
Suicidal Berserker

Coal is a mistake, everything he does, he thinks is a mistake, to the point that, Coal wants to end it all, but his beliefs prevent him from doing it himself. So when the world turned, he took that chance to fight till he draws his last breath. Though the system mistakes his desire for death, as reckless bravery

Phantom_Sage · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"How long has it been? When was the last time I rested? Days? Weeks? A month?" Coal, had been asking himself as he grabbed individuals from the hoard of monsters charging at him, and plunging their skulls into the ground. "Why did this happen? How did this happen? Why are they so weak?" his mind clouded by his thoughts. "Why can't they kill me? Is it because of my skill? my mindset?" Coal, his body being scratched, stabbed, punctured, slashed, pierced and bashed. All these wounds being healed in an instant. "Why can't my health bar go below one? Why? Why? WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?WHY?..."

Coal's world wasn't always like this. At some point it was like ours, obeying the laws of physics, and bound by the natural. Coal lead his life like an empty husk, with no purpose or goal. His will to live hanging on by a thread, in hopes to die without his own hands working against him. He would avoid being in school for long, to avoid the gaze of people, as they would only look at him only to belittle him. He would prolong going home, to avoid the unjust abuse of his parents.

One day in class, Coal was dozing off, staring at the ceiling of the class, until a flash of light engulfed his eyes. Once the flash had faded the world around him had darkened. When Coal came to, the class had already be sorted into those who could and those who couldn't. Those that could, were mostly the popular students, teachers and nerds. those that couldn't, were those who could not adapt like others, easily panicked and freighted. Coal did not fall into either category, he just stood there in a daze, Until a singular card descended from no where, in front of everyone. Everyone grabbed their cards and then... Nothing, everything went back to normal, everyone was back in their seats, as if it were all a dream. Some students were talking among themselves, talking and trying things, while others were back to focusing back on the class or their books.

This peacefulness only lasted for a few moments, until everyone's' phones, rang and buzzed. The calls and notifications were declarations of state of emergencies. Strange creatures were pouring out of tears in space; people were talking about strange occurrences such as fire shooting out of their hands, or their knives cutting their work tops in half; and some people even started to see some sort of player card, when calling out "status".

At this point, all of Coal's classmates began to either panic and call their families to see if they were safe, while others were laughing hysterically believing they could become something akin to a god. Coal continued to dose off into space, until a dark green screen appeared before his eyes. The screen had a cyan boarder and white digital text. The text read " New Quest: Survive the goblin invasion." and below was some sub-text reading "Tap for more info." Coal, and many other students tapped the screen. The screen all of a sudden disappeared and was replaced with a much larger screen.

"Quest: Survive the goblin invasion."

"The school will soon be invaded by goblins, your goal is to survive the raid, by either:"

"1. Escape the school premises."

"2. Eliminate all the goblins."

"3. Hide till all goblins are eliminated."

"Difficulty: E.

"Reward: Based on Contribution."

"On Failure: Death."