
Subatomic Evolution

with an abusive stepfather in the house and bullies at school, Alex is your normal, every day depressed kid who doesn’t know what to do with his life. That is until his mother gives him a ring from his deceased father and he discovers a whole new world filled with adventure.

rr5282 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

the room 1

Just as I wanted to ask where my room was, another more important question popped into my mind, "wait, did you say my dad hid my mother? Do you mean my mother knows about this place?"

Aunt Uriel sighed and just said, "As I understand now, your father erased your mother's memory and just left the parts about themselves."

"But how is…"

"You will know when you are ready… now go to your room." Aunt Uriel said and then looked at the floor saying, "Blue, take him to his room."

Out of nowhere, a blue hologram in the shape of a flash appeared on the floor.

As if wanting me to follow, the line pointed its head toward me and then toward the door.

"Just follow it…" Aunt Uriel said, giving me a look that said you don't have any other options.

After following the line and getting out of the throne room, I took one last glance at the magnificent building and started following the blue line.

It took us more than ten minutes of walking to just get out of the U-shaped field.

After exiting, I found myself above a mountain overlooking a big city, at least five times bigger than New York.

The blue line moved toward the city, guiding me through all the roads leading there.

It took us more than five hours just to get down from the mountain in a straight line. Now imagine how high the mountain was.

After going into the city, it didn't take long until I reached a skyscraper that I couldn't see the top of. And that seemed to be our destination.

As soon as the blue line entered the building, it started increasing its speed, making me run faster and faster just to keep up with it.

As I was following the line with my head held down, I suddenly hit something very soft with my head and was forced to stop.

The thing was as soft as a marshmallow and smelled like spring flowers. 

I took a step back and raised my head just to see a red-faced girl looking back at me with an angry and panicked expression.

The girl had mesmerizingly beautiful hazel-colored eyes and her curly black hair fell down her shoulder like a black waterfall.

As I was looking at the world-breaking beauty in front of me, the girl suddenly ran past me with such speed that it made me doubt her existence in the first place.

"HAHAHA, that was refreshing…" an annoying voice sounded out of nowhere making me jump, scared, looking around for the source.

"down here you duffs." The voice said, making me look down just to see the line looking back at me.

It was bent in a way like it was grabbing its own stomach while laughing.

"Shut up, just lead the way…"

About thirty minutes later and after passing through countless hallways and far more countless doors of all shapes and sizes, the blue line stopped in front of a small and old wooden door.

"This is going to be your room from now on," the line said, "If you need to go somewhere, just call me by saying Blue line and I will appear. Also, remember that my services aren't cheap. Goodbye."

The line vanished, leaving me all alone in the long hallway.

I looked at the door for a few seconds, before sighing and extending my hand to grab the doorknob.

Just as I was about to turn the doorknob to open the door, the damn thing stuck to my hand, and in the next seconds, more than a hundred tiny needles came out of it, turning my hand into a porcupine.

"AAAAAAhHHH…" I started shouting and screaming out of pain, but the doorknob didn't seem to want to let go.

As I was screaming, I felt like the door was draining me of all the blood in my body, making me feel dizzy.

As it sucked the blood out of my body, the door started to grow in size and ten seconds later it was at least five meters high and three meters tall.

After it seemed to have grown to its full size, the door finally let go of my hand, leaving me half-conscious on the ground.

In the last moments as I was losing consciousness, I saw a few figures gathering around me talking among themselves.

"Oh my god, how much did that blood-sucking door drink for him to be in this state? It almost killed him. "Quick, give me a healing or rejuvenation potion..." The girl who was grabbing my head between her hands shouted.

After nobody made a move or offered any help, the girl raised her voice which made my head ring even harder. "Nill, I know you have a rank 2 healing potion. Give it to me right this instant."

The boy named Nill hesitated a bit, before saying, "But Malia, that cost me all my money…"

"I said give it to me." The girl named Malia raised her voice even higher, leaving the boy no choice but to pass him a pink-colored potion.

She raised my head a little, helping me drink the potion which instantly made me feel better and a few seconds later I was back in tip-top shape.

After coming back to my senses, I finally had the chance to look at the monstrosity of the door in front of me.

The door's color had turned into a shade of purple with golden carvings on it. There were depictions of monsters fighting each other over some kind of beautiful flower in the center of the door.

"Wow, how powerful do you think he is?" one of the girls standing around me talked to another while looking at the door."

"I'm not sure, but his blood must be as pure as they come. Even Jason's door is less than half of his." Another answered.

"Forget about his blood purity. Just imagine the size of the room behind that door.

I'm sure it at least has three of the main labs." A boy standing next to the girls exclaimed.

I was confused so I turned to the only helpful person in their group, Malia, "Can you tell me what they are talking about?"

"It's better if you see it yourself," Malia answered and looked towards the door, "is it okay if we see the room too?"

"Sure, why not?" I answered, not thinking clearly.

At that moment, my focus was on gathering all the courage I could just to grab the doorknob again.

"Go ahead, it only does that once," Malia assured and looked at me with anticipation.


I extended my hand with caution, grabbing the doorknob slowly, ready to jump back at the first sign of danger.

After a few seconds of nothing happening, all my fears disappeared and I turned the doorknob, opening the door.

As soon as I turned the doorknob, the ring on my left hand vibrated and I heard the same feminine robotic voice I heard at the start of the test before.

"Room detected."

"Transferring authority over the room AI."

"Transfer complete."

As soon as the voice confirmed the completion of the transfer, the black space behind the door became visible, and I saw a room the size of a basketball court behind it.

I took a deep breath in astonishment, prompting the others to ask me to let them see it too.

Not understanding what they meant, I looked at Malia for an answer, "the room's owner must grant others permission before anyone else can see the room."

"How do I do that?" I asked back.

"Just tell the room AI and it will be done."

I took another look at the room before asking in a low voice, "Can you let them see the room too?"

This time a new feminine robotic voice talked in my head.


After it finished talking, I heard loud gasps from behind me, and when I turned back, I saw their eyes bulging out of their eye sockets.

 "wow, it's huge. Mine is even smaller than a normal bedroom." One of the girls exclaimed.

"And look there, there seem to be more than six doors on the right wall. That means…"

"He's got all the labs."

"I'm sure he will be one of the 12 knights someday; I mean look at his potential."

"Is he single?"

"I don't know, but I'm about to find out."

"Is he from an influential family?"

"I'm sure he is. How else do you explain…"

"HEY, shut the F up," Malia shouted, silencing them all at once, "think before you talk assholes."

"I wasn't sure what Malia was so mad about out of nowhere, but I sure appreciated her silencing them.

After everyone became quiet, Malia stood beside me, "Why aren't you going in?"

"Is this really mine?" I asked, still not believing what was in front of me.

"Of course. You own this room and no one can take it away from you." Malia assured me.

"but…. How can I own such a thing? This is practically a hundred times bigger than where I live."

"what do…" one of the boys wanted to ask something but a fierce look from Malia made him close his mouth.

"Remember this: if you didn't deserve it, you wouldn't have got it," Malia said and lightly pushed me into the room.