Lv:5]

Resistances: [Poison]

Unique Skills: [Body Physic Manipulation] [Harvest]

Titles: [Broken Soul] [Novice Summoner] [Heretic] [Cursed Book Owner]




Name: Joshua Von Elburn

Race: Human (Hero Bloodline.)

Age: 20

Job: Prince; Swordsman

LV: 38/1000

HP: 100/100

MP: 30/30

STR: 30(+20)

VIT: 25

SPD: 50

MRES: 15

Skill PT: 0

Skills: [Charm; LV:2] [Etiquette; LV:5] [Focused; LV:3] [Trained Body; LV:6] [Swordsmanship; LV:4]

Martial Arts: [Speed Acceleration] [Iron Body]

Unique Skills: [Proetus (Diluted)]

Titles: [Hero Decedent] [First Son] [Future King] [Goddess Chosen (temporary)]



Name: Belda

Race: Human (Magically Enhanced)

Age: ***

Job: High Witch, Apprentice Archer

LV: 56/1000

HP: 170/170

MP: 500/500

STR: 20

VIT: 10

SPD: 40

MRES: 100

Skill PT: 0

Physical attributes: [Un-ageing Body]

Skills: [Master Witchcraft; LV:2] [Apprentice Archery; LV: 5] [Gross Feeder; LV: 8] [Lie; LV: 5]

[Sweet Talk; LV:3] [Prying Eye; LV:6] [4 Elemental Magic; LV: 5] Potion Making; LV:1] [Compound Magic; LV: 1]

Titles: [Abandoned Child] [Queen of Slums] [Master Witch] [King's Aid]



Name: Selma Light

Race: Human

Age: 14

Job: Saint

LV: 23/1000

HP: 50/50

MP: 230/230

STR: 15

VIT: 10

SPD: 17


Skill PT: 0

Physical attributes: [Blessed]

Skills: [Saint; LV: 3] [Etiquette; LV:4] [Charm; LV:6] [Mana Sense; LV:5] [Healing Magic; LV:4] [ Light Magic; LV: 5] [Holy Magic; LV: 2]

Titles: [Blessed Child] [Light of the Church] [Demon Huntress.]
