
Stone Mask the Blood (Strike the blood x Jojo)

Synonym: The young human male has a crush on a young witch but she has to live in the great prison all her life because she is the witch of the void. For a normal human like him saving his crush is nigh impossible but after he discovers the stone mask, he knew that it was the key for to free his crush. Author Note: Well, basically the Mc is the human in strike the blood world who have a crush on Natsuki Minamiya. He is an ordinary human who love history. the story begin 10 years before canon when Natsuki still could go out with her real body and I will add a time skip to the canon. Attention! This story is no harem story! English is not my first language and this is my first time writing. I do not own jojo nor strike the blood. If you find my story likable you can support me: PayPal.Me/OurWifu.

Our_wifu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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20 Chs


"Koyomi chan, how does it go? What did you learn after observing him?", a beautiful woman with silver-blonde hair and dusty blue eyes asked.

"Shirona, it was terrible. He said that I am disgusting. Isn't he the worst? As for what I learned is that he currently controls 2 familiars, he could increase them by sucking a large number of other vampires beast. His 1st beast, The World is a humanoid beast with the ability to stop time for 9 seconds, it also has a strong and fast punch. His 2nd beast, The Hand is also a humanoid beast with the ability to erase anything that contacts its right hand. Its speed is like slightly faster than our sword maiden", Koyomi said to 1 of the 3 saints of Lion King Agency, Shirona Kuraki.

"Hmm... what should we do? For now, let's try to gain the 4th trust as much as possible. Maybe he will become our shield when something bad happens.", Shirona said.

"How about we send him a loli as his bride? You know, he seems interested in the witch of the void.", Koyomi suggests the idea.

"Fumu. great idea.", Shirona agrees to Koyomi's plan.

Little did they know that's hell they're walking into.


"Beez Beez."

In a dark room, DIO slowly answered the phone.

"I am DIO. Speak, don't you dare waste my time."

"Greeting my lord, I'm your faithful follower, Christoph Gardos, the leader of the Black Death Emperor Front."

"Humu. My servant, why did you call me?"

"My lord, our Nalakuvera army is ready. We can command them to attack Itogami island at any time.."

"Good, then why do you still not do it?"

"I just want to confirm our deal, my lord. Please, give us the stone mask first then we will do as you wish."

"Ho? You dare command me, the great DIO?"

"I-I do not dare my lord, I just want to be more useful to you, great lord DIO."

DIO stays silent for a moment.

"You shall have it after you prove your worth. Survive until the sun sets and your desire will be fulfilled.", DIO said and end the call.

'Hm! Stupid, do you think I don't know you plan to betray me? A mere animal dares to dream about evolution!? I'm sorry to say this but only a pure human can evolve! A beast like you is going to die in vain!", DIO thought before his phone rang again.

"I am DIO. Speak, don't you dare waste my time."

"Hello, Mr. DIO. My name is Shirona Kuraki, 1 of the 3 saints of Lion King Agency."

"Hm, nice to know you, so where is the magical prison located?"

"Mr. DIO please don't be hasty, we have sent our sword maiden to be your guide. She should be there at any minute now."


"Sigh... I'm sorry Mr. DIO but this is the only way to find a magical prison."

"I, the great DIO never heard such bullshit before."

The two of them went silent.

"Anyway, we have abided by our promise. Please take care of our girl.", Shirona said and end the call.



"Mr. Christoph, what should we do next?", minion1 asked.

"Tch, we have to wait until the sun sets.", Christoph said, "Anyway, release all Nalakuvera."

"Yes, sir!"



Nalakuvera was shooting at the guard.

Kojou was inspecting the situation with Natsuki.

"Tch, Natsuki chan. Please help Asagi at the enemy ship.", Kojou said and jumped toward Nalakuvera.

"Sigh, that idiot."

When Kojou was close enough to Nalakuvera, it shoot a beam at him.

'Shit, I can't avoid it!'


Sayaka slash at the beam and it got cut in two.

"You must be Kojou Akatsuki, right? I really want to beat you up but it's not the time for that, let's go freeing Yukina."

"You know Himeragi?"

"Yes, we are best friends. My name is Sayaka Kirasaka."

Sayaka then ran at Nalakuvera and slash at it multiple times before jumping to kill it but her sword got blocked by the barrier.

"Kirasaka, fall back!"

Sayaka retreat to Kojou's side.

"Let's do this, Regulus Aurum!"


A strong beam of lightning shot to the ground. Nalakuvera, Sayaka, and Kojou fall into the pit.

"You dumb ass!", Sayaka screamed.

"Hey, I'm sorry but look! Nalakuvera is regenerating itself! Even with Regulus Aurum, it still survives."

"Tch, I-I will let you suck my blood but because it is an emergency okay!? Don't you dare get the wrong idea.", Sayaka said with a huge blush.

"Um... ok?"

Kojou slowly hug Sayaka, when she got hugged she was shaking madly.

"Um, are you okay?", Kojou asked worriedly.

"Just shut up and suck me already!"



A giant bicorn appeared with glowing purple eyes, black-colored skin, purple fire-like mane, and glowing plate-shaped armor floating around its neck.


"Hm, one of the 4th beast vassals? I will go meet him.", Christoph said and walked toward the bicorn.

"Wait! I won't let you!", Yukina said.

Christoph stayed silent and threw a grenade at her.

'Shit! Nagisa chan and Asagi san were behind me!'

Before the grenade explode, a portal was opened and it got teleported into the sea.

"Minamiya sensei!"

"Thank you for swinging that spear, it makes the barrier torn apart so I can teleport on the ships. What're you going to do next? I will escort these two to the hospital.", Natsuki asked.

"I will go to senpai's location, I'm his watcher after all."

"Umu, he may didn't need your help though.", Natsuki nodded and teleported away.

"Eh? Senpai summon a new beast... whose blood did senpai suck?"


"Roar!", Al-Nasl-Minium roar.

"Your beast is something else, let's get this done so I can talk with Yukina.", Sayaka said.

"Alright, go! Al-Nasl-Minium!", Al-Nasl-Minium creates a sound wave making Nalakuvera explode.

"Good!", Kojou said but a second later Al-Nasl-Minium got shot by Nalakuvera.

"Hahaha! With these together with the relic, we beast-men can finally rule the Warlord Dominion!", Christoph said while controlling an army of Nalakuvera.

Christoph commanded the Nalakuvera army to shoot beams at the city.

"You!", Kojou clenched his fist.

"Senpai are you ok?", suddenly Yukina landed beside Kojou.

"Himeragi?", Kojou said.

"Yukina, are you ok? Did you get hurt?", Sayaka asked while hugging Yukina.

"U-um, Sayaka why are you here? And I'm not hurt.", Yukina said with embarrassment.

"That's good to hear.", Kojou said.

"Um, senpai did you and Sayaka do that?", Yukina asked.

"Ah...um...well, it was an emergency.", Kojou said.

"Y-yes! It's an emergency! Yukina please believe me!", Sayaka said.

"Well, this matter can wait. We must deal with these first.", Yukina said and look at the army of Nalakuvera.

"Hahaha! Come on, boy! Let me have more fun! Please try to beat me before the sun sets because if not then that man will come and you all will die! Hahahaha!", Christoph laugh madly.

"Sunset? That means we have 40 minutes. Go wild! Al-Nasl-Minium!", Kojou said.

Al-Nasl-Minium jumped and fall in front of Kojou and creating a sound quake but the group of Nalakuvera create a wall and shoot a beam at Kojou.

"Tch, eat this! Regulus Aurum!", Kojou summons Regulus Aurum and shoots a lightning beam at Nalakuvera.

Some of Nalakuvera got broken but it self-repair.

"If we go on like this then we will get exhausted before the sun sets.", Yukina said.

"Beez Beez."

Suddenly, Kojou's phone rang.

"Asagi, why did you call me?"

"Kojou I'm creating a virus to destroy Nalakuvera, it will be done in 30 minutes."

"Alright, I will delay these guys here. I'm relying on you, Asagi."

"Shut up, baka.", Asagi blush hard.

40 minutes later, the sun has set.

"Hahaha! It seems you are exhausted already and the sun has just set. You lose! Hahaha!", Christoph laugh.

"No, the one who loses is you. Kirasaka, please.", Kojou said.

"I, War Dancer of the High God, as a dancer of the Lion, beseech thee... Enku of the Aurora, Qilin of radiant light, thou who doth rule thunder and the heavens, come clad in raging fire to pierce Hell's monstrous demons!", Sayaka chanted.

Sayaka shot an arrow at the sky, the magic circle was formed and all Nalakuvera were stopped.

"Now! Senpai!", Yukina shouted and attack the commander Nalakuvera.

"Al-Nasl-Minium! Regulus Aurum!"


Commander Nalakuvera was destroyed. Christoph came out of its cockpit.

"Ha...ha...ha...you guys did a good job entertaining me but your defeat is inevitable! That man will come here any moment and the moment he came you all will die! Hahahaha!", Christoph said while bleeding.

"I don't know who you are waiting for but your wicked life ends here!", Yukina slash at Christoph making him lose an arm.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! My arm! How dare you! Just wait! Where are you, my lord!? When will you come here!? Please, come here soon! Please, save this loyal servant of yours!", Christoph screamed.

"How unsightly, even though I don't know who you are waiting for but I can confirm that no one will come to save you!", Kojou punches at his gut.

"Ack! Lo...rd...DIO.", Christoph muttered.

"Did I just hear him say, DIO? Is he related to this event?", Kojou said.

Suddenly the sky was full of dark clouds and there were multiple lightning.

"Eh?", Kojou saw a prison in the middle of the sea but when he blinked, the prison was gone.

"Am I dreaming?", Kojou muttered.

"Senpai what happens?", Yukina asked.

"No, nothing let's destroy these things.", Kojou said and use a virus that Asagi made to destroy all Nalakuvera.

"Let's go back.", Kojou said.

"Yes, senpai.", Yukina smiled.

"Hey, when will you two stop ignoring me!? I will go wherever Yukina goes!", Sayaka said and hugged Yukina.

The three of them go back to their room.


30 minutes before Nalakuveras' were destroyed.

Orio Moe (OC), a sword maiden of Lion King Agency was waiting in front of the witch of the void condo. She has long pink hair with blue eyes. Her body is petite like a 10-year-old child's.

She was looking at the picture of DIO, the one who massacre vampires and humans with no remorse. She is his navigator.


An automatic door opened. DIO walked out of the building toward her.

"Nice weather today.", DIO said to himself.

'Nice weather? Are you joking? There are numerous black clouds in the sky! A storm is approaching and you call it nice weather? Are you insane?', Moe thought.

While Moe was monologuing, DIO walked passed her.

'Wait, he didn't know that I'm his navigator!'

"U-u-umm... mis-...ter...", Moe said quietly.

DIO stopped and glared at her scarily.

"Hiiiiih! I'm sorry! Bu-...t I-I am... your... na...viga...tor...", Moe bent down. She doesn't dare to look at him.

"So you are a member of Lion King?", DIO asked coldly.

"Y-y-yes! I-I'm a s-sword m-maiden, O-Orio Moe."

DIO stayed silent. He slowly approaches Moe, grabs her head, and lifts her in the air.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It's hurt! My head is hurt! Please, don't hurt Moe!", she screamed.

"Tell me, what did your superiors order you?"

"T-they told me to be your navigator, DIO sama.", Moe said while her tears were overflowing like a waterfall.

DIO squeezed her head a little more.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Please stop! What did Moe do wrong!? Why did you do this to me!? It's hurt! Moe's head will explode!", Moe cried.

"Is that really all they tell you?", DIO asked coldly.

"Yes! That's all they told me, I swear! Please don't hurt Moe anymore."

"Hmm...is that so. Monkey, do you know why I hurt you?"


"Because your boss disrespects me. When the boss makes mistake a follower has to take care of their boss's mess. In fact, I really want to kill you but I also need you to be my navigator. If not then you will become a headless corpse the moment you open your mouth."

DIO released her, she fall to the ground.

"Ack! My head!", Moe got up and rub her head when she turn her head to DIO, he inserted a flesh bud into her brain.


"Now, take me to the magical prison."

"Yes, DIO sama.", Moe smiled. Her face was still full of tears but she guide DIO toward the dock.

If you find my story likable you can support me: PayPal.Me/OurWifu.