
Story Suggestions

This is only suggestions. You may make your stories based on what I said. You can credit me if you want to though

Lord_Dio · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

A similar story but not entirely

If you are an anime fan who usually reads these anime fanfictions than you've probably heard of "A Strawberry Hidden In The Leaves" by demigod_patronus.

Their style is a new way that was basically never seen in my time of reading in Webnovel. The style is in a rather First Person POV but it switches every now and then. We are never truly in the MC's perspective but rather as spectators.

This one is basically same idea but different world. This will instead take place in the world known as Percy Jackson and The Olympians. Our MC is a brother to Perseus. A twin would be better off actually. The POV would switch between the many characters that interact with said MC as he fights his way throughout the mythical world.

The MC himself though is aware of what happens and is determined to stop it. Throughout his young life the MC will reveal a little hint each time a event related to the plot would happen. This would make the MC a sort of weirdo in the eyes of others but things will change once the truth of their birth comes.

IDK what happens after that but basically go with the original plot of first series but try to divert away during Giant War.