
Steel Waste

A teenager had just purchased a bundle of all of the new and old Fallout games, Fallout 76 had just been released and he'd been badgered by his friends to play it... As a diligent person he decided that the best way to get acquainted with the series was to play ALL OF THEM! It'd taken him three days to complete Fallout 3, doing most of the side quests and exploring the Capital Wasteland. It'd been an extremely fun experience, even if the graphics were dated at the time... He didn't wait a moment after completing it, immediately putting in the Fallout Newvegas disk into his console... When the exhaustion finally caught up to him. Opening his eyes again and realising he was now a baby had him regretting ever laying hands on the series. Thus begins the story of his adventure through the Mojave wasteland. This is my new Fanfic after finishing https://www.webnovel.com/book/elder-blood-witcher_15882698206325105 The schedule will be at least two a day unless extraneous circumstances hold it up. Join my Discord! : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF If you like my content, want to read ahead, or just want to support my work then I'd appreciate it you visited my Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Nagross

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Par for the course

"What would a bounty hunter know about mechanics?"


"Er, did you forget the vehicle that I own and personally built?" Afton says before pointing at the truck, "Even without taking a close look I can already see some issues, the tires are on their last legs and look ready to give up, the axle looks rusted to hell, which is an achievement in the desert! And don't get me started on the wheel nuts that look ready to fall off." he says, honestly the vehicles look pretty good considering they'd likely been shot at from all angles.

The man's face reddens slightly at the criticism, he wasn't stupid, he knew of the issues but simply didn't have the tool and materials to fix them. Especially considering his leaders didn't want to remove any of the vehicles original parts. For what reason? He had no idea, something about antiquity?

They shake their head and sigh before turning, "Very well... Carry on." and walks away.

Josie's shoulders slump in relief as they leave. "L~ucky, I don't think my record could take another infraction..."

Afton raises a brow, feeling slightly guilty for putting her in such a position in the first place, "What'd you do in the first place?"

She smirks slightly, "Took the truck out to 'test' whether it was working properly... Boss put it down as a joy-ride though, bastard."

"Nice." he mutters, wondering what the NCR's faces would be like seeing their 'valuable' trucks being drifted. "Anyway, you mind if I help you out repairing this thing?"

Josie shrugs, "Captain technically gave you permission so I don't see the harm.

Karl and Boone had just returned from scouting Driver Nephi's base in the Rock Crushing Plant. The soldiers nod at them as they enter Camp McCarren, they had been common faces lately due to them taking up the task of completing the Fiend bounties. Still, the duo had another reason to be here, their friend and pseudo-leader had fallen ill with something.

Both couldn't believe their eyes when Afton dropped to his knees with blood flooding from his mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. They were even in a state of shock the entire time they followed the soldiers who carried Afton to the medical wing.

Fortunately, Karl had kept his faculties enough to remove some rather incriminating items from Afton before they removed his clothing... He'd been asleep for two days now, and neither had any inclination that he'd wake up, so both were just making themselves busy before they lost hope.


This was the main reason both were so surprised when they spotted their supposedly bed-ridden companion laughing with a 'thick' female mechanic while working on the NCR's trucks. Karl and Boone just looked at each other with mirth before marching over, "We're all worried about you kid, then you suddenly get better and start flirting with girls again?" Karl calls out, catching Afton's attention.

Afton's face breaks into a smirk, "Ah, so you did miss me? Well, fret not, your feelings reached me and brought me back to one hundred per cent health!"

"Fuck off." Karl bites back at his sarcasm, "Doc told us you wouldn't be awake for a while, so how're you walking around right now?"

Afton shrugs, "I'm a fast healer." he says, not bothering to try and explain anything to him.

"Hmph, well, atleast you're not dead." he states, walking up and giving a rough spartan handshake. Though, Afton could feel that Karl had slipped something into his grip... It reminded him of how drug dealers would hand off their goods...

They let go and Afton took a glance at what he'd been given, his eyes widening at the sight of his Brother of Steel holotag. Shit! He must've forgotten about it, he is so lucky that Karl managed to snag it before he'd had his clothing stripped. "Thanks for worrying about me." he says and Karl nods knowingly.

"Yeah, yeah. Now, unless you wanna continue flirting with your lady-friend, we've just gotten back from scouting Nephi's place."

Afton shrugs and looks to Josie, "I guess, see you later Josie. Maybe one day I'll let you have a go on Dirt-Bird." he says, causing the woman's eyes to light up.

"I'm looking forward to it." she says before turning her attention to the truck, though, why it looked in better condition than it ever had before she didn't know. Perhaps it was something Afton did?

Afton and his companions walk to an empty military tent and sit down at the table in the middle of it. "I'm happy to hear you guys weren't moping over my potential violent demise." he says semi-sarcastically.

"To be fair Kid, you lost enough blood to kill two men, neither of us expected you to live after that. We were planning to kill Nephi and Cook-Cook in your name though." Karl adds.

Afton waves his hand noncommittally, "It's alright, so, did you learn anything new about Nephi?"

Boone nods, "Guy's a sick bastard, but he knows that he's a target. Sleeps in random intervals to make sure no one could plan around his routine. Always keeps his gold club on him, along with a whole assortment of chems he uses on a semi-regular basis. I think he waits to use the more harmful ones in more dire circumstances..."

"Yeah, guy's strong as a brahmin as well, I've never seen someone cut a man completely in half, bone and all with nothing but a sharpened golf stick. I'll tell you now, staying outta swing distance of that club of his is our best shot of killin' the bastard without dying ourselves." Karl adds.

Afton rubs his face, "Any chance we could snipe him?"

Boone shakes his head, "Guy almost never leaves the Rock Crushing Plant, sends his lackeys for food and other supplies. Only time we've ever seen him leave is when one of their captives tried to escape, guy ran out faster than I've ever seen a man move and pulled them back inside by their hair..." he scowls at the ground, "If I'd been faster, then maybe..."

"Faster or not, Nephi doesn't know we're coming yet so at least we have that advantage. Better than if you'd rushed a shot and missed." Afton says pointedly.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts