
Subatomic Evolution

with an abusive stepfather in the house and bullies at school, Alex is your normal, every day depressed kid who doesn’t know what to do with his life. That is until his mother gives him a ring from his deceased father and he discovers a whole new world filled with adventure.

rr5282 · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

history lesson

Looking at the woman who was now gracefully stepping down from the stairs, I couldn't help but feel awed. 

She had a sense of nobility in her that made me want to serve her as a loyal servant. 

It was like she was the center of the world, and all other people were her subjects to rule. 

After reaching the golden round table, she looked at me with a gentle smile, gesturing for me to get closer. 

I obediently walked towards the table and stood there waiting for further instructions. 

Noticing that I was still in a daze, she stretched her right hand and touched my forehead with her index finger, and just like with Lucile, I felt a zap going through my head.

"Sorry, it's the effect of my passive charm. You should be okay now," the woman said before introducing herself, "I'm Uriel, it's nice to finally meet you, Alex." 

"H...Hello, I'm Alex. nice to meet you as well." I responded shyly. 

Uriel looked at me with a nostalgic look in her eyes, "You have your mother's eyes, but behind them is your father's fierceness for sure." 

I was taken aback by her statement, leaving the fact that I didn't feel any fierceness whatsoever at the moment, her knowing both my mother and father made me feel excited. 

After looking at the battle depicted on the throne room's doors, I felt a little bit curious about my father, and the hatred I felt toward him also lessened by a considerable margin. 

There was no way that a brave man like the man in the picture could have left my mother of his own will. 

"You must have a lot of questions. Let's sit and talk." Uriel pointed to the chair which was positioned at the one o'clock position and sat on the twelfth one herself, "seat next to me." 

I nodded and sat next to the overly comfortable chair but aside from feeling the physical comfort, I felt like the chair was somehow rejecting my mind, as if it didn't find me worthy to sit on it, creating a very uncomfortable feeling in my mind. 

"Behave yourself," Uriel looked at the chair with a stern look, and as soon as she said that, the uncomfortable feeling went away completely, "sorry about that, they can be a little stubborn sometimes." 

"Thank you, lady Uriel." 

"don't mention it. and from now on, call me Aunt or Aunt Uriel. I practically raised your father, and he called me big sister so that makes me your Aunt." 

I looked at her with excitement, feeling happy to finally find someone who didn't seem to be restricted when talking about my father. 

"Yes, lady… I mean Aunt Uriel." 

"that's better. Now, I know that you must have a lot of questions but tell me something first. 

How much did Lucile give away?" Aunt Uriel asked as if knowing the mad scientist's personality. 

I looked at her, not sure whether to tell her or not. after all, I had a deal with Lucile and if she went and beat him up for what I told her here, our deal would surely be off. 

"What are you hesitant about?" Aunt Uriel asked a little suspicious.

"Well…. you see… I made a deal with him…" 

After hearing me say that, she looked at me with a strange look and then started laughing so hard that the throne room seemed to shake. 

"Like father like son. You are far more like your father than I care to admit." Aunt Uriel said while laughing. When she finally stopped, she looked at me and said, "Just tell me, I promise not to punish him until after you extort him." 

Reaching a mutual understanding, I started explaining everything that Lucile had told me, and when I got to the part where Lucile told me that my father might be alive, Aunt Uriel got so mad that I'm sure if it wasn't for her promise, she would have already found him and given him the beating of his life. 

"That bastard, I will make sure he will pay for this…" Aunt Uriel muttered under her breath.

I didn't mention the part about him taking the fuel or whatever from me because it seemed like a pretty serious deal, and I didn't want to cause trouble for him. Well, not too much trouble at least. 

"Sigh, I guess I don't have any chance then. Let me explain a few things to you but remember that this is as far as I tell you until I feel like you are ready so don't ask any questions. Understood?" 

I nodded in response, and Aunt Uriel started explaining. 

"Before telling you about your father, I must tell you about the way this world works. But let me ask you this first, do you know where humans came from Alex?" 

I pondered on the question for a bit, feeling like it wasn't as simple of a question as they asked me in school, but after not finding any convincing new answer, I just said what I already knew, "Evolution? God? Big bang?" 

"Well, partly yes… Big Bang was real, and so is God, but not the one you know upper world people worship. The evolution part can also be considered true, but none of them is the answer by themselves. 

In the subatomic world, everything is made of what we call soul particles, so you could consider the whole subatomic world a god by itself since everything is connected to it and it has consciousness.

Before humans or any other intelligent being came to be, there were only chaos and chaos creatures. But after countless years of evolution, some of those chaotic creatures reached self-awareness and found no meaning in chaos so they started to implement a relative order in their lives. 

As time went on, these creatures formed their own societies and schools of thought.

Among these creatures, there was a race that was the greediest of them all. Can you guess which one?" 

"Humans?" I answered, trying not to focus on the "s" after the word race.

"Yes, humans," Aunt Uriel confirmed and continued, "humans wanted more, so they started experimenting and exploring and conquering the land of other races. That was when they found a way out of the subatomic world. 

The first to leave, found the land to be barren and unlivable. 

After further research, they found out that there was a connection between the subatomic world and the new world they discovered. 

The connection is the chaos creatures. The chaos creatures, let's refer to them as beasts or monsters, disturbed the laws of physics in the upper world by using their power excessively in the underworld. 

Finding no way to control the monsters by themselves, humans shared the information with other races and divided the new world based on their contribution to subjugating the monsters that affected the earth. 

It has to be noted that no matter how powerful and united the races were, they couldn't clear the whole subatomic world of monsters so they decided to only focus on the parts that affected the areas that they wanted to leave in. 

After clearing the whole of Earth, humans who had the largest population among the races, betrayed the pact and ran the other races out of Earth into the subatomic world. 

Long story short, the relationship between humans and other races was ruined thanks to some greedy bastards and it took the humans that stayed in here a long time to gain back their trust. 

That was until fifty years ago when something happened in a joint operation that all the races were taking part in. 

We found some…thing….. but it wasn't sharable… so we fought over it fair and square. 

When your dad won the grand prize, some people of the other races weren't happy but with how powerful your father was, they couldn't do anything about it.

So, they formed a new pact, trying to get rid of your father."

Aunt Uriel stopped there, refusing to explain further, "Let me just tell you this, in case you are wondering, they didn't succeed. The reason for your father's death or disappearance or whatever you want to think of it was…. Something else. Someone else."

"Who??" I couldn't help but ask. 

"We are not sure, but before anything could happen, your father hid your mother somewhere that even us didn't know…. Well, now we know…. You have to understand, we didn't know that Mary was pregnant, or else we wouldn't have let you live the life you have been living until now…" 

It seemed like a full explanation to me, but something was still bothering me…. why did she give me such a full explanation when she told me that she couldn't tell me the whole story? "all the things you told me were public knowledge, weren't they?" 

hearing my question, Aunt Uriel smiled and said, "At least you are not a total idiot. 

I won't deny it… although I didn't expect you to figure it out so soon, but yes these are public knowledge…. Well, not public per se… only a few people know this much, and only a handful of fully trusted know the whole story…" 

"what's the whole story then?" 

"Not for you to know now… anyways, if you want more information you have to get stronger. You won't get anything else until then. 

Now go to your room. There will be a pamphlet there, explaining the basics and…" 

"my room?" I asked, "Do I have a room here?" 

"Everybody has a room here…" Aunt Uriel answered vaguely.