
Stronger than the Pirate King

The story of the man who was stronger than the Pirate King.

Life_of_Meat · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The East Blue

On a small island in ghe East Blue, called Dawn Island, which was a part of the Goa Kingdom, there was three little boys of around 10 years old, standing in a circle and surrounded something. The tallest of the three was a boy of about 10, he had black hair and freckles on his face, wearing an orange tanktop, and held a pipe in his hand.

The second tallest child, had blonde hair and wore a large hat on his head, that resembled a noble's hat. He also carried a pipe in his hands. Finally, the third child was only about 7 years old, wearing a strawhat with a red ribbon on his head, and had a pipe leaning on his shoulder.

The three kids were on the beach, surrounding something that had just been washed up on the sands. Looking below them, a boy who was about their age with black hair had his eyes closed, and sleeping soundly on the sands after being washed onto the shore.

A bubble could be seen coming from his nose as he slept, and fortunately, he didn't snore or grind his teeth. "What should we do Ace?" the little boy wearing the strawhat asked the tallest and eldest of the three, called Ace.

"Well, we should wake him up first before anything." the blonde child with the tophat replied instead. "Sabo's righ, after he wakes up, we can ask him what happened." Ace nodded in agreement to what Sabo had said.

The three boys got closer and lightly tapped the sleeping boy's face, in attempt to wake him up., only to see that it had failed. They then tried to wake him up by shaking him, but this also failed. Suddenly, Ace had an idea, as he used his finger to burst the bubble that came from the the sleepjng boy's nose.


Immediately, the boy who was sleeping woke up. His vision was blurry as he rubbed his eyes and slowly got up. Once he was fully awake, he started looking around, finding himself in an unfamiliar location, surrounded by three people he didn't know.

"You're awake, are you alright? We found you washed up on this beach, you were lucky that nothing happened to you." Sabo asked him. On the side, Ace, and the boy the the strawhat looked at him and waited for an answer.

"Oh, that's why this place is so unfamiliar. Thanks for waking me up, can you tell me where I am?" the boy who had just woken up asked.

"Well, you are on Dawn Island, located in the Goa Kingdom of East Blue. By the way, my name is Ace, these are my little brother's Sabo and Luffy." Ace introduced. The boy who had just woken up nodded, even though the name was unfamiliar to him.

"The East Blue? I've never heard of that before... Now that I think about it, I can't seem to remember much. If I recall, I was on a ship that sunk, then I grabbed onto a broken plank and floated for a while. When I was hungry, I saw a strange looking fruit and ate it. Who knew it was so disgusting, I almost vomited."

"At first, everything was fine, then I suddenly felt extremely weak and started to let go of the plank, before I woke up here..." the little boy tried his best to recall.

"Ah! He must've raten a Devil's Fruit, just like I did!" Luffy shouted. Hearing his story, Ace and Sabo nodded. "Amnesia, it's good that you remembered how youngot here, but it's still strange that you can remember that, but not anything else." Ace said.

"You're right, I can't seem to remember my name, or where I was before I got here, maybe it will come back after some time. By the way, what is a Devil's Fruit?" the boy asked.

"Simply put, it's a special kind of incredibly rare fruit that grants the person that eats it, a strong and unique person. In exchange for great power, the eater of a Devil's Fruit lose the ability to swim in seawater."

"I see, since Luffy ate one, what powers did it give him?" the boy asked. Luffy moved back and started spinning his arm incredibly fast, "Let me show you." he said. After spinning it a few dozen times, Luffy punched the air, as his arm stretched at an incredibly length, before ploping onto the ground and bounced off. "Gomu Gomu no Pistol!" he shouted.

Unfortunately, he couldn't control his power very well, making it bounce off the ground. There was no resemblance to a pistol at all in his attack. "Hmm, so it turned you into a rubber man?" the boy thought out loud. It was pretty obvious just looking at the way his arm bent and bounced off the ground.

The boy got up and poked Luffy's hand that hadn't been retracted yet, confirming his thoughts. Even though he didn't remember his name, or where he came from, the boy still at least had common knowledge.

When he stood up, his height was pretty decent. It was about Sabo's height, and he seemed sligtly more mature than Luffy, so it was very likely that he was older than Luffy. Since he didn't know his age, it was a good idea to believe that he was around Sabo's age, which was also the same age as Ace.

"Well, since you have nowhere else to go, you can stay with us until you get your memories back. We can also train you, so that you can add to our group at our secret hideout." Ace suggested. Even though they were strangers, he didn't feel too wary of the boy who had washed up on the beach.

He didn't think that he was lying about losing his memories either, after looking into the boy's eyes. "We should give you a name, any ideas?" Sabo suggested. After all, it would be weird to call someone by 'you' when referring to them, since he couldn't remember his name, the boy thought it was a good idea as well.

"How about, Jquio!" Luffy suggested. "Luffy, can you even pronounce the name?" Ace asked, after seeing 'Jquio' written on the sand. Luffy was quiet, after finding that he couldn't pronounce the name he suggested.

"How about Yuopsin?" Ace thought. The name wasn't hard to pronounce, but it was still a little weird. "Then, Gerath?" it was Sabo's turn. But this name was kind of common, so they decided against it as well.

The boy who didn't have a name yet, pondered along with the other three for a good name. Suddenly, a name popped up in his head, "Gjintokki, or Gjin for short." the boy said. Looking over, Ace, Sabo, and Luffy also thought it was a good name.

"Gjin it is, follow us to our secret hideout." Ace nodded, as he lead the way and brought the three children to their hideout.