
Stronger than the Pirate King

The story of the man who was stronger than the Pirate King.

Life_of_Meat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Grey Terminal

After a while, Gjhin followed the three brothers to their secret hideout. The landscape they were in started to change as he followed them, on the way, Sabo explained the situation to him, "This is the Grey Terminal where there is no law, no doctors and many homeless and dangerous individuals roamed freely."

Nodding his head, Gjhin kept this in his mind as he followed them. Soon, they arrived in a large forest-like area and stopped there. Just as Gjhin was about to ask where the secret hideout was, he remembered that it was a 'secret', so obviously, it would be hidden around them somewhere.

At the same time, Ace activated a mechanism, which instantly revealed a large treehouse that was hidden away from plain sight. Looking at the treehouse, Gjhin was amazed, he didn't think kids his age could think of creating something like this in the middle of a forest.

It would've taken a long time for them to build from scratch, and keep it hidden from everyone's eyes. Seeing that Gjhin was amazed by their secret hideout, Luffy smiled and rubbed his nose a few times. "Well, let's get up quickly so that nobody else can find it." Ace reminded. They all nodded and got up the treehouse.

Gjhin followed exactly what they did, allowing him to climb up without any problems. Once all four of them were up, Ace deactivated the mechanism, hiding away the secret hideout once again. While up there, Gjhin looked around to see the layout of the base. It was built entirely out of wood and nails, in the shape of a dome.

Above, there were wooden planks that acted as a ladder to allow them to easily climb up the branches, where a crow's nest with a jolly roger that read 'ASL' was blowing along with the wind could be seen.

As he looked around, an idea popped up in his mind, giving him an idea to improve the secret hideout even more. Of course, he would have to discuss it with the three brothers, since it was their hideout and not his.

Entering the dome-like hideout, the three brothers put their iron pipes down. Luffy sat down and started picking his nose instantly, while Ace and Sabo sat down to discuss with Gjhin.

Gjhin sat down with them. "Okay, now that things have settled a little bit, we should plan a bit." Ace said. The other two nodded their heads, while Luffy was clueless and continued picking his nose.

"First, are the rules. Obviously, you must keep our secret hideout a secret and only enter when you have made sure nobody else is around. For now, you shouldn't come with us when we go out for food and the likes until you are ready."

Gjhin nodded. It did make sense, he had just woken up with amnesia, and even though he had eaten a Devil's Fruit, he didn't know what his powers were. Ace and Sabo then took turns telling him all the rules, which weren't many; making it easy to remember them all.

"Since you've eaten a Devil's Fruit, you should soon learn what your ability is. It was the same with Luffy, while it took some time to adjust and learn, he knew how to use his ability pretty quickly."

"But before that, we also need to test your strength, speed, stamina and etc, before we can think of a training plan and know how to incorporate you when we go out."

Looking at his build, Gjhin's body wasn't thin, so he was healthy at least on the outside. When he was following them, he was able to keep up with them and didn't break a sweat. It was obvious that he had good stamina and speed, the only thing now was to see how strong he was.

What better way to test strength, then to do a nice game of arm wrestle? "Let's play a game we call arm wrestle, two people grab onto each other's hand and push downward with all their body strength." Sabo told him.

The three of them moved towards the wooden table nearby, Luffy was left out since he was made of rubber and couldn't control his strength properly, his entire arm may flop like a rag if they tried.

First was Sabo and Gjhin. They stood on the opposite ends of the wooden table and placed their elbow on the table, grabbing each other's hand. Both of them suddenly had a serious expression on, as they both stood firmly on the floor and started pushing with all their might.

Gjhin and Sabo both mustered all the strength in their body. From the toes, up to the very fingertips, using everything they had.


Very quickly, a winner between them was decided. Sabo's arm was on the table, while both of them were panting, trying to catch their breath. "Oh? You beat Sabo, then have a rest before my turn." Ace said.

Of the three brothers, Ace had the greatest physical strength, which was stronger than some fully grown adults. Since Gjhin had beat Sabo, then his strength must be pretty close to that level. Even if he couldn't win against Ace, it was enough to prove that Gjhin wasn't lacking in any aspects. His intelligence was also higher than Luffy's, even though they hadn't known him for even a few hours.

After a five minute rest, Gjhin was ready, and so was Ace. Like before, both of them had a firm grip on the ground with their feet and grasped hands. "Ready, go!" Sabo said.


Both Gjhin and Ace instantly pushed each other's hands down with all their might. Both of them were very even in strength, as neither side budged. Even if they did, their arms would move back and forwards between each other's side.

Both of them were panting hard, as their faces were red, and sweat started dripping down the side of their heads. Both Sabo and Luffy were shocked when they saw that Gjhin was even with Ace in physical strength. The one even more surprised was Gjhin and Ace themselves.

"He's as strong as I am." Ace thought. "Eh? Was I always this strong?" Gjhin thought. Soon, neither of them could beat the other, so they both let go at the same time and gasped for air.

The four of them gathered around after the arm wrestle match. "Great, you're good, things will be much easier with you in the team." Sabo said, shaking Gjhin's hand. Afterward, Gjhin shook hands with Ace and Luffy, whose hand felt like rubber.