
Suicidal Berserker

Coal is a mistake, everything he does, he thinks is a mistake, to the point that, Coal wants to end it all, but his beliefs prevent him from doing it himself. So when the world turned, he took that chance to fight till he draws his last breath. Though the system mistakes his desire for death, as reckless bravery

Phantom_Sage · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Upon seeing the quest Coal's zombie-like, lifeless eyes lit up ever so slightly. He wasn't the fastest to react to the quests information, however many students up and left the classroom and headed for the sports halls and took the gym equipment. Coal however, went to meet the goblins head on, no weapons or armour, just his school uniform and his will to die. He stood at the gates waiting for the goblins to come charging in. it wasn't long before the first wave arrived. A singular lone goblin with a spear came charging in towards Coal. Coal let the goblin pierce him with his spear, in hopes that it would be enough to kill him. When the spear punctured through Coal, it was only through his right leg.

"Abnormal Status: Bleed. Remove Object to begin Timer.

Turned out that the goblin was only as big and as strong as a five year old. From afar the goblin seemed much larger. Their skin was a dark green and they seemed to wear animal hide as their from of clothes. Disappointed, Coal grabs the goblin's skull and slams it into the ground, killing the goblin in the process.

Soon after, a whole wave of goblins came charging in towards the school. Coal, who was ready for the wave, we ready for the brunt of their forces. Coal would grab what ever goblins were in his reach and slam their skulls into the ground all while letting them stab him. Some goblins gave Coal another abnormal status, which was poison, all while he continued to let the bleed stack. Other goblins would get their skulls slammed into each other, giving Coal a collateral.

Not long after the start of the wave, most of the goblins had flooded into the school grounds and students began to pluck from the hoard of scattered goblins. Students were using makeshift spears and kitchen knifes to do the job of killing the goblins. Other students barricaded themselves in classrooms in hopes of not being found by the goblins. Meanwhile, Coal began to wander the school premises in the open, looking for something to attack and hopefully kill him. Whenever a goblin jumped him, he would let it stab him, before he killed them; and whenever he spotted a group of goblins on patrol, he would provoke them taking one of the spears out of his punctured body and throw it at one of them, however it was not thrown with enough force to hurt the goblin.

Coal, had wandered the school grounds for who knows how long, all he knew was that the sun was going down, and most of the goblins were eliminated. Once the sun went down, Coal had collapsed due to exhaustion, caused by the puncture wounds, poison, and his regeneration which he did not know was the reason his bleed was on a timer.

When Coal had woken up, his eyes were covered with the notification panel.

"Quest: Survive the goblin Invasion, Day 1. Complete."

"Contribution Ranking:"

"1st. Coal"

"2nd. Jeff"

"3rd. Lee"

"Survive the 2nd wave of goblins or eliminate the Hobgoblin."

During the night, while Coal was passed out, many students had passed his unconscious body and removed the crude spears, which lead to Coal's bleed to be healed.

"Status..." Coal muttered.

All of a sudden a player profile appeared in front of Coal's eyes. The top left of his PP had an image of him while just to the right of that image were 3 sets of text. The 1st text was "HP: 150/150" with a red bar below it. Under the red bar was his "MP: 10/10", which had a blue bar below it. And under that was "Titles: Goblin slayer".

Under the picture and in the middle area of the PP, were all the stats that each Player had. Coal didn't know weather what he had was good or bad as all of his stats were set to 10 while the "Const." stat was at 15.

the bottom third of the PP was further split into 2 parts. The top part listed only one skill which was "Regeneration: Level 2". While the bottom half had nothing listed.

"FUCK!!" Coal shouted, hammering his hand on the floor. "Why did I get such a Overpowered Passive? Why couldn't I get something useless?"

Annoyed Coal, began to head to the canteen, which was connected to the kitchen, in hopes to find some food and water to drink. on his way to the canteen, if he saw a goblin or a group he would go and eliminate them, since he wanted to clear his mind, by mindless slaughter of the little green menaces. Upon entering the canteen, all that could be seen could only be described by one word, a mess. Tables were flipped, chairs sprawled everywhere, and rubbish scattered all over the floor. Coal thought nothing of this mess, thinking it was raided by some students who were later attacked by some goblins.

Coal burst down the door that connected the canteen to the kitchen, only to see that the goblins had made it something akin to a nest. at the far back there was a much larger goblin. The goblin seemed to have a similar build to an adult who does light exercise regularly. On the floor, next to its right arm, seemed to be a wooden club. However before Coal could even think about getting to the Hobgoblin, he would have to deal with all the goblins sleeping scattered like, cats in a crazy, old, cat ladies' house.

Instead of stealthily approaching the hobgoblin, Coal instead grabbed a few pots and pans, and begun to either smack them against each other or throw them on the floor. This cause a lot of loud noise that woke up all the goblins. While all the goblins rushed at Coal, the hobgoblin, instead of attacking Coal, it grabbed one of the goblins near it and chewed its head off. Coal, unfazed by the sight of a hobgoblin devouring one of its' underlings, fought the other goblins rushing him. He would grab what ever he could and smash it against the goblins, causing the goblins to die by their skulls caving in. Upon killing all the goblins, the hobgoblin grabbed its club and began to swing it haphazardously, as if it were blinded by hunger. Coal didn't dodge any swings that happened to come his way, instead he took the brunt of the hits, sometimes even causing him to be thrown across the kitchen. However, Coal would keep getting back up, and begin charging at the hobgoblin. Sometimes the hobgoblin's swinging would slow down and create an opening, in which Coal took advantage of. Coal using nothing but his hands and mouth to attack the hobgoblins abdomen. Sometimes he would scratch at it, while other times he would try to bite and rip a chunk off, in hopes of drawing out the battle and leading to his demise.

After sometime, Coal's strategy changed to getting behind the hobgoblin and break its neck. This happened because of one reason, his regeneration skill, witch caused him to heal back faster than what the hobgoblin could deal. Eventually. Coal succeeded in getting behind the hobgoblin after many tries to break through. He opened his jaw as wide as he could, before he clamped down on the back of the hobgoblins neck. As he applied more and more force behind his bit, his teeth would slowly sink into the hobgoblins flesh. Gradually Coal, begun to leave a larger mark of damage on its neck. The hobgoblin, started to scream and screech, as the pain cause by Coal's slow decapitation, became unbearable. Even then the hobgoblin could do nothing as its muscles and broad back would get in the way of its arms reaching Coal.

Just as Coal's jaw was about to give out, the hobgoblin collapsed and his jaw slammed shut. Coal's clothes in tatters and covered in blood. He stands on top of his fallen foe, and swallows, before releasing an agonizing scream and passing out on the corpse of his foe.

"Quest: Survive the goblin Invasion, Day 2. Complete."

"The goblins now free from their leader's tyranny, have fled their nest in new found fear of their slayer."

"Contribution Ranking:"

"1st. Coal"

"2nd. Lee"

"3rd. Jeff"

"Community Reward: Exploration"

"1st place Reward: Class Advancement, Skill lv. up & 20 Stat Points"


"You are no longer limited to your current location, you can now venture out and explore the world."

"You have gained a skill."

"You have gained a skill."

"Skill: Regeneration has leveled-up"

Thinking of just dropping this. Also i need ideas or ways i could promote my work.

Phantom_Sagecreators' thoughts